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The 12 Apostate Tribes of Israel
The history of the mono-ethnic Japanese people, who speak Japanese, has been adversely affected by occult mysticism since its beginnings. It is the same way Europe has been influenced by apostate Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah).Japanese and world history are under the negative influence (lies and murder) of a common element (apostate Jews, also apostate Israelis).
The 12 tribes of Israel, descendants of Abraham, repeatedly apostatized from the God of Truth (YHWH) and fell into the devil worship of ancient Babylon, and were exiled by the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Roman empires.
740 BC (8th century B.C.)
The ten tribes of Israel (Reuben, Gad, Ephraim, Issachar, Zebulun, Naphtali, Asher, Dan, Simeon, and Manasseh), with Samaria as their capital, were destroyed and exiled by the Assyrian Empire (Sennacherib) and scattered to various regions.
587 BC (6th century B.C.)
The Jews (Judahites and Benjamites) with Jerusalem as their capital are destroyed and exiled by the Babylonian Empire (Nebuchadnezzar).
537 BC (6th century B.C.)
Liberation of the Jews from Babylon and rebuilding of Jerusalem by Cyrus the Great of the Persian Empire.
2Ch 36:22-23
22 And in the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia, that YHWH's word by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, YHWH roused the spirit of Cyrus the king of Persia, so that he caused a cry to pass through all his kingdom, and also in writing, saying: 23 "This is what Cyrus the king of Persia has said, 'All the kingdoms of the earth YHWH the God of the heavens has given me, and he himself has commissioned me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever there is among YOU of all his people, YHWH his God be with him. So let him go up.'"
29 CE (1st century AD)
Appearance of the Messiah: Jesus Christ begins His activities.
33 CE (1st century AD)
Occult Jews deposed God's Messiah and used the Roman Empire to execute Jesus on a stake.
70 CE (1st century AD)
The destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire and the surviving occult Jews have been scattered throughout the world.
The Emergence of Phony Israelis
740 (8th century)Khazaria, a region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, converted to Judaism and became Ashkenazy Jew, a mixed race of occult Jews who rejected God's Messiah.
The phony Jews of mixed blood with occult Jews around the world are still awaiting the coming of the Messiah. Their long-awaited phony Messiah is said to restore the capital to Jerusalem and rule the whole world from there. This occult ideology is called Zionism.
1666 (17th century)
Sabbatai Zevi, a Sfaradi Jewish rabbi, who calls himself the Messiah and is accepted by occult Jews in Europe and the Middle East.
1744 (18th century)
Mayer Amschel Bauer of Ashkenazy Jew (founder of the Rothschild family) born in Frankfurt, Germany. He later changed his name to Rothschild.
1759 (18th century)
Jacob Frank, Polish Jew and Kabbalah follower, declared himself to be the reincarnation of Szabatai Tzvi. Rothschild became an occult follower of Jacob Frank.
The history that follows is the history of became domination by the followers of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), led by the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds became relatives of European aristocrats and, after ruling Europe, extended their dominance to Asia, Africa, and the United States.
17th-19th centuries
The Rothschilds created the East India Company, which, while calling itself a company, monopolized trade with Asia, overthrew the ruling powers of India, China, and Japan, and became the reigning colonial power. In Africa, they used Cecil Rhodes to control the mineral resources of Africa and also engaged in the slave trade. In the United States, Freemasonry and the Jesuits were used to establish control through presidential assassinations, the Civil War, and the establishment of the Federal Reserve's central bank.
A common characteristic of kings, rulers, and capitalists of all countries is that they are bound by bloodlines for the preservation of power. That is not a normal parent-child relationship. Those in power have many concubines who bear children and use illegitimate children as a political ploy to maintain and strengthen their own power. In this way, European aristocrats, Asian and African kings and influential figures are related to the Illuminati, represented by Rothschild.
The powers of the world are not in the family system established by God, but in the kinship system of the rulers who share the blood of the rulers who have given birth to many concubines. People from ordinary families are not allowed to join the bloodline of their rulers. This blood-dominant polygamy in the ruling class was not created by God. It is Satan's system for the lust for power, and those in power in the world who seek the benefits of Satan's system are Satan worshipers.
