
153 total posts displayed
post titledatelabels
There is no 24 hour sun in Antarctica.2025/02/20flat earth
Festivals - shadow of the things to come2025/01/10Christ's Memorial, new covenant, sons of the kingdom
Those Ruining the Earth2024/11/18prophecy, Satan's world
The Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran Ruins, and the Hope of the Promised Messiah2024/08/21Christian, history
Apostate Judaism2024/08/07history
YHWH, Pronunciation of the Name of God2024/06/19God
Preach Christ impaled!2024/04/21Christ's Memorial, Christian, Jesus
Death and Resurrection of Christ2024/04/08Christ's Memorial, Jesus
Nisan 142024/04/05Christ's Memorial
Corona Scamdemic2023/03/01virus scam
Testimony of Dr. Poornima Wagh.2023/02/26virus scam
Exposure of coronavirus by Dr. Poornima Wagh.2023/02/22virus scam
Book of Revelation2022/11/24Revelation
The World of Jewish Mysticism (Kabbalah)2022/09/20Satan's world
Christian Faith2022/07/10Christian
Self-recommendation of religious organizations2022/05/05JW, WT society
The woman who produces the promised seed2022/04/19new covenant, sons of the kingdom
The modern health care system is a "snake oil business".2022/03/05Satan's world, virus scam
The Beginning of Modern Virology2022/03/03virus scam
Infection Phony2022/02/28virus scam
God first or man first?2021/07/30God
First Cause2021/07/28God
What is the World War?2021/07/23Satan's world
Sin and death and salvation2019/08/02Adam and Eve, salvation
The tree of the knowledge of good and bad2019/07/27Adam and Eve, salvation, Tree of knowledge
The story of Adam and Eve2019/07/26Adam and Eve
Ages of serpent and its seed2019/02/07Satan's world
Fake natural disaster 2019/01/11Satan's world
Pseudoscience2019/01/07flat earth
Satellites don't exist2019/01/02flat earth
The Great Crowd in John's Revelation2018/12/12great crowd
Huge System created by Satan2018/12/04Satan's world, WT society
Watch out that nobody misleads YOU2018/09/08flat earth
Heaven and Earth2018/09/08flat earth
Watch out for the leaven of the Watchtower2018/08/18WT society
A generation of the last day2018/07/28Christian, last days, sons of the kingdom
The collapse of falsehood on the last day2018/07/12last days, prophecy, Satan's world
JW's way of Handling child sexual abuse2017/11/22child sexual abuse
November 5/2017 Ex-JWs protest against 'Watchtower'.2017/11/15JW, WT society
Hitler is a Rothschild.2017/06/10Satan's world, Zionism
the execution of a fool2017/04/22Satan
as often as2017/04/14Christ's Memorial
Lord's Supper2017/04/05Christ's Memorial
In front of the kings and rulers2017/03/28Acts of Apostles, Trinity
kings and rulers in Satan's world2017/03/18Satan's world
Our loving God2017/03/17God
Environmental hormones and inner sexual consciousness disorder2017/02/25Satan's world
Hidden Sin in Jehovah's Witnesses2017/02/18child sexual abuse
push it, and try to pull if no use2017/02/18Satan's world
Occult King's Occult World2017/01/08Satan's world, Zionism
The future seen from 20162016/12/27Satan's world
Ice cores2016/11/29Noah's flood
Giant2016/11/28Noah's flood
To the brothers and sisters of Jehovah's Witnesses2016/11/26JW, WT society
Make sure of all things!2016/09/23flat earth
Flat Earth with Invisible Dome2016/09/07flat earth
reconsideration of sun's movement2016/02/13flat earth
Biblical earth2016/01/14flat earth
The Earth is Flat!!!2016/01/08flat earth
Development of the Christianity2015/11/20Christianity, sons of the kingdom
The Crazy Decades of the Watchtower society2015/10/09JW, WT society
Blood transfusion2015/08/20JW, WT society
Two witnesses rule 2015/08/10child sexual abuse
Christian Congregation2015/08/04Christian, Christian Congregation, Christianity
The WTS is run by Rabbi2015/06/03JW, WT society
Religious Donation2015/05/30Christian, Christianity, JW, WT society
The WTS, a swindler2015/05/16JW, WT society
Rockefeller's e-mail of NWO2015/05/13Satan's world, WT society
The Kingdom Witnessing Work2015/05/01Kingdom Witnessing, sons of the kingdom
what nobody knows2015/04/28JW, last days, WT society
living stones of God's temple2015/04/24Christian, Christian Congregation
The seven stars in Christ's right hand2015/04/21angel, Revelation
the firstfruits of mankind2015/04/16new covenant, sons of the kingdom
Walk by faith2015/04/15Christian, sons of the kingdom
