Virology Virus Theory Germ Theory debunked What Virus corona
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Enders' virus culture method
In 1954, the American biomedical scientist Jhon Franklin Enders, known as the "father of modern vaccines," won the Nobel Prize for his invention of a virus culture method, which subsequently became the standard for virus culture.The particles known as viruses are extremely small and can only be seen with an electron microscope. Viruses are also considered to be protein-covered DNA or RNA.
Enders' method
Mucus taken from the throats of seven "measles children" is strangely mixed with 2L of milk. Milk is genetic material. The mucus-milk mixture was then centrifuged at 5450 rpm for about 1 hour with 100 オg/ml of penicillin and 50 mg/ml of streptomycin, and the clear supernatant liquid and the sediment resuspended in the mixure were used as separate inocula for different experiments in varying amounts from 0.5 ml to 3.0 ml.
As the very next step, the prepared inoculum was inoculated into cultured cells of "trypsin-treated human and rhesus monkey kidneys".
Bovine amniotic fluid (90%), bovine embryo extract (5%), equine serum (5%), antibiotics, and phenol red, an indicator of cell metabolism, were then added to the culture medium.
In short, Enders mixed his sample with six other substances known to be materials for proteins and genes. We now know that these substances break down into particles that have the size and form of what we call viruses. These six unwanted impurities are milk, human kidney cells, rhesus monkey kidney cells, bovine amniotic fluid, bovine embryo extract, and horse serum.
To this culture medium, Enders' group then added antibiotics known to be toxic to kidney cells, specifically streptomycin. Nowadays, gentamicin and ampheotericin are the most commonly used antibiotics.
Enders and his colleagues observed the brew over a period of days and concluded that the cells in the culture medium showed a characteristic cytopathic effect CPE, that is, healthy, normal-sized cultured cells were transformed into large, disorganized cells with internal holes and cavities, indicating that the virus in the throat swab was destroying the cells in the culture.
Enders argued that this cell degeneration effect was characteristic of dying cells, and that it occurred because the virus in the measles sample had infected and destroyed the cells in culture.
To this day, with few exceptions, all "virus isolations" begin with this flawed culture process.
Furthermore, all genetic analysis of what we call viruses is not done with purely isolated and purified viruses, but with Enders' cell culture method, which contains many unwanted impurities.
Serious Problems in Modern Virology
Today, when virologists analyze the genome of a new virus, they do not isolate the virus from a sick person and determine the sequence of that particular particle. This has been done, without exception, with the totally unreliable Enders cell culture method.They take an unpurified sample from a sick person, run it through tissue culture, and analyze the resulting mixture, not the virus itself.
Once we understand how this works, two questions arise.
- How can we be sure that the cytopathic effect CPE is caused by a virus in a sick person and not the result of starvation and poisoned cell culture?
- How can we be sure that the particles and genetic material in the final culture are not derived from any of the six substances added to the culture that are known to contain proteins, "viruses," or genetic material, but are the result of the propagation of a sick person's virus?
These two questions are the foundation of virology as a whole, but surprisingly, they are never subjected to rigorous testing to answer them.
It is interesting to note that Enders himself was aware of the pitfalls of his experimental methods and stated the following.
「The second pathogen was obtained from a non-inoculated culture of monkey kidney cells. The cellular degeneration induced in the unstained specimen could not be confidently distinguished from the virus obtained from measles.」
In other words, Enders repeated this cell culture experiment and discovered that cell degeneration could occur without adding anything taken from sick people. Then we can no longer be sure that the cellular degeneration is of viral origin in sick people.
This is strong evidence that the cytopathic effect CPE was caused by the culture conditions and not by the viral origin from the measles patients.
In the second half of his 1957 paper, Enders reiterated his central suspicion: "How can we know the origin of the particle we have chosen to call the human measles virus? In this quote, he refers to this issue in relation to vaccines, "There is a potential risk in using cultures of primate cells for the production of vaccines consisting of attenuated viruses because the presence of other potential pathogens in primate tissues cannot be reliably excluded by known means." He writes.
What is clear from Enders' research is that he has no idea whether the particles he claims to be human measles virus actually came from sick people or whether they are the result of the breakdown of one of the sources of genetic material used in cell culture.