Japan and Rothschild
Apostate ancient Israeli Culture
Ancient Japanese history was shaped by the ten apostate tribes of ancient Israel. The Ephraimites, Gadites, and others from Samaria, the capital of ancient Israel, arrived in Japan and established the Yamato Imperial Court. The influx of apostate ancient Israelites continued thereafter. The tribe of Ephraim is the firstborn right of the 12 tribes of apostate Israel.
According to occult Jews, Britain is regarded as a line of David with kingship, while Japan is regarded as a line of Ephraim with the right of the firstborn of the twelve tribes. Ashkenazi Jews (Zionists) are focusing on the Japanese Imperial Family (not Japanese) for world domination (NWO).
740 B.C. (8th century B.C.)
The apostate ancient Israelites, who made Samaria their capital, were conquered and exiled by the Assyrian Empire and migrated via the Silk Road to Japan in the Far East.
7th century B.C. On February 2, 660 B.C., the nation of Japan was founded by Emperor Jinmu.
Apostatizing from the worship of the true God, ancient Israel were Baal worshippers who performed child sacrifices and were followers of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism).
There is a secret organization called Yatagarasu (八咫烏), which is said to have guided Emperor Jinmu to Kashihara (now in central Nara Prefecture) in Yamato. The secret organization used a secret art known as "kabara" (迦波羅)to perform everything from Shinto and Yin-Yang teachings to court rituals, and also took care of all meals, bathing, cleaning, and personal care of the emperor and the princes living in the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
A secret organization called Yatagarasu, which uses a secret art known as "Kabala" , the same pronunciation as the "Kabbalah" of Jewish mysticism, guides the Japanese imperial family. Japanese culture can be described as Israeli apostate culture. Similarities between Japanese and Hebrew and between Shinto and Judaism exist. Japanese culture can be seen as having been shaped by apostate Israelites from ancient Samaria.
Apostate Christians (Freemasons, Jesuits) come to Japan
For a long time, Japan's isolationist policy restricted trade with the rest of the world, but it was still influenced by Freemasons, Jesuits, and others who adhered to the Jewish mysticism of "Kabbalah. To begin with, the founders of the Yamato imperial court were apostate ancient Israelites (tribes of Ephraim, Gad, etc.) who adhered to the same Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah.Prior to Marco Polo's Book of Eastern Discourses (13th century), Freemasons arrived in Japan and began their activities. 10-17th century Freemasons (Knights Templar) came to Japan and left stone monuments all over Japan.
1336-1392 Northern and Southern Imperial Courts period
Power struggles in the Emperor's family. The "Northern Dynasty" Emperor Komyo of Kyoto and the "Southern Dynasty" Emperor Godaigo of Yoshino, Nara stand side by side. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, through the mediation of Ouchi Yoshihiro, whose territory bordered that of the Southern Court, began full-scale negotiations with the Southern Court and concluded the "Peace Treaty of Meitoku," ending a division of the court that lasted for approximately 56 years. Under the "Peace Treaty of Meitoku," Emperor Go-Kameyama of the Southern Dynasty returned from Yoshino to Kyoto, abdicated, and handed over the "Three Sacred Treasures" to Emperor Go-Komatsu of the Northern Dynasty. The Northern and Southern dynasties were unified.
1543 (16th century) Portuguese merchants drifted to Tanegashima and introduced guns.
1549 (16th century)
Francisco de Xavier (Founder of the Jesuit Order) arrives in Japan and begins his activities. The Jesuits are an occult Satanist terrorist organization of the same kind as Freemasonry. Christian missionary activities were ostensible; behind the scenes, they were engaged in slave trading (human trafficking) and arms dealing. In addition, large amounts of "gold" were taken out of the country illegally. The Jesuits worked to colonize the New World. In South America, forced conversions and civil war led to the destruction of the Inca Empire.