The lies deceiving the people in the world.2015/04/08Satan's world
Disunity In Christianity2015/03/27Christianity, JW
Worthless Fruits of the WTS2015/03/24JW, WT society
The WTS' secret society connection2015/03/02WT society
Doomsday Prophecy for 20152015/02/23prophecy, Satan's world
Dismantling Watch Tower2014/12/30JW, WT society
A review of 20142014/12/26JW, prophecy
N.H. Knorr's UN prediction2014/11/24JW
Counted JW Great Crowd2014/11/23great crowd
Legalism2014/11/20Christian, JW, WT society
The New Covenant for the Twelve Tribes of Israel2014/11/19new covenant, sons of the kingdom
Women in Christianity2014/11/15Christian, sons of the kingdom
Many are invited, but few are chosen.2014/11/14sons of the kingdom
Born from God2014/11/12baptism, sons of the kingdom
The Christian congregation of the sons of the kingdom2014/11/11Christian, Christian Congregation, sons of the kingdom
UFO Occult connection2014/11/07UFO alien
2nd coming of Christ (parousia)2014/10/04last days, parousia, prophecy
A fake "Last Days"2014/10/02JW, Kingdom Witnessing, last days, prophecy, WT society
God's Kingdom2014/09/14God's Kingdom, salvation, sons of the kingdom
Christ's Millennium Reign2014/09/13God's Kingdom
Watch Out for Their Teaching2014/07/09JW, WT society
What Typhoon Haiyan teachs us2014/04/30JW, WT society
Occult Theocracy, Subliminal Images2014/04/29JW, WT society
appointment of elders2014/04/28JW, WT society
Don't be Deceived2014/04/25Satan's world, WT society
Ransom2014/03/23ransom, salvation
An amazing reality2014/01/27discovery
Should we defend the WatchTower society?2013/10/19WT society
Rhodes Scholarships2013/10/10WT society, Zionism
Population Reduction2013/10/09Satan's world
Preplanned Three World Wars2013/10/08Satan's world, Zionism
Zionist agenda from 1871 to 19172013/10/07Satan's world, WT society, Zionism
The History of Zionism - Illuminati Control System2013/10/06Satan's world, Zionism
Zionist, Watchtower, Nazi2013/10/05WT society, Zionism
Zionist's cover-up2013/10/03Satan's world, Zionism
C.T. Russell is a Zionist2013/10/02WT society, Zionism
Zionism2013/10/01Satan's world, Zionism
Secret Societies2013/09/28Satan's world
I have given all green vegetation for food2013/09/16Noah's flood
Humans Co-Existing With Dinosaurs2013/09/15Noah's flood
Fossil Evidence of Noah's Flood2013/09/13Noah's flood
Hydroplate Theory by Ph.D. Walt Brown2013/09/13Noah's flood
Noah's flood2013/09/11Noah's flood
Lost 10 tribes of Israel & Japnese Culture2013/09/10history
The real Mt. Sinai2013/09/09discovery
New Jerusalem coming down from heaven2013/09/08God's Kingdom, Revelation
Christian Freedom, a radiance of Precious Pearl2013/09/06Christian, sons of the kingdom
Christian Baptism2013/09/05baptism, Christian
God's Organization on earth?2013/09/04WT society
Space Aliens have nothing to do with the story of salvation2013/09/03angel, UFO alien
The process of salvation2013/09/02ransom, salvation
a generation of the last days 2013/09/01last days, prophecy
Matthew chapter 242013/08/31last days, parousia, prophecy
Parousia (a later addition)2013/08/30parousia
Deceptive expression "Parousia" (presence)2013/08/29parousia
The false story2013/08/27UFO alien
UFO phenomena2013/08/25UFO alien
UFO and Aliens2013/08/24UFO alien
The Mind Control by the Mass-Media2013/08/21Satan's world
Mass brainwashing2013/08/17Satan's world, UFO alien
Hollywood2013/08/17Satan's world, Zionism
Revelation chap. 21-222013/08/16God's Kingdom, Revelation, salvation
Revelation chap. 15-182013/08/15Revelation
Revelation chap. 19-202013/08/15Revelation
six hundred and sixty-six2013/08/13Revelation
The number 6662013/08/10Revelation
Revelation chap. 13-142013/08/09Revelation
spirit beings2013/08/08angel
Revelation chap. 122013/08/06Revelation
311 Tsunami & Fukushima disaster2013/08/04Satan's world
God's People in the Babylon the Great2013/08/01Babylon the Great
Revelation chap. 5 -112013/07/26Revelation
Angel2013/07/24angel, Jesus
YHWH God never holds back anything good2013/07/24God, Satan
The effect of eating the fruit of knowledge of good and bad2013/07/24Adam and Eve, Tree of knowledge
The Tree of Knowledge2013/07/24Adam and Eve, Tree of knowledge

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About Me

I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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