In the 1950s, there was no way to distinguish between exogenous pathogenic viruses and the normal particles formed by the degradation of dying cells. 67 years later, with modern analytical equipment, can virologists distinguish between the two?
A May 2020 paper on this issue states that "the similarity between Extracellular Vesicles EV and viruses has caused a great deal of problems in studies focused on the analysis of Extracellular Vesicles EV released during viral infection. To date, however, there is no reliable method that can actually guarantee complete isolation."
Viruses are misidentified extracellular vesicles, or exosomes.
Today, virologists refer to the inevitable breakdown products of dead tissue as "extracellular vesicles" or "exosomes. These particles can be isolated and purified directly from the body fluids of sick people.The concept of "extracellular vesicles" or "exosomes" differs from that of viruses. Viruses are considered external pathogens, but "extracellular vesicles" and "exosomes" are nonpathogenic degradation products of human body tissues and cells. And as of May 2020, virologists admit that they cannot distinguish between them.
There is only one realistic explanation for this. Particles that are considered viruses are actually normal and inevitable cell fragments or parts that result from the destruction of body tissues and cells.
Just as the cultures in Enders' experiment underwent cellular degeneration due to starvation or poisoning, our cellular tissues undergo cellular degeneration due to the same factors. In other words, the cause of the disease is malnutrition or toxicity.
As body tissues undergo cellular degeneration and die, they produce myriad particles (vesicles and exosomes), which are misidentified as pathogenic viruses.
Isolation of coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2)
Isolation of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was made from the first patient diagnosed with COVID-19 in Australia. It was done by Enders' viral culture technique.The researchers added trypsin, a protein-digesting enzyme, to cell culture medium to produce spiked proteins that were photographed under an electron microscope. Protein-coated gene particles are digested by trypsin to form a spike shape coating characteristic of coronaviruses. Spiked proteins are merely the result caused by researchers using the protein-digesting enzyme trypsin.
The problem is that the spike protein is dogmatically determined to be a coronavirus without being able to identify whether it is a pathogenic virus or a fragment or part due to cellular degeneration.
What Stefan Lanka's experiment proved
German virologist Stefan Lanka is testing whether the cytopathic effect CPE phenomenon is caused by pathogenic viruses or by cell culture processes.Cellular degeneration is not proof of a virus.
the First column Normal cells are cultured in normal nutrient medium and a small amount of antibiotics only. Thus, no cytopathic effect CPE was detected on either day 1 or day 5, and the cells continue to grow normally and healthily.
the Second column Normal cells were cultured in normal nutrient medium and a small amount of antibiotics, but this time 10% fetal calf serum was added to enrich the medium. Nevertheless, cells in culture grew normally on both day 1 and day 5.
the Third columnは、The results are shown when the same procedures used in modern isolation experiments of all pathogenic viruses are followed. In other words, by reducing the ratio of fetal calf serum from the usual 10% to 1%, they reduce the nutrients available for cell growth, thereby stressing the cells. No pathogenic virus was added to the culture, yet a characteristic cytopathic effect CPE occurred on day 5 of the experiment.
This result indicates that the cytopathic effect CPE does not originate from the virus, but from the method of culture experiments.
It has been "proven" that the characteristic cytopathic effect CPE occurs in the cell culture medium without the presence of the virus.
the Fourth column This is the same as the third column, except that a solution of pure yeast RNA was added to this culture medium. This result also shows that the cytopathic effect CPE is not caused by the virus but by the culture technique.
The reason for adding yeast RNA is because of a computer process called "alignment," a process that produces a "viral" genome. Alignment is a process that constructs a theoretical genome from fragments of RNA that do not exist anywhere in the actual sample..
This genome does not exist in a person, nor does it exist in the cell culture medium in which it is made, but is the product of a computer sequencing process that sequences short fragments of RNA into an overall "genome".
For this reason, all complete genomes of SARS-CoV-2 are called "in silico" genomes, meaning genomes that exist only in the computer. As long as there are enough of these RNA fragments and a template, the computer can reproduce any genome.
Knowing how alignment works helps us understand what Dr. Lanka's fourth experiment actually showed. Dr. Lanka's cell culture results from the fourth experiment showed that any RNA viral genome can be produced by adding any RNA in the cell culture. However, no actual virus was added or present in this experiment at all, except for the addition of yeast RNA.