After Xavier's arrival in Japan, Spanish and Portuguese ships came to Japan frequently, and from the end of the 15th century to the end of the 16th century, the country entered the Warring States Period due to the sale of guns and cannons by Jesuit missionaries.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi issues a decree banning the Bateren (伴天連). "Bateren" is a corrupted form of the Portuguese word padre, meaning missionary.
Monarch Hideyoshi interrogated Gaspar Coelho, the Portuguese and chief Jesuit missionary in Japan.
- Why are you so eager to turn the Japanese people into Christians?
- Why destroy shrines and temples, persecute monks, and do not try to reconcile with them?
- Why eat cows and horses when they are beneficial to humans?
- Why do the Portuguese buy a large number of Japanese and take them out of the country as slaves?
The Jesuits' procedure for plundering Japan is to send missionaries, followed by merchants, and finally an army to take over the country. Christian feudal lords donated part of their territories to the Jesuits.
Human trafficking by the Jesuits was serious, and many poor Japanese boys and girls were sold as slaves to Westerners for free and cheap. It is thought that the Christian feudal lords were involved in some way, directly or indirectly, in the trade of these Japanese slaves. It is estimated that at least 50,000 boys and girls were sold to the West.
Concerned about the situation, Hideyoshi ordered Coelho to immediately halt the sale of Japanese slaves, telling him to "bring back the Japanese who have already been sold. If that is not possible, then he would buy back only those who could be helped."
Some of the Japanese taken to Europe would have been used to bear the children of powerful men such as Rothschild. Such mixed-race children with Japanese are used for Japanese domination. It is a common practice for territorial governance. Therefore, I believe that there are those with Rothschild blood in the imperial family, politicians, and at the top of the business leaders in Japan.
Since Hideyoshi's decree banning the Bateren did not prohibit trade or the Christian faith itself, most missionaries remained in Kyushu and other areas and continued their missionary activities in a small, unauthorized way.
Portugal and Spain are ruled by the Jesuits, while England is ruled by Freemasons. Both the Jesuits and Freemasons are the same kind of occult secret organization for invasion. Both are actual working units of Illuminati. During the reign of Ieyasu, the Jesuits were shut out of Japan due to the isolationist policy, but Freemasonry entered the country instead. After 219 years of isolation, the Jesuits came back to Japan with the Kurofune (Black steamship of Commodore Perry's Expeditionary Force) and, in collaboration with the Freemasons, initiated the Meiji Restoration (overthrow of Japan) and the subsequent domination of Japan.
1600 (17th century)
William Adams (Freemason), whose Japanese name was Anjin Miura, became a diplomatic advisor to Ieyasu Tokugawa.
1612 Prohibition of Christianity, Edo shogunate bans the Christian Catholic faith.
1613 (17th century)
John Saris (Commander of the British East India Company, Freemasonry) arrives in Hirado, invites the lord of Hirado, Shigenobu Matsuura, to his ship, and presents him with gunpowder, guns, wine, chintz, and other gifts.
He also went to Sunpu with Adams and had an audience with Tokugawa Ieyasu (then Grand Shogun) and Shogun Hidetada in Edo, where he presented telescopes and other items to them, obtained permission to trade, and established a trading post in Nagasaki.
Shimabara Rebellion (instigated by the Jesuits), the same method used to destroy the Inca Empire (civil war).
In order to prevent frequent outbreaks of civil war by the Jesuits, the Edo Shogunate decided to establish a state of seclusion. The Jesuit archives are said to have certain top-secret documents, and the publicly available document states that "the Jesuit missionaries planned to complete the colonization of Japan in one fell swoop by landing their own troops on Japan while having the Japanese Christian lords revolt against them.
1639 The national isolation (Sakoku in Japanese) begins.
17th-19th centuries
The East India Company, led by the British (Rothschild), monopolized trade with the Asian region, expanded into India, China, and Japan, and plotted to overthrow the state.
1823 (19th century) Philipp Franz von Siebold, Freemason, arrives in Japan.
