The modern health care system is a "snake oil business".

2022/03/05 0

Satan's world virus scam

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This is a timeline of the history of the modern health care system beginning in the early 19th century.

Early 19th century Rockefeller's phony business beginnings.

The story begins with William Avery Rockefeller, a snake oil peddler in rural New York State in the early 19th century under the fictional name Dr. Bill Livingston.

Not a doctor or a cancer expert, Mr. Rockefeller called himself "Dr. Livingston" and traveled the country selling "Rock Oil," a "cancer cure" (a useless mixture of laxatives and petroleum that has no effect whatsoever) by tricking people into believing that it would cure cancer. He became known as "Devil Bill.

William Avery Rockefeller Jr. had many children by three different women, one of whom was John D. Rockefeller, who later established "Standard Oil" by Rothschild Capital, and then became the world's first billionaire. The Rockefellers are the agents of the Rothschilds in Europe.

The Ashkenazy Jewish central bank owners, led by the Rothschilds, control all the world's money, and their capital power has created social institutions. They are extraterritorial in any country. European aristocrats and Asian aristocrats, including Japanese aristocrats, do not have family registers. In other words, they are also extraterritorial. There are such extraterritorial people all over the world that make them special. Most of these people are high-ranking Freemasons. They are also known as the Illuminati. They are the world powers commonly referred to as "globalists" and the investors who nurtured the world's industries. So they are the owners of countries, international corporations, international organizations, and social infrastructure. People live in a society created and functioned by their capital and benefit from social life.

The world that the Illuminati globalists are aiming for is called the New World Order (NWO). Western presidents often speak publicly about the New World Order, but so far no Japanese prime minister has spoken about it. Huge investments are being made by the Illuminati globalists' Foundation to make the NWO a reality.

Early 20th century Rockefeller health care system Monopoly begins.

1913 John D. Rockefeller Founded American Cancer Society.

Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company (later split into Mobil, Chevron, Exxon, and others) controlled 90% of the nation's oil refineries. At the same time, the scientific community began a new "petrochemistry," the creation of various new compounds from petroleum. The first products to emerge from petrochemicals were plastics, but organic chemists knew that petroleum had the potential to create more than plastic toys.

Early 1900s Scientists were conducting groundbreaking research to understand the basic mechanisms of life and health. It was also around this time that most of the essential vitamins were discovered, including B1, B2, biotin, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin D. With the identification of these vitamins, science has made great strides, and symptoms that were caused by vitamin deficiency (such as scurvy and rickets) can now be treated with simple vitamin therapy. Of course, scientists also worked on synthesizing these vitamins in the laboratory, and in 1933, vitamin C became the first artificially synthesized vitamin in Switzerland.

Rockefeller saw the possibility of developing vitamins and pharmaceuticals from oil as an opportunity to control and monopolize several industries at once: oil, chemicals, and medicine. Then, he planned and executed the construction of a social system that would earn high profits from patenting, owning, and selling petrochemical products.

There was a major obstacle to Rockefeller's plan. In the early 1900s, naturopathic and herbal remedies were popular in the United States, and nearly half of all medical schools and physicians were practicing holistic medicine successfully, drawing on traditional European and Native American knowledge. To eliminate competitors, Rockefeller used his vast wealth from oil to purchase a portion of the German pharmaceutical company I.G. Farben and proceeded with plans to eliminate competitors.

In the early 1900s in the United States, a wide variety of doctors and treatments existed. Among them were specialists in chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, holistic medicine, and herbal medicine, as well as their educational institutions. Rockefeller used Abraham Flexner to eliminate these competitors and had a report submitted to Congress in 1910. The report concluded that there are too many doctors and medical schools in the United States and that all forms of natural healing that have existed for hundreds of years are unscientific, and called for standardization of medical education and that only the American Medical Association (AMA), monopolistic enterprise, grant medical school licenses in the United States.

It was the beginning of the health care system monopoly by a single health care licensing agency and Rockefeller's strategy for complete control of the health care system. Rockefeller put various pressures on the U.S. Congress to amend the law.

At the time, allopathic medicine primarily consisted of blood sampling, surgery (quite barbaric at the time), and injections of toxic heavy metals (lead and mercury) to "drive out the disease," but the U.S. Congress, under Rockefeller pressure, made this allopathic medicine the standard treatment.