At this point, it is clear that the existence of SARS-CoV-2 has never been scientifically proven. Since the existence of this virus has not been proven, we cannot conclude that it causes any disease, has "variants," contains specific proteins, especially the famous spike protein, or has any other characteristics.
PCR test abuse
Turning to the COVID test, if the virus has not been proven to exist, and the principal researchers who came up with the test for the virus admit in writing that they have never handled or possessed the actual virus, then what is the COVID test actually looking for?The following is a quote from a paper by the research group of German virologist Christian Drosten, who came up with the first primer sequences to be used in the RT-PCR test for COVID-19.
The goal was to develop and deploy a robust diagnostic method that could be used in a public health laboratory setting without the need to prepare viral material.
This statement means that Drosten and his group have set the global standard for SARS-CoV-2 testing, but they admit that they did not get the virus itself.
PCR processing is a Nobel Prize-winning technique developed by Dr. Kary Mullis in the 1980s. As Dr. Maris (who died in August 2019) repeatedly pointed out, PCR never functions as a diagnostic test; rather, it is a manufacturing tool used to create endless copies of fragments of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
Dr. Carrie Maris points out that scientists have become slaves to giant capital for a living, rather than pursuing the truth. He also exposed the AIDS hoax and the global warming hoax. He also frequently point out that PCR tests cannot be used to diagnose disease. His claims were inconvenient for "globalists promoting the AIDS, global warming, and corona pandemic scams.
Dr. Carrie Maris died suddenly on 8/7/2019 at the age of 74, just before the corona pandemic began in the fall of 2019 and the world used PCR testing for the corona pandemic. Many scientists, journalists and politicians are being eliminated by the globalists. The world is so evil that citizens cannot remove evil by their own strength.
Kary Mullis, Cancel Culture and Covid 19
In PCR testing, short pieces of DNA called "primers" are used in the PCR process.
The process involves copying or "amplifying" a segment, from one copy to two copies, from two copies to four copies, from four copies to eight copies ...... and so on.
Each copy (amplification) is called a "cycle."
If we start with 3 copies of the segment in question, after 10 cycles we will have 3,072 copies. If you start with 10 pieces, after 10 cycles you will have 10,240 pieces. Obviously, the number of copies to start and the number of cycles to perform will determine the result.(Formula a*2^b, a: number of starts, b: cycles)
In variations of this process, called RT-PCR, the segment in question is not DNA but RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequences. This RNA sequence can then be converted to DNA by reverse transcriptase (RT) and subjected to an amplification cycle.
There are several hurdles to using the PCR process as a diagnostic test (contrary to Dr. Mullis' specifications).
First, of course, if the purpose of the test is to prove the presence of a particular virus in a sample, it is necessary to prove that the "guide sequence" (primer sequence) used, called a primer, is actually derived from the virus in question. This means that the virus must first be isolated and purified, and its entire genome must be decoded. Only then can it be shown that the "primer sequences" used in the test are directly derived from the viral genome.
Furthermore, in order to claim that a PCR test sequence is derived from a particular virus, it must be possible to show that other life forms in the sample (e.g., microorganisms) are not likely to contain the same sequence.
If any of these conditions are not met, PCR testing cannot be used in a clinical setting to detect and diagnose the presence of the virus.
In the case of SARS-CoV-2, the genome of the coronavirus is unknown because the virus has not been properly isolated. Without knowing the genome (the sequence of base pairs that make up the genetic material of a virus), it is impossible to know that a given primer sequence is unique to that virus.
Professor Drosten of Germany, who is promoting PCR testing, admits that they are working from an "in silico" (theoretical) model of the virus and its genome, so they cannot be certain that any of their primer sequences are actually derived from SARS-CoV-2. This admission invalidates the entire PCR test.
Off-Guardian reporter Iain Davis investigated the failure of the Drosten group's primer sequence to prove that it is specific only to SARS- CoV-2.
A BLAST search of Drosten's primer sequences led Davis to more than 90 sequence matches in the human genome and 90 in the microbial world. This means that the primer sequences used in the RT-PCR test to identify "SARS-CoV-2" may be of human or microbial origin (bacteria, fungi, etc.).
Therefore, any claim that these PCR primer sequences are unique to SARS-CoV-2 is false.
For these reasons, PCR tests can be positive for people, plants, animals, minerals, water, and just about anything else.