1853 (19th century)
US Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry (a Freemason) came to Japan with the Jesuits expelled by the Shogunate 200 years ago and demanded that the Edo open the country to the outside world. The Jesuits poisoned Emperor Komei, who had opposed the opening of Japan, in 1866 and planned to replace Emperor Meiji with their puppet.
1854 3/3, Perry's reception diplomacy leads to the conclusion of the Treaty of Amity between the U.S. and Japan, the first treaty between the U.S. and Japan.
1856 (19th century)
Townsend Harris (a Freemason), arrives in Japan, first U.S. Consul General in Japan, demands conclusion of Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and the U.S.
1858 Edo Shogunate concludes the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and the U.S., and abolishes the national isolation policy.
1859 (19th century)
Thomas Blake Glover (Rothschild blood line, a Freemason), British Army Intelligence Officer, came to Japan. He was the instigator of the Meiji Restoration (overthrow of the government). Glover Trading Company is a distributor for the Jardine Matheson Trading Company. Glover House is a Freemason Lodge and Glover is the head of Freemasonry in Japan.
— 本物黒酒(水原紫織) (@honest_kuroki) July 15, 2022
1866 12/25, Emperor Komei was assassinated.
Emperor Komei, who was opposed to trade treaties with foreign nations, died suddenly 20 days after attempting to stop foreign invaders by giving the shogunate to Tokugawa Yoshinobu. People around him whisper that he was poisoned. Ernest Satow, a British diplomat, a mixed Rothschild and Japanese descent also said so. Ten months earlier, in March, the Satcho alliance had been formed and a plan to overthrow the shogunate (overthrow the government) was underway. Judging from the circumstantial evidence, the assassination of Emperor Komei and the replacement of the heir to the throne, Prince Mutsuhito, were the work of the Rothschilds (Jesuits and Freemasons).
- Some say that Prince Mutsuhito was killed, while others say that he was protected by Yatagarasu (a secret organization similar to the Freemasons and the Jesuits) and made a covert Emperor.
- There are also theories that the replaced Meiji Emperor was Omuro Toranosuke of the "Southern Dynasty" and that he was the son of a Dutch scholar and a genius at Cambridge University, Mitsukuri Keigo (箕作奎吾).
It is natural to assume that Emperor Meiji, a pawn of Rothschild, is "Mitsukuri Keigo" (箕作奎吾), a graduate of Cambridge University who is fluent in English and indebted to England. Emperor Meiji frequently met directly with foreign dignitaries. In the Sino-Japanese War, the first modern wars Japan faced with a foreign power, which were won with Rothschild capital, Emperor Meiji was directly in charge of war leadership at the Imperial Headquarters.
European aristocrats, bankers, and politicians are related to the Rothschilds and are bound by bloodline. The same is true in Asia, including Japan. There are 13 Illuminati families linked by bloodline, and the "Li" family is the bloodline in Asia. The Rothschilds and the Li family are connected by blood. And the Lee family is connected to the Japanese Imperial family by blood.
The Meiji Restoration is the completion of Rothschild rule in Japan with a revolution by foreigners of Rothschild blood, Japanese of Rothschild blood (Imperial family, influential politicians), and their proxies. Japan's subsequent steps have been in line with the wishes of the Rothschilds (who share blood with the emperor).
The creation of the Bank of Japan, World War I, World War II, and Japan's postwar history have all unfolded according to the Rothschilds' narrative of Japanese domination.. Therefore, Japan, like the Western countries, is just an available gear of the Illuminati elite (which includes the Emperor).
Stalin of the Soviet Union, Hitler of Germany, and Mao Zedong of China are bastard children of the Rothschilds, powerful people entrusted to rule their countries at the will of the Illuminati. In Japan, Nobusuke Kishi and Eisaku Sato are considered to be of Rothschild blood line.
Ernest Satow (1843/6/30-1929/8/26) Japanese name was Ainosuke Sato was Rothschild blood line. His child was Tomisaburo Glover, who was raised as Glover's adopted son. It is said that the children of Ernest Satow's son "Tomisaburo Kuraha" are Nobusuke Kishi and Eisaku Sato. Nobusuke Kishi and Eisaku Sato were both prime ministers of Japan.
