Testimony of Dr. Poornima Wagh.

2023/02/26 0

virus scam

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The following is an exposé of the reality of virology, microbiology, and medicine conducted by virologist and immunologist Dr. Poornima Wagh in July-August 2022.

Dr. Woog's background

My father is a biochemist and worked in R&D (Research and Development) for 28 years at Pfizer India.

I have worked in my father's laboratory since I was 13 years old and came to the U.S. in April 1991 when I was 18 years old.
My sister and I were used as guinea pigs and experimented on for all kinds of drugs, including Pfizer antibiotics and cold medications.

Both my father's and mother's relatives were scientists and doctors, and I was supposed to be such too, but I went to the US and studied finance and economics with the intention of escaping science. My parents were angry.

I received my BS (bachelorship) in Finance from Salisbury University in Maryland in December 1995 and my phD in Finance and Economics from Fairbanks University in Alaska in May 2000.

I met some people studying bacteriology at Fairbanks University and during my Masters in Finance and Economics, I returned to chemistry and started working in the biology labs there and became a lab tech.

I couldn't stand the Alaskan climate and moved to Southern California in 2005; I lived in Alaska for 10 years from 1995 to 2005.

From 2005-2011, I worked as a Lab Technician and Clinical Lab Scientist in the Microbiology lab at the University of Santa Barbara in California.

From 2016-2019, I worked at the molecular biology lab in Austin Texas.

In December 2016, I completed two doctoral degrees (PhD) in virology and immunology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK.

What we learned from isolation studies

I enrolled at Santa Barbara City College and was employed in the laboratory of Judy Evans Meier, director of the Laboratory of Bacteriology and Cell Biology.

It was the best time of my life. Judy was thoughtful and out-of-the-box person.

She always said, "I have a real problem with virology. For the most part, virology and bacteriology are a bunch of crap."

I said to her, "You are a microbiologist, aren't you?"
She replied, "Yes, but I'm the daughter of a coal miner in Pittsburgh, so I have more common sense than the academics." She encouraged us to always look outside the box.

So I became a lab tech and ended up becoming a lab scientist in her lab. Though I was taking a lot of classes, ended up teaching some of her classes such as microbiology, pathology, cell biology. I just did it part time when Judy wasn't around.

I had enough experimental experience to realize that what I was seeing in the lab was quite different from what was taught in the textbooks.

Virology uses contaminated tissue cultures. In addition to nutrient agar to culture cells, antibiotics and antimycotics are used, as well as bovine calf serum, trypsin, and many enzymes. They use vancomycin, amphotericin B, and penicillin-based antibiotics.

Then they point out the dead zone and call it the zone of inhibition. It is the zone of dead cells in a petri dish.

The cause is the strong antibiotics they use, but they say, "Look, this is cellular degeneration (cytopathy), this is the effect of the bacteria. It's causing disease. It's causing strep throat."

Wrong. It's because of the antibiotics they put in.
This is no longer virology or anything like that. It is credit fraud. Most pathologies are also quite fraudulent.

My eyes were really opened due to seeing the lousy state of the lab and also participating in a project that Judy was working on with other scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2009.

We were looking into the San Joaquin Valley fever, which is a disease that is known to be caused by the spores of the plant. Not sure if people had heard about it, but it was supposedly caused by spores.

It was believed to be caused by spores of a fungus called Cox Diodes emitters. Until now, they have never isolated the spores of this fungus, but it was thought that perhaps the spores caused this disease.

Symptoms involve the lungs: pneumonia, difficulty breathing, loss of sense of smell and taste, fatigue, fever, in short, almost the same symptoms as COVID.

We studied soil samples from a 100-mile radius around Fresno and Bakersfield. The reason is that the patients were concentrated in the areas where the vegetables were grown in large numbers. And it is a very dry place. We did this for two and a half years. We examined soil samples, water samples, and everything else we could find. We also examined lung samples provided by patients to do isolation studies.

Isolation studies are the same as those performed in virology. The same procedures are used, including filtration, centrifugation, microscopy, and Koch's postulates.

And the results found nothing. No spores were found. Nothing was found. Fungal mycelia and fungi are much larger, between 1 and 13 micrometers, than viruses, so they can actually be seen with compound and optical microscopes. Scanning electron microscopy is not necessary.

The result: nothing. No bacterial debris was found. It was merely cellular debris.

So we sent the soil to a toxicologist in Los Angeles for toxicology testing. Over and over again, I think we sent 200 different samples. If there were spores or mycelium, they should have found something, but they found nothing.

So our lab actually examined lung samples. It, too, found nothing. You can't say it was caused by spores because there are none. There were ribosomes, RNA, and DNA, all human RNA DNA. Biochemical analysis found them in the lung fluid, but no fungi at all.

So I reported this to the California Department of Health, and they said, "Oh, no, we know this happens, but sometimes we can't find it."

What do you mean? Without it, you cannot find it. Without it, it is no fungus, so it is not causing the problem.

We looked at a very large number of samples. Over a period of time there would be 200 soil samples and over 75 human samples. And this went on for two and a half years. This was no small thing. During the two and a half years I worked there, we repeated this.

Judy said, "This is probably due to methyl bromide, which they use on strawberries and other crops. I thought so too.

We then tested methyl bromide. We sent it to a toxicology lab in Los Angeles and they told us that the use of methyl bromide had increased by 500%.