It is inappropriate to use PCR testing to diagnose disease with "viral load," defined medically as the amount of virus in a standard blood volume.
It seems that the more "viral load" a person has, the more likely they are to get sick (i.e., more genetic breakdown), while those with less "viral load" tend to have less cellular breakdown and are less likely to get sick.
What the PCR test can tell us is not the diagnosis of a specific disease, but whether the patient is in good or poor health. PCR tests cannot tell whether a person's health condition is derived from pathogens, electromagnetic radiation, toxins, other environmental toxins, or human metabolism.
The greatest danger in using the PCR method as a diagnostic test is that the number of cycles determines the percentage of positive and negative results. PCR "tests" performed with 25 or fewer cycles are likely to be negative in almost all cases, and this degree of amplification is unlikely to pick up the primer sequences in question.
On the other hand, if there are more than 40 amplification cycles, almost everyone tests positive because those sequences are present in all humans and all humans have cellular tissue destruction going on all the time.
Any sick person will experience some sort of destruction of cellular tissue as a result of the disease, and when cell degradation results in more genetic material destruction, which is amplified by the PCR process, the result is almost always "positive".
Limitations of Image Processing Technology
Why do people get sick?Are the methods that biologists are using to find the cause of sickness reasonable? The study of the structure and components of the human body is not so easy due to the limitations of the technology to audit living organisms while they are alive.
There is no technology that allows us to see the specific functions of the body's constituent organs (eyes, nose, ears, tongue, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, etc.), tissues and cells that make them up, as they are alive.
Biologists claim that humans are composed of about 188 different tissues. Of these 188, including the liver, heart, ovaries, and eye lenses, about 44 are widely considered to be "syncytium" , and the rest are thought to be composed of cells. A syncytium is a cell-free organ that is a homogeneous structure without internal divisions that can be called a cell, the best known of which is the lens of the eye.
Biologists Gilbert Ling (1919-2019) and Harold Hillman (1930-2016) both point out that biology in the past 100 years has been fraught with problems regarding data capture. Their work is invaluable in understanding the reality that exists in living systems and in distinguishing between what exists and artifacts.
Artifact is the crucial concept that what you see using image processing and interpretation techniques may not reflect the form and activity of that structure as seen in a living, intact organism. In particular, the invention and use of electron microscopy has created an artifact biology that cannot reflect the reality of living things.
Electron microscopy is performed by removing cellular tissue from living tissue. The tissue is then frozen at cryogenic temperatures or immersed in an enzyme bath, stained with heavy metals or toxic dyes, and irradiated with an electron beam, which immediately evaporates all water in the cellular tissue sample. After this, the tissue is examined in a vacuum chamber on a slide.
It is quite ridiculous to claim that such an extremely aggressive procedure has not altered the appearance or function of the cellular tissue in any way. As Hillman used to say, all electron microscope images are artifacts and do not accurately depict actual cell structure.
It is precisely this improper procedure that makes the virus visible. So, in fact, no one has ever seen the virus. All we see are deposits contaminated with heavy metals adhering to some underlying tissue.
Newer freezing techniques are trying to get around this problem, but again, what we are seeing is a frozen version of the particle, and there is still nothing to show what the virus actually looked like in an intact organism.
To do true science, we must have absolute certainty in our premises. In particular, they must be absolutely certain that their survey methods have not altered the survey object.
Even the simple act of anesthetizing an animal may change its biochemistry and tissue composition. What happens when human tissue and cells are mixed in a laboratory, frozen, dehydrated, and stained with heavy metals? Such samples are like debris scraps that cannot accurately represent a living organism.
Ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum
Small circular structures called ribosomes are critical to modern gene theory, and are thought to be where messenger RNA is translated into proteins in the cell. If the ribosome turns out to be an artifact and does not accurately reflect the substance, the entire theory of genetics collapses.Ribosomes can only be seen under the high magnification of an electron microscope and are always perfectly circular, either attached to a snake-like structure called the "endoplasmic reticulum" or floating freely in the cytoplasm, the watery part of the cell that lies outside the nucleus.
However, we must recognize that structures that are always perfectly circular in the two-dimensional image are always spherical in the three-dimensional "life."