The Rockefellers ensured their monopoly by eliminating traditional medicine from medical schools and launching a smear campaign targeting their competitors. Homeopathy and naturopathy were discredited and demonized through the newspapers and other media of the day. Some doctors were imprisoned for using natural remedies, including treatments that had been used safely and effectively for decades. Within a very short time, all medical schools were standardized. All students were taught the same allopathic system, and medicine came to be defined as the process of prescribing "patented drugs. The idea of "effective medicine for disease" became the idea of American medicine.

Rockefeller did not satisfy only in U.S., he went to China to spread the allopathic system. He was not content to simply wipe out traditional medicine in the United States, he believed that he could profit greatly by exterminating traditional Chinese medicine. Fortunately, his business in China largely failed and the practice of traditional Chinese medicine has been preserved for now.

The Rockefeller Foundation's attempts in China

  • 1914, Rockefeller Foundation established China Medical Board (CMB) to "modernize medical education and improve medical practice in China".
  • 1919, Opened Peking Union Medical College and built a hospital in Beijing

China also has an allopathic system, but it is not as monopolistic as in the Western world.

In the U.S., the acquisition by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation's resources was an outstanding "success". They have crushed underfunded naturopathic medical institutions and created a modern medical allopathic system centered on "surgery," "vaccine injections," and "patented pharmaceutical medicines."

Rockefeller capital bought up U.S. medical educational institutions, licensing agencies, health care administrations, and pharmaceutical companies, so that only allopathic medicine is taught in universities, only doctors who have mastered allopathic medicine are licensed to practice medicine, and only allopathic medicine is practiced in hospitals.

In allopathic medicine treatment, only synthetic pharmaceuticals with patent rights derived from Rockefeller's petroleum are used.

As Rockefeller had schemed, a system was created to control and monopolize several industries at once - oil, chemicals, and medicine - bringing in huge profits for the Rockefeller Foundation.

Instead of learning about the causes of disease, its elimination, and its treatment from multiple angles, physicians studying in the Rockefeller health care system are only learning procedures that use patented pharmaceuticals from drug companies. Therefore, they do not think for themselves and work from multiple angles (try different methods) to cure the disease. They have simply become cogs in one of the modern medical allopathic systems derived from the oil industry and drug prescribers for pharmaceutical companies.

As part of this system, many alternative therapies are considered crimes. For example, it is illegal by law to treat cancer by any method other than chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. In fact, it is considered a felony for a practitioner to treat cancer outside of these three treatment modalities.

Thus, the Rockefeller monopoly on pharmaceuticals and Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine were born. Since then, Big Pharma has become bigger and scarier, now routinely bribing doctors to prescribe drugs with harmful and adverse side effects, not to mention vaccines that cause autism.

The Rockefeller Foundation, the AMA, and Big Pharma are now important parts of the NWO (New World Order).

1913~1945, The world wars that globalists started

1913 The U.S. central bank (FRB Federal Reserve Bank) is established. Rothschild's agent JP Morgan blackmailed then-President Woodrow Wilson to establish FRB, and the U.S. became a slave to Rothschild capital. In another expression, it became a vassal state of Ashkenazi Jews.

1914-1919 World War I by Rothschild capital to crush Christian Russia and turn it into a Jewish communist state.

1918 Spanish flu epidemic. A virus has been blamed as the cause, but this does not explain why the outbreaks occurred simultaneously in various parts of the world at a time when passenger aircraft were not available. All experiments on viral transmission of the Spanish flu at that time failed, so viral infection cannot be demonstrated. Rather, the effects on the human body of electromagnetic radiation from radio and telephone communications, which were in operation worldwide at the time, are suspected. The Spanish flu epidemic also occurred among those vaccinated at the time.

1930s Antibiotics begin to be produced.