Methyl bromide is banned in California, but farmers still use it because it is very effective. They spray strawberries in large quantities. The pesticide gets into the lungs, causing lesions.

That is the final word from the toxicology lab. Methyl bromide particulates spread through the air and enter the human lungs, causing symptoms.

However, most institutes basically say, "I'm not sure. It's kind of inconclusive."

So, Judy with whom I started doing research together, always say. "There's always the problem that even if we actually prove our hypothesis in the lab and send samples, neither the Department of Health nor the academic community will accept them."

After two and a half years of testing, why is it inconclusive? This San Joaquin Valley cold epidemic is caused by something other than pathogens.

As with the above examples, childhood paralysis, Minamata disease, Kanemi oil disease, autism, and all other modern and strange diseases are not caused by pathogens. In the first place, there is no such thing as pathogens. Diseases are caused by environmental pollution, pesticides, chemtrails, food additives, medicines, vaccines, and man-made synthetic chemicals used in household products.

Simulation on a PC far removed from reality (bioinformatics)

Virology and microbiology no longer do any verification of Koch's postulates. They claim to have identified pathogens based on the completely unrelated phenomenon of tissue collapse in tissue culture media contaminated with antibiotics, antifungal agents, and other contaminants, without verifying isolation and infection of the pathogens.

This is not the way pathogens are identified in virology or microbiology textbooks.
The laboratory does not identify pathogens in the correct way, but only deals with imaginary (fictitious) pathogens on the PC.

Most of microbiology, pathology, and virology have become the field of bioinformatics. It is just using algorithms to determine the sequence of a genome that does not exist in reality.

We don't do much in the lab anymore. We don't do the old-fashioned work done in the 1930's and 40's. In short, over the past 30 years, bioinformatics has literally transformed biology completely. Everything is now done on computers. Microbiologists do not work with real things in the lab, they just do computer simulation.

So they "make up" viruses by computer that are far removed from reality and do not exist, and then declare "germ infection" by completely irrelevant and meaningless verification without ever isolating the germ virus.

They add antibiotics, cell fragments from cows, chickens, pigs, and other livestock, and other toxins to the tissue culture medium to cause tissue decay. Using this as evidence of bacteria, they claim to be infected with "streptococci," viruses, etc.

Claiming that bacteria cause disease on the basis of tissue disintegration in tissue culture fluids contaminated with drugs or livestock or fetal cells is nonsense that has nothing to do with identifying pathogens.

About genetic Manipulation

When people talk about gene splicing, they really can't. What they can do is delete the gene.

CRISPR Cas9 is derived from bacteria.

During the penicillin family of antibiotics, many bacteria used an enzyme called beta-lactamase to resist the effects of antibiotics and CRISPR Cas9 technology.

It is the activity of the β-lactamase enzyme that triggers part of Cas9. CRISPR is like a cut, Cas9 is like a paste.

But they do not know how bacteria do it. They do not know at all. Their knowledge is very limited. So here's what I mean. Nature is very elegant and very complex.

We do not know how these mechanisms actually work.

They catch tropical striped mosquitoes and say, "CRISPR-Cas9 made females sterile." But it's hard to do. This is how they wanted to do it with Anopheles mosquito.

They wanted to completely sterilize the Anopheles to prevent the spread of malaria in Africa.

They can't do that! It is impossible. You can try, but it won't work.

As you know, there are other ways in which nature avoids techniques. In other words, scientists do not even know how things work in nature.

To get rid of large numbers of rats, "let's create a self-propagating fungicide." And they claim to have sterilized rats with a non-replicating virus that spreads by contact infection to get rid of rats, but all such talk is bogus. That is not possible.

Because genetic engineering is bogus, the corona vaccine does not contain mRNA or spike protein.

What they put in the corona vaccine are synthetic chemicals like synthetic lipid nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide.

That is all they can do. They do not have the ability to fine tune the organism. They cannot. We have tried and tried. It does not work that way.

How do you hollow out a virus 70-80 nanometers in size and put the manipulative substance in it? A 70-80 nanometer gene gun? What kind of technology are you going to use. In other words, it is ridiculous. There is no such thing as genetic engineering.

In the laboratory, we don't even know how bacterial and fungal mechanisms actually work. Scientists do not know how they function in nature.

So scientists cannot manipulate genes to create pathogens.

Genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, and CRISPR gene editing technology are far from practical, undeveloped, and extremely dangerous technologies.

The cleavage of nucleotides (genes) by CRISPR technology is not precise, unreliable, and may be runaway. DNA expansion technology has not been established, and there is no technology that uses artificial mRNA. These are all exaggerated fakes.

Scientists can only do a limited amount of protein synthesis using parts produced by living organisms.

We can cut or destroy genes, but we cannot synthesize, edit, or expand the genes themselves.

Considering the dangers and harms of Monsanto's genetically modified foods, we can infer the dangers of gene therapy. Scientists are not gods and cannot accurately manipulate genes.

Scientists learn from the natural world God created and marvel at the complexity, precision, and diversity of its mechanisms. A scientist working on the artificial creation of organic compounds said, "Synthetic reactions that are simple in chemical reaction formulas on paper do not go well in a test tube. Reactions that plants and other organisms perform skillfully using enzymes cannot be controlled well when tried artificially in a flask. The power of nature is overwhelming. And judging from the experience of trying to artificially perform even a single chemical reaction would not go well, I am overwhelmed by the power of nature."