To see ribosomes under an electron microscope, the cells must be placed in a homogenization mixer. A structure that is a perfect sphere cannot be cut into perfect circles when put through a mixer. (This violates a fundamental law of spherical geometry.)
In other words, the perfect circles that have appeared in electron micrographs for decades and are depicted in all modern images of cells must be artifacts that do not reflect the reality of the ribosome.
Hillman's conclusion is that ribosomes cannot exist in living cells. He has discussed the history of the ribosome in many of his books, showing step by step that no one has ever proven that such a structure actually exists in the cell.
The round objects appear to be stained gas bubbles that are inevitably generated by the way cellular tissue is processed for electron microscopy.
The endoplasmic reticulum is a long tubular structure that, in an electron microscopic view of the cell, is attached to the underside of the nucleus and cell wall. Like the ribosome, the endoplasmic reticulum can only be seen with an electron microscope and, like the ribosome, is considered an important part of the modern understanding of cell function.
The endoplasmic reticulum was "invented" to solve the problem that biologists faced when they theorized that DNA is contained within a nucleus that is held together by membrane tissue.
"pH" is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration. Direct measurements in living cells have shown that the pH in the cytoplasm is different from that in the nucleus.
This phenomenon can only mean that hydrogen (H+) ions cannot pass freely from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and that the membrane organization of the nucleus acts as a barrier to the free diffusion of hydrogen (H+) ions and other small ions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
This observation raises an obvious question. How can mRNA, which is thousands of times larger than hydrogen ions (H+), pass from the nucleus, where it is produced, to the cytoplasm, where it is translated into protein, but not the much smaller hydrogen ions (H+), and how can the pH of the nucleus and cytoplasm be imbalanced?
Cell biologists thought they had the answer when they saw what appeared to be serpentine lines attached to the nuclear membrane. The answer is as follows. mRNA is transcribed from DNA in the nucleus and exits the nucleus through the tubular endoplasmic reticulum, where it encounters ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, where it can be translated into protein.
Since the exit of the endoplasmic reticulum through which mRNA passes is thousands of times larger than that of hydrogen ions (H+), hydrogen ions (H+) can freely enter and exit the hole and exits of the endoplasmic reticulum, which should result in the same hydrogen ion concentration inside and outside the nucleus, but the reality is not the same.
Cell biologists assume that there must be some sort of one-way door that will be discovered sometime in the future to get around this dilemma.
Besides the exit problem, there is another problem with this theory. Observing living cells under an optical or dark-field microscope, it is easy to see that the nucleus is constantly rotating, sometimes 360 degrees. If the nucleus is anchored to the outer cell wall by a cord like that of the endoplasmic reticulum, such nuclear rotation is impossible.
Again, the simple laws of dynamics indicate that the endoplasmic reticulum, a structure visible only in electron microscope images, is an artifact that does not exist in living cells. The endoplasmic reticulum is probably a precipitate produced by the destructive techniques used to make electron micrographs.
What cell biologists think theoretically is very different when compared to pictures of actual "live" cells! In fact, the only structures visible in living cell photographs are the thin membrane around the cell, the watery cytoplasm, the small black lines (which are known as mitochondria) and the nucleus.
Intracellular structured water
As mentioned above, the cells of our body are organized as a homogeneous tissue (syncytia) or as compartments called cells. Cells are bound together by a monolayer membrane that is likely lipophilic and where intracellular water is thickest or most organized. The cytoplasm is composed of organized, structured, or coherent water. Intracellular water becomes more coherent toward the periphery and less dense toward the central core.Finally, there is the nucleus, which is also bound by a thin, possibly fat-soluble, single-layer membrane. No other organelles (components) are present in the cell. Furthermore, there are no pumps or receptors in the plasma membrane and no inner wall (cristae) in the mitochondria. The basic structure of life is coherent, organized water with amino acids, minerals, proteins, and genetic material embedded in cellular water.
What is the organizing principle that produces this infinitely flexible coherent-water crystal? Mostly it is the sun's energy, light, and the various frequencies, energy forms, wavelengths, sounds, colors, thoughts, feelings, and other environmental emanations that reach us from the outside. In other words, the organizing principle comes from outside the cell, outside the organism.
This simple and powerful recognition is the key to understanding health and disease. It is also the key to returning to our spiritual origins.