1931 Bank of International Settlement (BIS) established with Rothschild capital. Headquartered in Basel -Switzerland, it is the headquarters of the world's financial institutions. Each country's central bank is a member of the BIS Bank. BIS is extraterritorial and exempt from all laws and regulations of the world. The branches of the BIS are the "International Monetary Fund" (IMF) and the "World Bank" of the United Nations. The BIS is the headquarters of all the world's financial institutions, making countries around the world dependent on the Rothschild capital financial system, and no country can exist outside the BIS international financial system. Every country in Africa, the Muslim world, Latin America, and Asia that has attempted to establish and operate an independent financial system other than the BIS system has been crushed by bribery, assassination, revolution, and war. The Bank of Japan is owned by Rothschild. Japan, like the rest of the world, is a slave to the BIS system.

1939-1945 World War II by Rothschild capital to extend Jewish communism to Europe and to establish the Jewish state of Israel in Palestine.

After World War II, some of the I.G. Farben scientists who experimented on humans in Germany and some of the scientists who experimented on humans in the Japanese Army's Unit 731 were exempted from war criminal trials and went to the United States to work on biological weapons development for the US Army. Remnants of Unit 731 of the Japanese Army would continue to exert a powerful influence on the Japanese health care system by being given professorships at various Japanese universities and top positions at government medical institutions.

1944 At the UN Bretton Woods Conference, the "International Monetary Fund" (IMF) and the "World Bank" were formed by Rothschild capital.The world headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are located in Washington, D.C., USA, where they conduct international loan sharking operations. It loans money to countries and take away their national resources. To do so, they dispatch economic hitman, who uses bribery, extortion, and coups d'etat. No country can exist without entering the international loan sharking system of the IMF and World Bank. In effect, the world is a slave to the BIS. With the "Great Reset," the Illuminati globalists aim for a society that converts all currency into digital currency, differentiates people by their social credit, and limits their freedom accordingly. The New World Order (NWO) is said to be a fully Jewish communist controlled society like China, the social experiment country of the NWO.

1945 United Nations established. A vessel of the Illuminati conglomerate established and operated by Rothschild Capital.

1946~1970, Postwar Globalist Medical Domination

1946 7/1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was established. Established and operated by Rockefeller Capital.

1948 4/7 World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations agency, was established and began operations with funds from the Rockefeller Foundation, and financed by Rothschild capital, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

1948 5/14 The Rothschild Zionist movement in Palestine led to the emergence of the State of Israel, and Palestine became the spark for a future world war.

1954 American biomedical scientist John Franklin Enders, known as the "father of modern vaccines," won the Nobel Prize for his invention of the virus culture method, which subsequently became the standard for virus culture. Enders' method is inappropriate because it does not isolate the virus and uses a medium with unwanted impurities. The virus is a scientific deception by the Illuminati power and is used as a tool in the health care system monopoly.

Since the existence of pathogenic viruses is essential to the vaccine business, it was necessary to create a authenticity in the name of science for non-existent pathogenic viruses. So Enders' pseudo-scientific method (bogus) became the world standard for the discovery of pathogenic viruses.

Subsequently, with its bogus methods, we have been taught that hepatitis virus, rotavirus, shingles virus, influenza virus, pneumonia virus, childhood paralysis virus, measles virus, mumps virus, rubella virus, chickenpox virus, mastopathy virus, meningitis virus, rabies virus, cancer virus, AIDS virus, Ebola virus, corona virus and other viruses exist. This is a scientific fraud and propaganda by states all over the world.

Thanks to these non-existent viruses, the oil industry, the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture synthetic drugs and vaccines made from oil, and the medical system based on the viral theory have generated enormous profits and created an unstoppable number of sick people (demand for the medical industry) through bogus medical care.

The phony medical industry derived from the oil industry is not a state-of-the-art technology for the welfare of the people. It is an extremely pernicious scam that thrives at the expense of people's health. It is the same snake oil business sold by William Avery Rockefeller in the early 19th century.

The medical industry is a cunning system that flourishes while undermining people's health with synthetic drugs and vaccines derived from petroleum, i.e., creating demand for itself. Therefore, even if they proudly advertise state-of-the-art medical care, it is impossible to eradicate diseases because the system is based on a lie. So we have a society where the number of sick people continues to grow and more and more people are dependent on the health care industry to survive.

This insidious system of selling products and services while creating demand for oneself is equally present in all industries. This is a deceptive and cunning business practice called planned obsolescence. Many companies are in the business of creating replacement demand by making and selling products that break over a defined period of time.