Scientists cannot reproduce the complex and stable mechanisms of the natural world that God created.

"Scientists have a God complex." Dr. Wagh says.

Current state of the laboratory

Grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are being used for pointless research.

Even though they know that most of it is nonsense, scientists pander to the phonies for a living.

I think it was someone from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Johns Hopkins. He won the Nobel Prize for extracting a luminescent protein from jellyfish.

He is just playing around, by putting that jellyfish luminescent protein into a nematode that doesn't have it and make it glow.

Scholars and engineers are paid well for such a research that does not serve the needs of the real world.

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows must cling to their lab work for a living even though they know their experiments are pointless! I wasn't the only one who knew lab work was pointless.

Several graduate students asked, "Why are we wasting our time with this crap? What are we really doing?"

I replied, "Get your degree and do something useful with it."

Because everyone needs work to live. Because at some point, the only way to get a better position is to join a lab at some university, work as a slave laborer for four to six years, and get a good recommendation from the chief.

Most graduate students want to become professors and then have cushy jobs just to have their own labs. For this reason, they can't but accept the same pointless slave labor in the lab that other graduate students have gone through.

This has happened over the past 50 or 60 years in almost every institute in the country as well as abroad. It has not been so bad abroad, especially in the UK, but in the US, everyone does it. (i.e., they do ridiculous research and experiments in the lab without saying anything).

As you know, science is a rat race. It really is. If you do as others do, you can get a job, have your own lab, or become the next generation of slave chiefs.

There are few people like Judy Meyer who do not pander to phonies.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I was lucky to work with such person.

I was a firecracker. I disagreed with my father on many points. My father and I used to argue loudly.

Ever since I was a child, I questioned everything. At the dinner table I would argue with my father about science. "I don't think so. I think it's like this." My father replied, "What do you mean by 'this'? It's in the textbooks."

I said, "Textbooks are full of crap. How do you know? Was it tested it? Was this actually tested in the lab?" And I ended up working with people who doubted everything as I did. Judy was one of them.

I was lucky to meet her. After she died of ovarian cancer in 2012, they closed the lab and brought in someone else.

And we had no more jobs. I and three others didn't fit in the lab atmosphere.

We had to find other places where we could work and do things. If you don't get along with your supervisor, it will be impossible for you to work in the lab.

We are called upon to think in the same way. If you are just another idiot, a cog in the wheel, you are not doing science, you are just agreeing (tuning in) without thinking.

About Research Funds

Without funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Institute would have nothing to do. It is not just state and public universities. Even Stanford, a private university, receives 90% of its funding.

Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, Cornell. Cornell is a mix of private and public schools. All of these are funded by the NIH.

Then you have to follow the instructions of the NIH. If you don't do what the NIH says, you won't get the funding. just get fired. Universities often close labs.

The same is true of hospitals.
Hospitals are threatened that they will not pay Medicare if they do not vaccinate the entire population with toxic vaccines.

Many academics and technicians, even though they are aware of the phonies and limitations of genetic engineering, bacteriology, and microbiology, but for the sake of their own livelihood security, they turn a blind eye to the phonies, and silently follow the instructions of the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and others.

Institutes that do not cooperate with the regime's phonies are cut off from funding and ousted from academia.

Nutrition and Health

Disease is not caused by heredity or infectious pathogens. Disease is caused by pollution of land, air, and water; by drugs; by malnutrition; and by the stresses of social life (competition, anxiety, disappointment, anger, etc.).

Industrial waste from factories, chemicals sprayed by chemtrails, chemicals from buildings and household products, chemicals in pharmaceuticals, chemicals in food additives, electromagnetic waves from electrical appliances and cell phone antennas are causing illness. Those chemicals and electromagnetic waves that support the convenience and functionality of modern society are producing more sick people.

Agricultural products produced in large quantities with chemical fertilizers and pesticides may look good, but they are nutritionally deficient and do not fully contribute to human health.

Food nutrition and human health are directly linked, yet modern medical education rarely teaches about nutrition and health. This is because the idea is not that diseases can be cured by "food" but by "medicine. This concept is convenient for the giant corporations of modern society.

Dr. Merritt said that when she was a student, "I don't remember any lectures on nutrition."

Nutrition and Health

Dr. Wagh describes her experience as follows

Here is an example that happened to me. I had a uterine fibroid. And they were quite huge. The size of my fibroid was about 12 cm. And it was an intramural fibroid. It grew in the wall of the uterus. And it actually started at the base - the top of the uterus. And then it spread and became so large that it penetrated the wall.

In other words, the entire uterus was misshapen because it grew all over the place. I tried everything, but what worked was nattokinase and serrapeptase. They are proteolytic enzymes.

I started with 5,000 IU (international units) of vitamin D3, K2 . Then I increased the vitamin D3 to about 25,000 IU. After about a month, I increased it to 50,000 and continued using it for 8 months.

About International Units of Vitamins

After doing this for about a year, I had an ultrasound. My fibroid was about 1 cm in size.

The 12 centimeter was now 1 centimeter, so my GP asked, "What did you do? How did you remove the fibroid?"

I replied, "I did two things. One, I took proteolytic enzymes and very high doses of vitamin D3 and K2. But I also took magnesium, because vitamin D3 requires magnesium and zinc, and boron is good to take with it."