Disease Causes and Solutions
People have long been aware of the relationship between water and health. That is the key to finding the cause of the disease.
Someone has found the biology of water.
It is Masaru Emoto (1943-2014), author of "Message from the Water. In 1989, he obtained the exclusive rights to sell MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analyzer) developed in the U.S. in Japan, called it "Wave Motion Analyzer," and became an operator himself, starting a business related to "wave motion."
Emoto was thinking about visualizing invisible information transferred to water, and one day, while reading a book on snow crystals, he came across the sentence, "No two snow crystals are alike," which suddenly sparked an idea. That is, "If we examine the shape of crystals when clear water is frozen, won't the shape reflect the information contained in the water?"
Veda Austin, a water crystal photographer using Emoto's technology
Austin's method is very simple. Place pure water in a shallow petri dish, apply various influences to the water, such as sounds, words, photographs, or your own thoughts, place the water in a freezer at a constant temperature, and after a while, remove the petri dish containing half-frozen water from the freezer and examine and photograph the image formed on the crystal lattice in the water. The crystal lattice of water reflects information from the outside.
For example, she placed a petri dish filled with water on top of a friend's wedding invitation, asked the water to show her the image of the invitation, and after a few minutes, as usual, he took it out of the freezer and there, unmistakably, was a clear image of a wedding ring. Receiving the highly abstract concept of marriage, water immediately reflects an image that conveys the essence of the concept in a clear, brilliant, and novel way.
Its simple and amazing image-forming ability conveys the very role that water plays in biology and in human beings. The role of water is to collect and organize all external influences - chemicals, hormones, wavelengths of light, thoughts, emotions, and resonant frequencies - into a coherent whole. We can see that we ourselves, made up of the water of our body cells, are a coherent whole of external influences.
Proteins are the physical building blocks of any biological structure, and water is the medium used to create this coherent whole. Scientists have discovered that at least 250,000 separate proteins are present in humans. The various proteins include enzymes, hormones, "neurotransmitters," structural proteins such as collagen, and antibodies. These proteins are responsible for all of our life-related activities. They make up our bodies, detoxify them, and make all the reactions in our bodies work properly.
Without these myriad proteins, life could not exist. So where do these proteins come from? What was the catalyst for its formation? Answering these questions reveals the essence of the difference between old and new biology. It also shows the nature of the "COVID" hoax.
Protein Synthesis by Water
Conventional biology taught in schooling says that all proteins are encoded by specific segments of DNA called genes, which are transcribed into mRNA in the nucleus and then somehow transferred from the nucleus to the ribosome, where they are translated into specific proteins that were incorporated into the DNA code, resulting in protein synthesis.However, this idea, called the central dogma of genetics, is now known to be wrong.
Any change in the DNA code, called a mutation, naturally results in protein variation. This mutation process is believed to be the raw material from which natural selection operates. In other words, when an "adaptive" mutation occurs in DNA, the organism obtains a more "effective" protein, and this altered DNA is seen as an advantage to all its descendants.
This is the core principle of conventional biology, and the controlling principle is the genetic sequence found in our DNA.
Based on this principle, the Human Genome Project was initiated, and the main result of this project, which aimed to elucidate the entire human genome, was the shocking realization that the human genome consists of approximately 20,000 to 30,000 genes.
This means that about 200,000 more proteins are made independently of any known genetic sequence, since scientists have already found that at least 250,000 separate proteins exist in humans.
In other words, although the core proteins appear to be encoded, the majority of our proteins are newly created without a genetic blueprint.
This creates the obvious question. Where do these proteins come from?
In an attempt to rescue the theory of genetics and natural selection, scientists hypothesized that an enzyme cuts and splices 20,000 genes together, rearranging them according to some instructions, creating a protein with no code.
But rather than this ad hoc hypothesis, there is a simpler, more realistic explanation that could change everything.
The fact that water made the wedding ring in Veda Austin's experiment tells us that we can make most of our proteins without a genetic blueprint.
Water transcribes ideas, thoughts, intentions, or in more scientific terms, aspects of consciousness. Water, by its living crystalline structure, senses this idea, or aspect of consciousness, and is constantly "collecting" free amino acids dissolved in the cytoplasm, or aqueous syncytium, of the cell.