Parents and siblings do not resemble each other because of the many interracial marriages and half-siblings by concubines that are unique to those in power. The reason there are so many different theories about the genealogy of those in power is due to a cover-up on the part of those in power. More important than the search for the real lineage is the fact that a cover-up was made. It is a sign of the wickedness of those who hide things.
Ps 26:4-5
4 I have not sat with men of untruth;
And with those who hide what they are I do not come in.
5 I have hated the congregation of evildoers,
And with the wicked ones I do not sit.
Domination of Japan by Freemason Emperors
Since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese emperor has been the head of a British vassal state under Rothschild. In other words, Japan has become an Illuminati (Kabbalah occultist) country, like many Western countries.
The following list of Knights of the Order of the British Garter includes the Emperors Meiji through Heisei Emperors.
List of knights and ladies of the Garter
Search in Japan to identify each emperor. The present Emperor is also a member of the Order of the Knights of Garter, but is not yet included in this roster.
There is no normal parent-child relationship in the imperial family because of the use of adoption, substitution, and swapping. False genealogies are published and the true identity of the emperor is hidden. They are an Illuminati bloodline family group.
Emperor Taisho and Emperor Showa are British Army Marshals.
Field marshal (United Kingdom)
Search in Japan to identify each emperor.
It is written that "The Emperor Showa was stripped of his marshal rank for being an enemy of Great Britain and her allies in both world wars." but the reality is that he has not been removed. According to the British Gazette, Hirohito was a Field Marshal in the British Army during World War II.
The Army List of 1941 also lists Hirohito as a Field-Marshal in the British Army at the time!
The Telegraph BST 26 Mar 2001
Rank with long history in armies across Europe 26 Mar 2001
Since George II created the rank of field marshal in 1736, just 138 men have attained it. They include, curiously, Japan's Emperor Hirohito, who was the 99th appointment and one that proved embarrassing during the 1939-45 war.
It was stated yesterday that the Emperor of Japan is no longer Field-Marshal, nor does he hold any other rank or join in the British Army. He lost his rank as Field-Marshal immediately on the Japanese declaration of war on Great britain. An official A; the War Office said yesterday there was no need for nay direct act of considering to remove his name from the list of Field-Marshals.
Royalty, nobility, and rulers connected by bloodline have no resident card or family register. Genealogical records describing their backgrounds are not available to the public. Resident registration, household registration, and resident registration numbers are their livestock identification numbers.
The Emperor and the Atomic Bomb
Britain, the U.S., and Japan conspired to develop World War II, and each country played its part according to the Illuminati's plot. War is a maneuver by rulers to achieve their hidden evil ends at the expense of their own people.Emperor Showa, a British Field Marshal who played a role in the defeat of the war, obtained a patent for nuclear weapons in World War II and reaped huge profits. The atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were made in Japan and detonated on the ground by the Japanese Army. They were not dropped from the sky by the United States.
Even before World War II, Japan was the world leader in nuclear bomb development and already had the technology to make nuclear bombs. Before the war, Japanese researchers were regular contributors to Nature for nuclear research. Yoshio Nishina, a scientist at RIKEN (Inst. of Physical and Chemical Research), advised the army to develop a uranium bomb and took the lead in the development of the atomic bomb.
1937 April
Yoshio Nishina completed a small cyclotron that produces fast neutrons for nuclear physics and biological research purposes. Niels Bohr also came to see it.
Japan was the first country in the world to conduct nuclear tests.
He published that report in Nature in 1940.
Yoshio Nishina reported to Lieutenant General Takeo Yasuda that if we succeeded in enriching uranium, we could make an atomic bomb. Tojo's cabinet promised an unlimited budget to the Nishina Lab. This is where the "No. 2 Research" (development of the atomic bomb) began in earnest.