So I was also taking 5 milligrams of boron, which was remarkable. I was charting to see if this experiment would work. The fibroids became very small. The myoma was not partial, literally everything was dead, including the blood vessels.

If you take 50,000 IU of vitamin D3, of course you should increase your vitamin K2 accordingly.

Of course, other cofactors such as zinc and magnesium must also be taken accordingly.

When I said this, my family physician, Dr. Scott Sanders, was blue in the face. He said, "That's not possible. It's probably a mistake."

He then called Sansom Hospital where I had my ultrasound. He asked, "Is Mrs. Wague a patient there, and are you sure the ultrasound results are correct? And they answered, "Yes, sure is."

Dr. Sanders replied, "That's not possible. Why is a 12-centimeter fibroid that used to be so huge is now literally 1.1 centimeters?"

I said, "Dr. Sanders, you are a doctor. I am a scientist. It's vitamin D3. It works wonders."

He said, "You ingested 50,000 (IU)? That's poison, isn't it?" I said, "No, it is not toxic. I'm not dead. I have done all my kidney profiles. Look at me, I'm healthy as a horse. In fact, my numbers are better than before." .

He said, "Well, I don't think so. I think there is something wrong. I think we need to take another look."

The doctors wanted a hysterectomy.

I said, "Look, the fibroids are gone. There is no need to remove the uterus. You don't have to do anything. Maybe you need to inform the patient about this."

There is a paper published in 2019 in the Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine or something in Iranian researchers say that vitamin D3 has a major impact.

They actually did a study, not on mice or anything like that, but on women, and they gave them very high doses of vitamin D3 for a year, a year and a half. And in many of these women, the fibroids shrank significantly, about 60%.

Vitamin D contributes to good health and should be utilized.

Research information that really contributes to health can be censored and withdrawn from the web after a while for various reasons.

Papers withdrawn from the web are placed on "RetractionWatch.com". There, you will find good papers on 5G, the effects of vitamin D3 + K2, etc.

However, it now says "retracted" but only shows the abstract of the paper and nothing else.

Who is regulating the publication of useful papers behind the scenes? It is the American Society for Microbiology (ASM).

I am a paying member of ASM. I immediately wrote to ASM and said I want nothing more to do with you people. I said, "You are very corrupt and of no use to us. As you know, you are destroying scientific progress. You are the reason we are in this mess."

The retracted coronavirus paper was published in January 2020. The moment I read that paper, I actually called them in New Delhi. I sent them an email and said, "I am a virologist and would like to talk to you." They were very open to that because I am also Indian. I talked with them for three hours straight.

First they said, "Do you think this (coronavirus) was created in a lab?"

I said, "No, this is not a biological weapon. I think this is made on a computer. This is the in-silico genome.

And two of them said, "You know, we thought so, too.

The fact that they made this up probably means that they simply compiled a series of gene sequences and submitted them to BLAST (a bioinformatics database).

Virus isolation studies and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

The results of coronavirus isolation studies expose the coronavirus pandemic as a state-sponsored hoax.
In mid-April 2020 I was contacted by the head of the institute. They had received 1,500 corona-positive samples from all over Southern California and needed to perform rigorous testing, including isolation and purification. The institute had received a huge grant of $1.5 million from the NIH for the isolation of this new virus.

The head of the institute wanted me to do virus isolation research. I replied, "I will accept the job if you do virus isolation research the right way, but I refuse to do isolation research using the wrong methods being done in the lab." The principal investigator (PI) was reluctant, but after many back and forths, she reluctantly agreed.

The 20 lab members, led by me as Senior Lab Scientist, began the isolation, purification, characterization, and causal investigation of these 1,500 samples in late April 2020 in a rigorous and scientifically accurate manner, as described in the previous slides.

These studies were ultimately completed in September 2020, as the lab's PI (principal investigator) insisted that they be conducted in three separate berths. After the first attempt, all we found were pieces of decaying human cells. (In virology, cellular debris is referred to as a virus. A virus is a phony made up by virologists.)

The next second trial had the same result. Unsatisfied with the results, the PI suspected that the virus was not found due to cross-contamination or inadequate scientific protocols at the laboratory, and directed us to perform three rounds of testing. She had a strong desire to discover a new type of virus that would be Nobel Prize-worthy, as was the case with the AIDS virus.

After three extensive tests, only human cell debris was found. After all the biochemical analyses, there is nothing close to an intact virus of 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs or even the 'in silico' genome of the SARS COV 2 virus.

We tested Koch's postulate using ferrets (long-haired weasels). One hundred ferrets were injected with this cellular debris, called virus, which was isolated from a corona infected person.

Since a control group is always needed for verification of infection, the other 100 ferrets were injected with saline solution.

Ferrets injected with a corona-positive sample, which is said to have coronavirus, should develop corona symptoms due to the virus, but like the control group injected with saline, they did not develop any. All were energetic and active.

In fact, ferrets injected with isolated and purified SARS COV 2 positive samples (i.e., human cell debris) were doing great. They did not experience symptoms such as fever, runny nose, bilateral pneumonia, or hypoxia (lack of oxygen) as experienced by COVID-positive human subjects.

The only minor side effect was that 10 of the injected ferrets lost hair on their tails, but other than that they are fine. In fact, they were very active, had great appetites, and some gained weight. These are not characteristics of the disease that I am aware of.