1964 AZT, a synthetic cancer chemotherapy drug, is produced, but its use is halted due to its extremely high toxicity. It was used as an HIV antiviral drug for AIDS in the 1980s and mass-produced AIDS patients.

1968 April, The club of rome, a think tank of globalists was founded. The headquarters is the "Masonic lodge" in David Rockefeller's villa in Bellagio, Italy. Its members include current and former heads of state around the world, UN bureaucrats, high-ranking politicians, government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, business leaders, and the world's most influential power brokers. It is an organization of Illuminati globalists who use their economic and political power to create and implement international policy.

1969 The antibiotic Bactrim (aka Septra/Septrin) begins to circulate.

1970 Trimethoprim in the antibiotic Bactrim suppresses cellular immune function, and animal studies have demonstrated that this immunosuppressive potency is comparable to that of azathioprine. In addition, it was shown that systemic Candida fungal infections occur after the usual dose and duration of treatment (one of the most frequent AIDS indicator diseases).

U.S. President Nixon declares "War on Cancer" Allocates large sums of money to identify and treat the invisible enemy "cancer virus" and huge sums of money begin to flow back into the Rockefeller oil, pharmaceutical, and medical systems. Political propaganda has made viruses, surgery, vaccines, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and gene therapy the state-of-the-art in fighting disease. The truth is that these are not cures, but rather harmful things that make people sick until they die, so the number of cancer patients has continued to rise, as have many immune disorders. The Rockefeller system of allopathic medicine has lost the "war on cancer," but the Rockefeller oil, pharmaceutical, and medical systems have thrived as the number of sick people has increased.

The disease, caused by the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs used in organ transplants and the collapse of the immune system due to antibiotics such as Bactrim, came to be known as AIDS in the 1980s.

1971s~1980s The Globalists' AIDS Business

1971 Rothschild Capital establishes the World Economic Forum and 33-year-old Klaus Schwab becomes its president. Based in Davos, Switzerland, the conference is held annually. The members of the Davos Congress are world corporations with annual sales of over $5 billion, politicians, media representatives, scientists, and other prominent figures in society (these are the agents of the Illuminati).

1972 The Club of Rome published a report entitled "Limits to Growth" that addresses the issue of overpopulation and discussed the theme of how human population should be reduced to prevent ecological collapse, based on Malthus's philosophy that "population tends to increase faster than the means of supply. According to the Club of Rome, there are so many "useless eaters" who are littering the world, consuming more natural resources than necessary, and polluting rivers, soil, and oceans that the number of "useless eaters" needs to be reduced by at least half to about 2.5 billion people. To achieve this goal, a population reduction plan is underway to sterilize people with food additives, environmental hormones (plastic products), vaccines, and more.

1975 Robert Gallo of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announces the isolation of a "human retrovirus" from leukemia cells. Later retracts the announcement when it is pointed out that the isolation was not pure.

1979 A man named R.C. Christian erects a huge granite monument in Elberton Georgia, with a population of less than 5,000, to deliver a message to humanity. The messages inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones fall into four main areas. 1. governance and the establishment of world government; 2. population and birth control; 3. environment, man's relationship with nature; and 4. spirituality. The first message was, "Coexist forever with Mother Nature and keep humanity under 500 million." and is inscribed in English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

Based on the cost of erecting the Georgia Guidestone and the content of the message, the unidentified client who built the monument is considered an occult globalist with ties to the United Nations and the Club of Rome. The United Nations Earth Charter, created in 1987 by Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong of the United Nations, is similarly inclusive of population control, a one-world government, conservation of the natural environment, and a new spirituality. The United Nations promotes New Age Spirituality to bring all religions together. In the bery beginning, the United Nations was established in 1945 with funds from the Illuminati globalists, and since the United Nations is a vessel for the globalists, they are pushing a population reduction plan under the pretext of natural environment conservation in order to realize their goal of a one world government.

1980 Robert Gallo of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) again announces the isolation of a "human retrovirus. Again, however, the claim is not based on pure isolation, but only on surrogate markers. Laboratory artifacts of human leukemia cells are offered at the AIDS International Symposium as the presence of the virus.

1981 The antibiotic Bactrim/Septra proves to cause substantial DNA damage to human cells even a short time after ingestion.

1981 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), first recognized and reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, and significant funding has been granted to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for AIDS/HIV research.