During the war, the development of the atomic bomb in Japan was led by the Army and Navy, respectively. The Army initiated what is known as the "No. 2 Research," which was led by Dr. Yoshio Nishina of RIKEN. The Navy began research on a "new type of bomb" using uranium, led by the Arakatsu Laboratory (Bunsaku Arakatsu and Hideki Yukawa) of the Faculty of Science at Kyoto Imperial University. The Nishina Laboratory is said to have attempted to separate the uranium by the "thermal diffusion method" and the Arakatsu Laboratory by the "centrifugal separation method." It is commonly believed that the deteriorating war situation made it difficult to secure a sufficient quantity of uranium minerals from overseas and that Kyoto University was unable to complete the process before the war ended. There were two types of atomic bombs developed by the Army and Navy, and it is possible that they were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
RIKEN succeeds in producing uranium hexafluoride (UF6). U.S. has not succeeded.
The Atlanta Constitution has an article about Japan's successful testing of an actual atomic bomb during World War II!
1939-1940 Nuclear Weapons Production at Uranium Mine in Liaoning Province China.
1939 March Explosion at a gunpowder depot in Kinya, Hirakata, Osaka. The massive explosion at the Kinya Arsenal was considered a ground detonation test of the atomic bomb.
1945 4/7
The mission of Atomic bomb manufacturing facility "Battleship Yamato" was completed and sunk by nuclear explosion to destroy evidence. The "Yamato" was destroyed without being used in combat because it was an atomic bomb production facility, not for combat. The U.S. and Japan confirmed the success of the "Yamato" nuclear explosion test and actually used it in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
1945 7/16
Successful ground detonation test of an atomic bomb at White Sands, New Mexico, USA. The atomic bombs used had a total weight of 240 tons which could not be carried by a B-29.
1945 August
With the atomic bombs in his hands, the emperor ordered the army to detonate the bombs on the ground in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war. The atomic bombs dropped by the enemy nation were his deceptive plan to end the war. Hiroshima bomb on 8/6, Nagasaki bomb on 8/9. Both bombs were made in Japan and detonated on the ground.
1945 8/12 Nuclear explosion test in the waters off Heungnam, Hamhung, Korea
Dr. Nishina's research had already led to the completion of the atomic bomb, but its publication was strictly forbidden.
In a lecture on the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which is steeped in lies, RIKEN's former researcher, physicist Professor Tsuchida, made the following points.
10% enriched uranium can be combined with water to create a nuclear explosion. The Nishina and Takeya bomb was made with 10% enriched uranium and water, and it was this uranium cannon bomb that was used in Hiroshima.
Evidence and testimony of ground detonation
Testimony of Minoru Honda, second lieutenant of 343rd Naval Air Squadron.
Mr. Honda was flying over Hiroshima in a Shiden Kai at the moment the atomic bomb exploded on August 6.
He said that "it's completely different. I haven't seen the Enola Gay, and I don't believe that a bomb was dropped from the air. It exploded from below. Why, I was wondering what exploded..."
Testimony of Van Kirk, former crew member of the B-29 Enola Gay that allegedly dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
He was interviewed by a Japanese TV program investigating B-29 flight paths. His answers reveal that there is something hidden in the story of the atomic bombs used in World War II that no one can detect.
Van Kirk stated the following.
"There were different things said about every thing, some of which are true, some of which are not true. You're looking for, you know, minute details, like what exactly happened, everything that's kind. You're not gonna find it."
As of 1944, only Japan had succeeded in producing uranium hexafluoride (UF6); the United States had not yet done so. Einstein's letter to Roosevelt in 1939 stated that the huge and very heavy US-made atomic bomb could not be carried by aircraft. Also, in the story of the atomic bombing by the B-29, it is said that the bomb dropped was never tested and was used for the first time in Hiroshima. In addition, although the atomic bomb is said to have exploded 600 meters above the ground, there are no photographs or video footage of the parachute drop, nor is there any testimony from anyone who witnessed the drop. The U.S. did not document the first atomic bomb test, the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima, and no photographs or video footage exist.