These results were then emailed to other universities with viral verification results before reporting to the CDC and NIH. We contacted 100 colleges and universities in the U.S., but only six responded.

Six university laboratories decided and carried out to replicate our study in exactly the same way as we had done it in our laboratory. They spent about a month and a half studying it and found the same thing we did. They were no different. They also found no coronavirus (SARS-COV2), they found no genome, they found nothing!

So seven universities, including ours, contacted the CDC, headed by Robert Redfield, a colleague of Fauci's, and who was appointed by Trump as CDC director.

I called CDC Director Redfield and said, "This is the result of the investigation. After two and a half hours of repeated zoom calls, CDC Director Redfield said, "Call it coronavirus (SARS-COV2). I don't care what you find, just call it coronavirus (SARS-COV2)."

He threatened us saying "If you don't call it coronavirus (SAR-COV2), you will lose your job and never work in the lab again. If you don't cooperate, we'll make sure you never work in the lab again. Your lab will be shut down and you will lose your funding."

We all declined to cooperate with the CDC.

Our group decided to publish the results of this study. We then contacted 21 scientific journals, including Science and Nature. All scientific journals including authoritative journals such as Nature, Science, Plos One and DMJ (Danish Medical Journal) refused to publish.

Our last visit was to the Danish Medical Journal in October 2021. We went to Scandinavia and they are usually very open minded. They initially agreed to publish our study, but later cancelled their provisional approval. I don't know what happened, but perhaps the Danish government put pressure on them. In the end, all scientific journals did not agree to publish the results of the virus isolation study.

We then attempted to ask the CDC to send us a sample that they isolated and purified, so we could test it.

That way, we can investigate causality and actually test Koch's postulates. They did not think our samples were good, so we urged the CDC to send us only one SARS COV2 isolation and purification sample for two months, from June 2020 to early August 2020.

The first response from the CDC was "unable to send". Then they said, "No samples, no records of samples, and so on." And two months later they started hanging up on us.

All email requests to send us samples of SARS COV 2 went unheeded and were completely ignored.

Our lab was then raided by the FBI in late April 2021. All computers, drafts, documents, etc. were confiscated and possibly destroyed. Fortunately, all drafts and documents were saved and backed up. Another laboratory in California that participated in virus isolation study was raided at the same time as ours.

Two members of my lab allegedly committed suicide in August 2021 and early February 2022, which is complete nonsense. I think they were probably erased.

Currently, one of my former lab PhD scientist is trying to publish our research results privately.

Many lives are at risk around the world. These are the dangers posed by vaccines, other dangers, and the dangers of exposing state conspiracies.

People cannot drive or change the state. The state continues to deceive and control the people. If you want to know the truth, you need to know what happened at the beginning of human history.

➡ Ages of serpent and its seed

What's in the Corona Vaccine

Jeff, an analytical chemist, and I have personally tested the vaccine. He has a family and I am not going to reveal his last name. Because I do not want anything to happen to him.

Three Novavax vaccines were tested and they were identical to J&J with no differences.

Same platform. Hydrogel, CpG adjuvant. Sandwich. Lipid nanoparticles, any lipid nanoparticles. For Pfizer, it is PEG. They use pegylated lipid nanoparticles. Modela uses SM-102, which is highly toxic.

They are putting in all kinds of things - crap. Reduced graphene oxide, synthetic lipid nanoparticles, hydrogels and graphene. no mRNA. no mRNA-encoded spike proteins.

Large amounts of heavy metal contamination. Tungsten, osmium and silica. Large amounts of silver and gold particles, nickel and some lead and aluminum.

And all of this is very stable. When you put it into the human body, it ends up in fatty tissue and other places. And it causes problems. It causes irritation and inflammation. That is what causes vascular problems.

And graphene oxide has a very weak positive charge. And all of our bodies, especially the heart and brain, are negatively charged.

It literally short circuits everything. And through the inflammatory process, it short circuits everything and you die.

This is why people suffer from all kinds of ailments such as heart attacks, myocarditis, inflammation, and swelling of the heart. And healthy young people suddenly collapse and die during sports because of reduced graphene oxide.

The corona vaccine contains no mRNA, no spike protein, and no snake venom.

There are 18 scientists around the world, including myself, who are testing the corona vaccine. They are in Malaysia, the Philippines, Russia, India, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, China, and Mexico. (This is Dr. Wague's team, but there are others, including La Quinta Columna in Spain.)

World powers are cracking down on many people in other countries who are speaking out against vaccines.

One of our scientists in Mindanao, Philippines, had his laboratory burned down by the Philippine government.

Vaccines from Sinovac in China, Sputnik-V in Russia, Covishield, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax in India, and Soberana+2 in Cuba are essentially identical.

None of them have mRNA. None of the "mRNA vaccines" have mRNA. None of them have spike proteins. None of the "viral vectors" contain viral vectors.

It contains no genetic or viral material, only reduced graphene oxide, synthetic lipid nanoparticles, a large amount of junk, and a hydrogel platform contaminated with heavy metals.

That's all. It is a "chemical weapon. It is not a "biological weapon" because it is not derived from a living organism.

So far, our group has tested a total of 2,300 vaccines. That's a lot of vaccines. And there has been no difference in the vaccines at all.

What we found is that there are 35 different variations depending on the amount of content.