Fears were stoked that this deadly AIDS virus (HIV) would spread to all humans as one of the sexually transmitted diseases STD, and from 1981 to 2016, over $20 billion dollars was spent on AIDS research based on viral theories to develop toxic anti-viral drugs like AZT.

Through the media and books, almost everyone, including medical professionals, has been taught that AIDS is transmitted by the AIDS virus.

But the fact is that AIDS is not a new disease that emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. The symptoms of AIDS are the same as those of diseases caused by the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs used in organ transplantation and other immune system breakdowns by antibiotics.

1982 Declaring "War on AIDS", the Reagan administration invested the largest amount of money in the history of medicine. President Reagan declared the AIDS virus, which no one has ever discovered, to be "Public Enemy No. 1," and an epidemic without a germ began. the AIDS epidemic is a state-run business.

1983 Two research groups led by Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier have announced that a new variant of retrovirus may be infecting AIDS patients and published their findings in the same issue of Science. Nevertheless, the method they used was Enders' bogus world-standard method, and they made their claims using only surrogate markers, not pure isolation of the virus. Dr. Luc Montagnier, who received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the AIDS virus publicly acknowledge that he didn't isolated the virus purely, saying that "I repeat, we did not purify the viruses." -1977 Pasteur institute interview

The HIV glycoprotein and the HIV DNA sequence are actually lab-generated. Robert Gallo has patented laboratory-synthesized artificial viruses, including DNA sequences of HIV viruses and testing methods. This is certainly not a pathogenic virus.

Dr. Montagnier stated that "AIDS can be cured by diet" because he knew that AIDS is a side effect of immunosuppressive drugs and that there is no such thing as the AIDS virus.

1983 Dr. Cary Maris's PCR test development. Dr. Maris was awarded the Japan International Prize and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for her invention of PCR technology. PCR is a DNA amplification device, a technique that is not intended to identify viruses or diseases, and its use in the diagnosis of corona infection is a highly inappropriate deception. Dr. Maris himself has said so.

Both the AIDS virus in the 1980s and the coronavirus that began in 2020 had no symptoms, and the medical community declare infection and record the number of patients by PCR and antibody tests.

It is said to spread through asymptomatic infection so as to count healthy people as infected.

PCR test magnification can be adjusted to produce false positives or false infections. Antibody testing is an intellectual deception. Because if you have antibodies, you have natural immunity and cannot be said to be newly infected.

Immunology, including viral infection, antigen/antibody response, and autoimmunity, are all bogus theories that do not reflect reality because they are built on the premise of a virus that does not exist! Thus, immunology and cell biology need a total overhaul and restructuring. Protein synthesis by DNA is also bogus, so genetics needs to be overhauled and restructured.

Immunology, cell biology, and genetics are clever fictions created by prominent universities and academic institutions founded by Freemasons, on top of the Freemasonry, Pasteur's fraud.

The world of science has been dominated by Freemasonry since its beginnings. Pythagoras, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Gorton on eugenics, Darwin, Einstein, and other prominent scientists are all Freemasons. They have become prominent in society because they work to deceive people with their bogus science. (You can't fool people without being prominent.)

On the other hand, honest and truthful scientists such as Kikuo Chishima, Royal Raymond Rife, Nikola Tesla, Samuel Birley Rowbotham, Yull Brown, and Joseph Newman have been erased from history.

The world is controlled by the Illuminati globalists in all areas of society.

1984 Robert Gallo announced how to test for HIV antibodies. He patented the antigen test kit.

Dr. Kary Mullis died suddenly on Aug/7, 2019 at the age of 74, just before the coronary pandemic began in the fall of 2019 and the world used PCR testing for the corona pandemic.

Dr. Kary Mullis has exposed the AIDS virus, CFC ozone depletion, and global warming as pseudoscience.

Dr. Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV, was an anti-vaxxer who warned that coronavirus vaccines contained HIV and malaria genes. He died suddenly on Feb/8, 2022 at the age of 89, three weeks after participating in a demonstration against the Corona measure in Italy on Jan/15, 2022. The cause of death has not yet been announced. It means that he died shortly before the AIDS pandemic broke out in people whose immunity had been compromised by multiple doses of the corona vaccine.