In Mr. Van Kirk's flight log in the B-29 crew testimonial video above, he lists 08:45 blank, 09:12 IP (in position), 09:15 Bombs-away (atomic bomb dropped), 09:31 MISHIMA. The time the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima was 8:15 a.m., so there is a one-hour discrepancy.
The Patent for the Atomic Bomb and the Emperor
Japan was the first country to successfully detonate an atomic bomb. Moreover, the Japanese atomic bombs were small and practical. The Soviet Union, China, and North Korea, among others, became nuclear powers thanks to Japanese atomic bomb technology. Patent rights also exist for atomic bombs, and the patentee of Japanese-made atomic bombs is the Emperor of Japan. However, the patent for the atomic bomb is not publicly available and is secret.
Under U.S. patent law, patents to which the U.S. has rights or which may threaten the safety of the U.S. are not disclosed, and the U.S. may by treaty permit use of the patent, set the patent's term of validity as long as necessary, and pass the patent on under U.S. control.
Appendix L Consolidated Patent Laws ? March 2021 update
NHK Special "The Sealed Atomic Bomb Report" (Japanese only)
Medical report of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima (NIH National Library of Medicine)
The investigation by the Army Medical Department began on August 8, two days after the atomic bombing, and was followed by a major two-year investigation by a total of 1,300 doctors and scientists from universities and other institutions throughout Japan, led by Professor Masao Tsuzuki of Tokyo Imperial University, a leading expert in radiation medicine. All the reports were translated into English by Japanese and given to the United States, which wanted to know the "effects" of the atomic bombs.
Despite the fact that 20,000 A-bomb survivors underwent thorough investigations, little treatment was provided. This was an investigation of the power of the atomic bombs and their effects on the human body, not a rescue mission. It means that the same thing as the Army's Unit 731, which conducted human experimentation in China, was done using the victims of the atomic bombing. The survey document describes how people who were exposed to radiation died, and provides detailed data on how the radiation was affecting their bodies.
Hiroshi Okita, who was in a unit in Hiroshima and was exposed to the bombing in a barracks one kilometer from the hypocenter, testified that he was examined constantly every day for two months, but received no treatment. He stated, "I hated the inspections, and even though I was frustrated, I had to comply; I was like a guinea pig."
Human experiments were repeated in Hiroshima using the explosion of atomic bomb, as the Army's Unit 731 did in Manchuria to verify the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons. A study was also conducted to determine the extent to which the atomic bombs could kill people in the area. The target population was 17,000 children who had been exposed to the atomic bombing in the city of Hiroshima. It contained data on how many deaths occurred in 70 locations. Fifty of the 132 children at 1.3 km from the hypocenter died; all of 560 at 0.8 km died.
On August 6, a large number of children were sent to work in the school mobilization. The children who were working together in the same area were used as samples to determine the lethal power of the atomic bombs. From the data of over 17,000 children, a graph of mortality curves was created according to distance from the hypocenter. This is the world's first graph that specifically shows how many people are killed or injured by the atomic bombs. Based on these data, the U.S. Air Force calculated how many Hiroshima-type atomic bombs would be needed to attack major Soviet cities. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are treated as extremely important military information. The response of both the U.S. and Japan lacks a humanitarian perspective. The rulers of each country see war as a perfect opportunity for large-scale human experimentation.
Hideo Yamamoto, a member of the Tokyo Imperial University survey team, admited that the survey was not for the A-bomb victims. They conducted a study that had nothing to do with treatment, injecting A-bomb survivors with adrenaline, a drug that raises blood pressure, to see how they responded, compiled the results of 200 autopsies into 14 reports, and required them to "keep detailed diaries" to study the effects of radiation from indirect exposure.
Who is responsible for the war created by the Allies and the Axis powers? It is likely that the ruling Illuminati bloodlines of Japan, Germany, Italy, England, the United States, the Soviet Union, and China used and sacrificed their own people for war and profited from patents on atomic bombs and biological weapons.
Postwar cleanup
1945After the bombing, Nishina's research team and a team from Kyoto Imperial University conducted an atomic bomb damage survey, measured radiation levels in Hiroshima, and reported that uranium-235 A-bomb was used. 9/17, Kyoto Imperial University team 11 people were killed in a mountain tsunami caused by Typhoon Makurazaki that made landfall.