There are many variations, with some people getting a lower dose of something and others getting a higher dose of something, but the platform is the same.

If a lethal dose of reduced graphene oxide is present, death usually occurs within weeks to months.

So, the response to the vaccine depends on the ratio and quantity of the contents. So far, about 35 different variation have been found.

They are changing the proportions and concentrations of their contents. That's all. All their vaccines are chemically contaminated. They have nothing to do with genetic engineering or non-existent viruses.

Vaccine analyses by chemists at La Quinta Columna show the same thing.

about Vaccine Therapy

In the United States, vaccination began within 10, 12, or 20 years of the Civil War. So in the 1880s and 1890s, they started experimenting with mass vaccination of people.

So how many generations of Americans have been vaccinated? Vaccine damage is passed down from generation to generation. In the first 100-120 years I think it was just vaccine damage, and now we are exposed to electromagnetic radiation from all sources. Radio waves are coming from everywhere, such as electrical appliances and forested antennas. Food is heavily contaminated with pesticides, and water is contaminated with trihalomethanes, fluorine, chlorine, and more.

I think Americans typically get 40 to 100 vaccines in their lifetime. We get boosters like meningococcal and flu vaccines every year. Children are vaccinated with a triple hepatitis vaccine. Why give small babies the hepatitis B vaccine? It's ridiculous. That is what is being done now.

A vaccine that combines chickenpox, measles, mumps, and rubella into a single vaccine is used. The MMR vaccine (measles-mumps-rubella vaccine) contains cells from aborted fetuses.

The payload carrier is always a bacterial plasmid. They have found a way to use the plasmid, but nothing else is known. There are no viral vectors, not even mRNA. According to Dr. Harold Hillman, ribosomes are artifacts. (That is, they are not functional elements of the cell. Therefore, genetics involving mRNA is fake. It must be reconstructed.)

As you know, we are taught that ribosomes are protein factories that make proteins, amino acids, polypeptides, etc. So if it's a hoax and doesn't exist, what exactly does mRNA do?

We are taught that mRNA comes out of the nucleus and tells the ribosomes where in the body to make a particular protein. If the ribosome is a hoax, does mRNA even exist? Have we been fooled at all? This is a serious question, not a joke.

About transposons

I'm going to talk about transposons and Dr. Barbara McClintock. She published her work on transposons in the 1930s-1940s. Do you know when she won the Nobel Prize? It was 1983. During that time, academic research institutions completely ignored her work. They harassed her and spread bad things about her.

If you read the current research on transposons, it is very similar to CRISPR Cas9, which is getting a lot of attention in gene editing.

The body is already performing genome editing internally.

There are short jump genes and long jump genes. However, they remove themselves and actually go to different parts of the body. The reason for this is not yet known.

Much of this is due to adaptation. When an animal has to adapt to a particular situation, a disease or a change in temperature, these tiny transposons move from one part of the body to another, carrying a bunch of genes into the genome itself.

There are also such things as reverse transcriptases. It is called a reverse transposon.

The body already does all of its gene editing internally. So there is no need for, say, Crisper Cas9. In other words, the body actually has internal mechanisms to make the necessary adjustments and take care of itself.

However, transposons are not mentioned at all. To this day, very little research has been done on transposons. They are literally hiding it under the rug.

When I first learned about this, I was fascinated. I was interested in two things, plasmids and transposons. There was very little research being done on them. Very little has been done on what is really needed. These require further research.

These transposons were called proviruses. They called them by many different names. In this way they continued to harass Barbara McClintock for over 30 years.

She (Dr. McClintock) continued her research and said they were not viruses. They are innate functions of our bodies that essentially manage homeostasis and equilibrium within the body.

And she actually made a statement, which was not well received by the scientific community and was literally crucified. She says that reverse transcriptase is part of this whole mechanism.

There is something like reverse transcriptase in our body. It is due to this transposon mechanism. Hence, it is called reverse transposase. It's not actually reverse transcriptase. It is part of this transposon mechanism. And it is this transposon that makes this happen.

The idea that DNA makes RNA, which makes protein, doesn't work. Because it goes in the opposite direction.

Transposons move matter, because they move it from here to there and cut it off there. So take the RNA, move it, cut it here, take the DNA, move it, cut it here. Take the protein and cut it elsewhere.

Exosomes are probably part of this transposon mechanism. Perhaps it is all related. I am not 100% sure, though, as this is new science.

And as for transposons, when I told the professors about the mechanism of transposons, they just said, "We don't need to look into that. Barbara McClintock won the Nobel Prize without any evidence." They called her a heretic of science.

That is the name given to her. Even after she won the Nobel Prize, she was always treated as a bystander. When they do such things we need to investigate transposons.

What exactly is transposon? What is going on? Apparently, 60% of our body's genome is caused by transposons. There is something called an Alu sequence.

We tested our own genome. The Caucasian guy in my lab did not have the Alu sequence. Mexican men in my lab and I had Alu sequences.

A-L-U, it is called the Alu sequence. It is a short sequence of this transposon. And it apparently gives people their skin color.

It is not a genotype. It is essentially a phenotype. The phenotype is altered by changes in this transposon in the body. And we don't even dare to look at it. We just call it genetic sequencing and investigate this and that. Why don't they look to real science?

Lamarck was considered a crank because he did not believe in evolution. He believed in adaptation, not evolution. Adaptation to the environment is actually genetic. Wouldn't it be great if we could change our phenotype simply by spitting out a portion of our genome?