Without the use of a DNA blueprint, water's ability to convert energy into matter creates new proteins for vital activities. In other words, "health" can be defined as "the ability of the water in the body to freely transform the constantly changing conditions around it into the physical body.
If this translation process is coherent and constructive, a healthy self will exist.
Disease, on the other hand, occurs when this system is disrupted even slightly. If the signals from outside are toxic, destructive, or directly harmful to the body's water cohesion, then health is compromised.
For example, if we are constantly exposed to abusive language, threats, demands, lies, and fear-mongering messages, those external destructive energies will denature the body's water into an incoherent crystalline structure.
Instead of being regularly exposed to the life-giving wavelengths of the sun and the natural world, our modern lifestyles expose us to powerful, pulsing, narrow wavelength bands like Wi-Fi signals and 5G. Normal exposure to simple pulsed high-intensity signals, rather than these various naturally occurring non-pulsed signal wavelengths, is a toxic exposure that destroys the crystalline structure of water in the body. Water has never been exposed to such things before and it is obvious what can happen. Our cells and tissues become disorganized, chaotic, and incoherent, and disease is the inevitable result.
As a specific example of how crystalline water integrity is the key to understanding health and disease, let's look at acute illness. The new biology of water understands that the consistency and structure of our internal water is the basis of life. This coherent water acts like a radio receiver, converting wavelengths from the outside world into proteins that build our bodies and sustain life.
When toxins such as glyphosate, cyanide, arsenic, and deuterium are dissolved in water, the water is distorted and cannot normally receive energy from outside sources and convert it into protein. Our body's natural healing powers dissolve distorted crystals with heat and flush toxins out of cells with mucus. Unfortunately, we incorrectly call this a "disease," but it is not. Fever and mucus are the beginning of recovery of health.
This simple model explains all of the principles underlying every natural healing method ever used. It is the principle of fever therapy, sauna therapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, modern energy therapy, etc. All of these methods are based on restoring the consistency of water in the body through a combination of detoxification and the introduction of natural energies into the human organism.
Modern treatment methods based on false notions about genetics and viruses cannot eliminate the cause of the disease. Instead, drugs, electromagnetic radiation, and fear-mongering theories distort the coherent water in people's bodies and continue to create drug-dependent, chronically ill patients.
Scientists have created an RNA blueprint for synthesizing the toxin, called "spike protein. Currently, we know that this protein is specifically toxic to blood vessels, nerves, lung tissue, and possibly many other tissues.
Do the harmful wavelengths called 5G play a role in creating more disease? Electromagnetic waves have been shown to create disease by interfering with the consistency of water in the body. Then people around the world began to tell stories of viruses and spiked proteins, and "COVID" injections began to be given. The purpose of this injection is to direct the body to synthesize a toxic spike protein using a fixed mRNA sequence. Scientists and world leaders are on a path that is destroying health. It is the path of synthetic biology that leads away from life.
Practical Steps to Ensure Health
Now that we have formed clear, rational, scientific concepts of "what humans are made of" and "how organisms are organized," we can use these principles to avoid disease and cure it if it occurs. The core principle is that all living organisms are made up of organized, coherent, structured water containing a variety of components (minerals, amino acids, proteins). Water in the body is responsible for receiving impulses from the outside world. These impulses include everything from chemicals, hormones, electromagnetic radiation, toxins, thoughts and feelings. The water in your body collects these impulses like a radio collects sound waves, creating the cohesive whole that is you.When the consistency (coherence) of cellular water crystals is disrupted, we become ill. Medicine should only be concerned with protecting and safeguarding this crystalline water within us. This is the essence of all natural healing strategies and systems that have ever existed and is the key to health.
Here are some practical strategies to create health for you and your family.
- Create opportunities to connect with nature. Walk barefoot on the earth, soak up the sun, and spend time in wild places. Walk in the woods, plant trees, spend time with dogs, sheep, cats, cows, chickens, or just watch the birds. As much as possible, try to eat natural products such as wild meat, natural fish, wild mushrooms, and harvesting plants.
- Avoid virtual experiences on the PC as much as possible. Connecting with reality is the best treatment. There is no connection between actually dipping one's feet in a natural forest stream and watching soothing images of the forest. Health comes from the former.
- Eat only real food. Food that has been around since ancient times is real one. In today's industrialized society, processed food flavored with poisons is fake food. You can find people online who make real food.