Scientists, journalists, and politicians inconvenient to the globalists are being erased. The world is so full of evil that it is impossible for citizens get rid of it.

AIDS is a symptom of immunosuppressive drugs and other drug-induced diseases, not HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection. What they call the HIV virus is merely a fragment of a disintegrating cell.So injecting those cell fragments (HIV virus) does not cause AIDS. Many physicians have demonstrated this fact.
Dr. Robert E Willner
Christl Meyer
Stefan Lanka

Late 1980s, Vaccine business begins; damage caused by anti-AIDS drugs

1986 The Reagan Administration's U.S. Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). With this law, the U.S. Congress essentially eliminated vaccine injury lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers.

The reason for this is that so many vaccine lawsuits have been filed against vaccine manufactures for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and other diseases that the continuation of pharmaceutical company operations is threatened. So the pharmaceutical companies pressured the government to take measures to avoid corporate liability.

As an alternative remedy to judicial action for certain vaccine-related injuries, the "National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" (NVCP) was established so that the burden of proving vaccine injury is placed on the victim to file a claim and be reimbursed by the government, rather than suing the company.

Compensation awarded under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is paid from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund and is limited to $250,000, with no punitive damages. Since this bailout will be funded by taxpayers, including the victims, any corporate liability on the part of the perpetrators will be discharged.

H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) made the government liable for the pharmaceutical companies' liability, and after this year, the U.S. began offering combination vaccinations to infants.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule

Americans receive at least 14 vaccinations by age 18.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to review the safety of pediatric vaccines twice a year and report to Congress on measures to improve safety. Department of Health and Human Services" (HHS) officials have been accused of never having complied with statutory safety review and reporting requirements in over 30 years.

Vaccines contain many poisons that purport to stimulate an immune response. It contains mercury, aluminum, aluminum hydroxide, bovine extract, formalin, monkey kidney cells, yeast protein, soy peptone, egg protein, thimerosal, amino acids, bovine albumin, bovine serum, chicken embryo fibroblast, human serum albumin, and other toxins.

Society is experiencing an increase in autoimmune diseases, allergies, neurological disorders, autism, Parkinson's disease, and other incurable diseases due to unnecessary and dangerous vaccinations, while at the same time globalist pharmaceutical companies continue to make high profits from the government-driven vaccine business. This is the result of the population reduction plan of the Illuminati globalists.

Think about why the world is being forced to vaccinate and required to be vaccinated multiple times due to the "corona phony pandemic" that began in 2020 by the careful planning of the globalists. This is not for your health. It is to make healthy people sick, and to put sick people to sleep in death.

1987 AZT, a highly toxic cancer drug that had been banned for use, is approved by the FDA for use as an anti-AIDS drug.

1989 Despite the requirement that AZT be used only as a last resort in severely ill AIDS patients because of its extremely high toxicity, newspapers across the country have widely reported that it "has proven effective in HIV antibody-positive, asymptomatic, early ARC patients. At this time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), was giving pressure for expanded use.

Dr. Harvey Bialy, a leading New York AIDS specialist says that it is undeniable that AZT kills T-4 cells (white blood cells important to the immune system)." AZT is also a chain-terminating nucleotide that stops DNA replication. The bone marrow is where most of this replication takes place. So the most common and serious side effect of this drug is bone marrow toxicity, which requires blood transfusion.

Dr. Peter Duesberg, a scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, writes in his paper that the HIV virus is an insufficient cause of AIDS, stating, "Even if the HIV virus were the cause of AIDS, it would not be a legitimate target for AZT therapy because 70 to 100% of antibody-positive individuals have no detectable proviral DNA and its biosynthesis has not been observed."

Dr. Duesberg states that AZT, a chemotherapeutic drug, is "directly immunosuppressive" because it "kills dividing blood cells and other cells. In other words, AZT (an anti-AIDS drug) causes AIDS (autoimmune disease syndrome). The use of AZT by AIDS patients leads to certain death.

People died of AZT poisoning rather than AIDS, said Dr. Harvey Bialy, a leading New York AIDS specialist.