I think exosomes, or transposons, are just changing. They pop out of one part of the genome and into another, and so on. And that may be the cause of the adaptation sequence that Lamarck was talking about. And he was completely brushed aside.

And mainstream science tries to do this with Crisper Cas9, but has not yet succeeded. That's why they won't do anything, because they can't weaponize it.

If they can't weaponize it, they don't pay attention to it. It must be too difficult for them. They don't want to look at it because it can't be weaponized. But the transposon function does exist.

Scientists do not talk about Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, but only about Darwin. This is nonsense.

The "beak" of a Galapagos Island finch will straighten out again when the temperature changes and everything returns to normal. It is the adaptive capacity of the organism. So it is not evolution. The bird did not become a different species.

It (the change in the beak of the finch) was not evolution, but simply an adaptive process. And our bodies have it.

The Evil Plot of the Corona Pandemic

And the parasites running the Corona Pandemic Show probably know a lot of this stuff.

The only thing they do not know is how to manipulate adaptation. They know it exists. Thankfully, they don't know how to do it. If they could manipulate it, we would all be "pooped".

They cannot manipulate genes.

So the next best thing is to try to poison us with tons of chemicals.

It is a cocktail of chemicals. They spread tons of crap and heavy metals around and put them in our food and water. Vaccines are the same.

If it were easy to kill people just by creating man-made viruses and bacteria and spreading them in the air, everyone would be dead by now.

They really wanted airborne hemorrhagic fever, but that didn't happen. They also wanted airborne anthrax, but that didn't happen. Anything is used to kill us unnoticed. But these airborne diseases really can't happen.

They are currently researching insect borne diseases. If they can't get them to inject us with vaccines, they are thinking of getting insects to inject us with this crap.

But as you know, our bodies are built very, very intelligently. Everything in nature is very intelligent. Everything has its place. Competing with God will not change that.

They have tried, but it doesn't work. It's just not possible.

And I have always said that about science. This is the beauty of science. We have no idea how it works.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Many more are still hidden. People get angry when I say that much biology is corrupt. Biology has been destroyed because physics has been destroyed by quantum mechanics. Anything involving quantum is bullshit.

Quantum mechanics, quantum financial systems, quantum computing. It's all bullshit.

Quantum mechanics destroyed physics and it destroyed chemistry. Because chemistry has p-orbital and s-orbital. Then it flowed into biology and completely destroyed it. This is why hard science has been completely hijacked and corrupted. People get very angry when I say this, but this is the truth.

Nikola Tesla states that "the whole world functions at between 6 to 8 hertz. The Schumann resonance of the earth, our brain function, metabolism, all function in this narrow band of 6 to 8 hertz.

"Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. Human cavity wave frequencies resonate between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The alpha waves of the human brain function in this range, and the resonance of the electrical earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system, the brain and the earth itself operate at the same frequency. If we can control the resonance system electronically, we can directly control the entire human mental system." - Nikola Tesla

Even if a world power tried to control people with electromagnetic waves, it would not be able to control 8 billion people and would have to eliminate a significant number to control the rest.

In short, Covid-19 is a split program of depopulation, and those left behind will be controlled. That's the plan. I do not think their plan will work. It will not work that way.

Again, this is common sense from Morality 101. Many of us have not taken the vaccine. We are not going to surrender. A significant number of us have not received vaccines.

Many are waking up. Power is in its last struggle. You might say this is a little too optimistic, but I'm a realist.

Many people are fed up with doctors, universities, and hospitals.

Science and all that shit was brewing under the surface like a volcano. It has now erupted. People can see all the bogus and are waking up fast.

We don't know anything anymore. So we have to figure it out. What are humans, where did we come from?

We did not evolve from monkeys.

I really think we are on the right track and things are turning around. Do not take Jynneos 2000 for monkeypox. Do not touch anything made by Bavarian Nordic. By the way, Bavarian Nordic was the company that made the Ebola vaccine, which disappeared in 2015. And they're back in wicked business again.


Cholera is said to be caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae, but V. cholerae is a pass-through [passive] bacterium and does nothing.

They say that a toxin called toxin B from bacteriophages enters the cholera bacteria through a DNA process and Vibrio cholerae is hijacked and becomes a zombified bacteria, causing cholera. This is utterly ridiculous. This is nonsense to anyone who knows Science 101.

If bacteria are completely hijacked by bacteriophages, then bacteria are not the cause of cholera.

Biologists see bacteriophages as viruses, but they are not. Bacteriophages are not viruses. This is because, according to conventional science, bacteriophages have two stages. There is a lysogenic cycle and a lytic cycle. When it is in its dormant, lytic stage, it is called a prophage. And when it is active, it is a mild phage.

In virology, viruses do not work that way. So they are knocking down their own theories.

In virology, viruses are always active, taking over, replicating themselves, killing their hosts, and continuing to multiply. So, a bacteriophage with a dormant period is not a virus.

They say that bacteriophages are viruses that attack bacteria. Do you know what bacteriophages are?

Antoine Bechamp was literally saying that bacteria are pleomorphic. They change form. They are somatids. Just as amoebas can become endospores, they can be polymorphic, so they change shape into rod-like, filamentous, etc.