- Drink only pure water. The best water is water that comes from unpolluted earth. Most communities have springs that have been carefully protected as sacred sites for centuries. Such water is used for drinking and cooking. There is also a simple device that uses the resonant frequency of water to improve its cohesion and vitality. You can find reliable equipment online.
- Ensure that the body gets the minerals it needs in its daily diet. When minerals are deficient, heavy metals are absorbed into the body in a way that compensates for the deficient minerals. Heavy metal poisoning is largely due to a mineral deficient diet rather than exposure to toxic metals. The best way to get enough minerals is to use plenty of mineral-rich natural salt in your cooking. You can find reliable salt online.
- Nourishes mitochondria. The only organelle or structure that can be proven to actually exist in our cells and tissues is the mitochondria. Its role is to produce ATP. However, as commonly believed, ATP has nothing to do with energy production. Rather, ATP binds to the tips of proteins in the cell and serves as the base (nidus) that opens them up and lays down the water crystal structure. Essentially, ATP palys the same role as the heat in the formation of jello. To make Jello, add gelatin protein and water. Initially, nothing happens because the proteins cannot interact with water, but when the mixture is heated, the proteins unfold and interact with water, and when cooled, a gel is formed. Similarly, when ATP attaches to intracellular proteins, the proteins unfold and become scaffolding on which water is laid down. Without ATP, crystalline water cannot form, and therefore life phenomena cannot occur. The main nutrients of mitochondria are red light wavelengths. This wavelength can easily be obtained by spending time in direct sunlight or by using a red light sauna. This sauna offers many benefits, including making it possible to spend at least 20 minutes a day completely blocked from electromagnetic radiation. It would also be best to take a sauna daily to cleanse toxins from the water in the cells.
- Protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic radiation. Various shielding technologies exist that are effective and valuable. You can look this up online as well.
Think about the source of life, learn that life is not the product of chance but the perfect work of God, and trust in the God-given natural healing power of the body to eliminate toxins.
Nature and life, the highest degree of order, do not come about by chance or concepts such as infinite time. It is the wonderful works of the One who is perfect in knowledge. Therefore, there is nothing to add to or remove from the perfect workings of nature and life.
Ec 3:14 14 I have come to know that everything that the [true] God makes, it will prove to be to time indefinite. To it there is nothing to add and from it there is nothing to subtract; but the [true] God himself has made it, that people may be afraid on account of him.
Corona Vaccine and the "Watchtower Society"
Governments around the world that are rapidly moving toward beast worship since 2020 have aligned and are imposing false pandemics, poisoned vaccines, and vaccine passport enslavement policies on their citizens.Huge subsidy bribes are sent from global Jewish capital such as Rothschild and Bill Gates to governments, news organizations, research institutes, and medical institutions. There are those who profit from the corona pandemic.
Medical institutions receive money through the government for corona diagnosis and vaccination, and collaborating doctors receive extra benefits. Doctors who stand for truth lose their jobs. Religious organizations provide vaccine venues and receive financial benefits for cooperating with government policies. Schools, prefectural institutions, and private commercial establishments all benefit financially when they cooperate with the corona pandemic.
The Watchtower Society offers the Bethel facility as a vaccine venue and promotes vaccination. Recently, the governing body, Anthony Morris, boasted on the "Watchtower" TV broadcast that 99% of Bethel families around the world have been vaccinated against corona. He also encouraged Jehovah's Witnesses to get "unsafe, experimental vaccines" by recounting a experience that "At one company, only one Jehovah's Witness employee was vaccinated according to the government mandate, and more than a dozen unvaccinated employees were laid off, and the company hired Jehovah's Witnesses who were receiving the vaccine to fill the gap."
Bribe takers are facilitating a false corona pandemic.
What is happening now is that everyone is being pressured to sympathize with the hoax through threats and bribes.
Lu 12:54-57
54 Then he went on to say also to the crowds: "When YOU see a cloud rising in western parts, at once YOU say, 'A storm is coming,' and it turns out so. 55 And when YOU see that a south wind is blowing, YOU say, 'There will be a heat wave,' and it occurs. 56 Hypocrites, YOU know how to examine the outward appearance of earth and sky, but how is it YOU do not know how to examine this particular time? 57 Why do YOU not judge also for yourselves what is righteous?
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