1948 12/23
Army General "Hideki Tojo" was declared a Class A war criminal at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (the so-called Tokyo Trials) and was sentenced to death and executed.
While those involved in the ground detonation of the Japanese atomic bombs were erased and silenced, the new postwar regime was started by those exonerated as war criminals, including the Nishina research team, the scientists of Army Unit 731, Nobusuke Kishi, Emperor Showa.
War is an evil event in which the ruling family of the world (the Illuminati blood group) fatten themselves up at the expense of their livestock (the citizens of each country). It is an act of Baal worship in which followers of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) sacrifice children.
He said the following.
"Err.. this, Err.. Atomic bombs, Err.. was dropped, Err.. Err.. I regret that, but, Err.. This is the kind of war that we were in, so, Err.. I am sorry for the citizens of Hiroshima, but I think it was unavoidable."
The Emperor's Message" collected from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
The Emperor family, which is connected to the Rothschilds bloodline, obtained patent rights to atomic bombs and biological weapons by sacrificing many Japanese in World War II .The rulers who are connected by bloodline of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) followers are families who share blood with one another outside of the family system God has established, and they are those who insult the truth. Their identities and plots are carefully concealed and presented as if the war and the atomic bombings were unavoidable for the sake of the people.
The testimony of whistleblowers and others involved, as well as circumstantial evidence, has exposed the wrongdoing of the rulers, but no one can make things right, nor is it required of us to do so.
The one who judges the hidden things of mankind is God, and God has promised to use Jesus Christ to judge the world.
Ac 18:24-31
24 The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples, 25 neither is he attended to by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all [persons] life and breath and all things. 26 And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men], 27 for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. 28 For by him we have life and move and exist, even as certain ones of the poets among YOU have said, 'For we are also his progeny.'
29 "Seeing, therefore, that we are the progeny of God, we ought not to imagine that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man. 30 True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent. 31 Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead."
It is also man-made in terms of the typhoon's path.
Those who conceal their identities are probably on top-secret missions, just as they were during the atomic bombs.
The weather in Okinawa this year has been rainy from January to July. Typhoon-like gusts of wind and rain on January 11. There were only a few days when it was sunny all day. Invariably, in the morning or at noon, there is a sudden increase in clouds and torrential rain. Since mid-July, there have been 3-4 consecutive days of all-day sunshine, but most holidays and weekends have been rainy. Every day, chemtrails are sprayed early in the morning, evening, and night. Rain, heavy rain, strong winds, etc. can be predicted by observing chemtrails. September has been marked by a series of typhoons.
The U.S. military says they have established weather control technology. Then it should be utilized to prevent typhoons, tornadoes, torrential rains, droughts, etc., but weather control technology is being used as a weapon to create disasters.
The technology behind the weather weaponry includes chemtrails that are sprinkled around the world, HARRP facilities around the world, and many cell phone antennas in cities around the world.
There are elements of the chemtrails, HARRP, cell phone antennas, etc. that have not been made public, so we can expect the same evil concealment of the ruling family as in the past. It is not comfortable to live in a world where vital matters pertaining to people's welfare are hidden. If there is no nefarious ulterior motive, technology and its purpose would be open.
The JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) and the Army are connected. The Army Central Weather Department was transformed into the Meteorological Research Institute of the Japan Meteorological Agency in 1946.
Forcing the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum says pandemics, economic collapse, regional conflicts, war, climate change, and frequent disasters will cause people to scream. They are problems created by them that need to be solved by the NWO they are preparing, and they are manipulating the situation behind the scenes so that people will welcome their solution (NWO).
Once we understand the reality of this world, we will not be mislead by lies. If you want to discern the truth, learn from the Bible how and why a world full of lies and murder began. Truth resides on God's side. The world of lies and murder is done away with by God's Christ (the chief agent of salvation).
1 comment:
atomic bombs are fake
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