It's endospore. It's dormant form. That is what bacteria is. It changes form in response to conditions, such as changes in temperature. If you look at a scanning electron microscope (SEM), you see bacteriophages that are 40-50 nanometers in size. This is just a bacterium changing shape or becoming something else. It is not a virus attacking a bacterium.

Dr. Royal Rife has observed bacteria under a high magnification optical microscope and has recorded images of viruses emerging from bacteria. But these images are not bacteriophages or viruses. It actually is the image of bacteria transforming into spores and entering dormancy.

Vibrio cholerae is not the cause of cholera. Nor are the bacteriophages that inject toxin B. This is all made up nonsense. Again, nothing has been proven. It has not been proven that this is the cause. There is no verification of Koch's postulate, nothing. It is just nonsense.

In countries with bare sewage systems, such as Africa and India, there are many diseases caused by pollution. Diseases, including cholera, are not caused by bacteria or bogus viruses.

There are many "tannery" factories in India. Many of the chemicals from the leather tanneries end up in the water supply. And they have harmful effects on the body, causing people to have diarrhea, fever, and vomiting! The body is simply reacting to detoxify and excrete the toxins that have entered the body.

Bacteria, bacteriophages, whatever they want to call it, cholera is not caused by them. It is all nonsense.

Legionnaires' disease

So is Legionnaires' disease, which they made up in 1976. At first, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) thought it was a virus, saying it was an Andromeda strain. I was actually reading that paper. It was determined that the toxin likely originated in the ventilation system of a hotel that hosted 6,000 people and only 300 of them became ill.

And they said, "We took that bacterium and injected it into mice." But the bacteria did not infect them.

The bacteria could not cause disease. So the bacteriologist used a fellow daughter's pet as a guinea pig, and after trying different variations, such as putting the bacteria in the pet's pads or growing it on an egg yolk, they finally was able to make the pet sick.

Then they said, "A new bacterium called Legionella pneumophila causes Legionnaires' disease."

No controlled experiment was conducted, just a single guinea pig.

Is this a scientifically correct experiment? And that, this was in microbiology and pathology in 1976.

My point is that everything is "made up". Everything.

Virology makes up coronaviruses, AIDS, and other viruses; microbiology makes up cholera, legionella, and other pathogens.

I am an eyewitness witness at the lab site.
It is a window dressing operation with one truth and 10 phonies.

Diseases arise from toxins (mainly man-made chemical compounds) entering the body, electromagnetic radiation, and social stress (anxiety, anger, disappointment, etc.).

The body reacts immediately to remove the harmful elements that have arisen. The body's natural defenses can cause fever, vomiting, diarrhea, shivering, sneezing, hives, swelling, stiff shoulders, aching joints, sleepiness, cold, and various other reactions. These symptoms are signs that the body has begun detoxification.

It's ridiculous to suppress it with an artificially synthesized hospital medicine.

Disease is not caused by infectious viruses or bacteria. It is caused by the toxins that fill human society.

The human body already has an excellent ability to process toxins that enter the body.

Why I got my PhD in virology

It is because Judy kept saying, "Poornima, you need to look into virology. Virology is a farce."

I was replying, "Judy, I am not going into virology. I don't even like virology. If it's anything like medical microbiology, forget it."

She said, "No, no, go ahead there."

She called Dr. David Dunn of Cambridge University for advice.

He said, "Why doesn't she apply to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine? They only do infectious diseases." He recommended the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

So, I apply there, and once I got accepted there and joined the program, I just kept going. I was already working on many things here (US), but the London School of Hygiene allowed me to actually go there once every three months, work remotely, and do all my lab work there.

You can also do field research. I did field research in parts of Rwanda and Tanzania in Africa for three or four years, a few months at a time. We actually did field research. In Africa, field research is done better than in the United States.

Because they actually collect samples. They do it the old-fashioned way. We take them to the lab, test them, and do everything. So we actually did a lot of those things.

Finally, in 2016, I received my PhD in Virology and Immunology. It was like swallowing a crown of thorns because I only got along with one professor. I was constantly arguing with everyone else and it was a real "nightmare".

In fact, my thesis was not on virology, but, believe it or not, on malaria. This was because malaria patients were said to have HIV (AIDS virus) co-infection.

"What? What are you talking about, There's nothing called HIV."
I insisted, "There is no HIV (AIDS virus)," so I was not allowed to get a doctorate in that field.

I said, "Fine, you know what? I'm just going to drop out and leave." And then one of these professors who really liked me, he said, "Boy, you, you really are something else. I'll pull some strings and I'll push this through."

Eventually I submitted a paper on the simultaneous transmission of malaria and HIV (AIDS virus). And I basically argued that HIV (AIDS virus) does not exist and wrote that we do not even know if malaria is actually caused by a protozoan species. That is what I have to find out. That was my thesis.

I think people over there don't like me. In England, we have six judges and we do things a little differently.

During the Q&A session at my paper presentation, three people shook their heads and said, "Mrs. Wagh, are you serious? Are you really a scientist? This must be a joke. Why are you here?"

They didn't like the way I was doing it. They didn't like the fact that I was questioning HIV (AIDS virus). And they were totally shocked.

"What kind of student would do this? If you are questioning the consensus, why are you here? We've already proven that HIV (the AIDS virus) exists."

I said, "listen, if I fail and I don't get my thesis through out, I'll go my merry way. You know, that's fine."

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About Me

I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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