The U.S. government has announced that 1.4 million healthy HIV antibody-positive Americans can "benefit" from taking AZT even if they have no symptoms of the disease. Dr. Fauci, head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), proudly announced that "a two-year-old trial has shown that early intervention can control AIDS," and that people with antibodies to HIV and fewer than 500 T-4 cells (about 650,000 people), he insisted that all people should start taking AZT immediately.

Gene Fedorko, director of the Health Education AIDS Liaison HEAL, states, "I am convinced that if you give AZT to a healthy athlete, he will be dead in five years."

The spread of AIDS in Africa is due to immune depression caused by polio and malaria vaccines, deployed by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to malnourished African people. In addition, WHO declared people with malnutrition, malaria, and other endemic African diseases as AIDS patients to boost the vaccine business.

History of medical fraud documentary by Gary Null (AIDS, HIV, PCR, AZT, Kary Mullis, Fauci)

1990s Agenda 21, chemtrails, and global warming scams begin.

1992 The Sustainable Development Action Plan, known as Agenda 21, is presented at the Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Initially, the goal was to achieve global sustainable development by the year 2000, and the "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the original goal of the 21st century. UN Agenda 21 is a worldwide action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all people in the world.

Computer technology, Internet technology, wireless technology, medical technology, and other high-tech technologies are used to achieve this. For this reason, the development of high-tech technology was prioritized, and the entire world became united through the Internet, creating a society in which people around the world are connected by cell phones and smartphones. A world where everything is connected by high technology enables centralized management (inventory control of all things and all people) through high technology. Agenda 21 is an action plan to achieve the globalists' goal of a New World Order. The Illuminati globalists intend to be the God of the NWO, which will be realized through high technology.

1992 The World Economic Forum launched "Young Global Leaders Program" and began training leaders for the Illuminati World Order. Angela Markel and Bill Gates were the first graduates of the program, in addition Macron of France, Trudeau of Canada, etc. were also.

1996 The United States Air Force (USAF) released a report on weather modification. Unlike the usual contrails of water vapor, a phenomenon that covers the sky with an indefinite cloud that does not disappear from airplanes flying overhead has been observed in many parts of the world, and it turns out to be not water vapor but chemical powder. The clouds of chemicals created by airplanes become known as chemtrails. These chemicals are believed to be involved in weather manipulation. There is also concern about the effects on humans and other living creatures. Chemtrails are covering more and more of the sky these days. At the same time, earthquakes and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. Please look at the sky and observe the chemtrails coming out of the plane.

1997 At the Third Conference of the Parties (COP3) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, which sets greenhouse gas reduction targets for developed countries, is adopted.

1998-2009 Coronavirus business & the beginning of the march to the NWO.

1998/1999 The manipulation of coronaviruses begins with Ralph Baric, Ph.D., professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (UNC Chapel Hill), renowned for chimeric coronavirus research. Chimera means, roughly speaking, that it can be manipulated into various forms. More than 20 years ago from now (2022), patents on coronaviruses began to appear, including methods for producing recombinant coronaviruses. In other words, coronaviruses are artificial proteins and DNA synthesized in the laboratory. There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus.

2001 7/22-23 U.S. Army "Operation Dark Winter
First round of future self-made bioterrorism simulations by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Johns Hopkins Civilian Biodefense Research Center, ANSER Homeland Security Institute, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Antiterrorism Institute.
9/11 U.S. self-made terrorist attacks, the march toward the NWO begins.
9/18-10/21 Self-staged anthrax attacks

2003 The Centers for Disease Control CDC launches Coronavirus Business.
Scientists are eager to patent the SARS coronavirus. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institutes of Health (NIH); Dr. Barrick, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC Chapel Hill), and the Rothschilds begin patenting the nonexistent Covid-19 virus, virus testing method, and test kits. In other words, Covid-19 virus is an artifact. The gene sequence is called an in silico sequence because it is not from a real virus but from a computer simulation. No one has ever succeeded in pure isolation of the virus, nor will anyone attempt to do so. This is because such pathogens do not exist.

From 2003 to 2018, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) controlled 100% of the cash flow of the coronavirus industrial complex. The CDC has taken control of ownership over all artificially created "diseases, viruses, virus detection, and vaccines". In short, the CDC moved quickly to patent and control all aspects of man-made viruses.

A vaccine using a patented gene sequence created by a computer is a patented gene therapy.All gene therapies are patented and are extremely dangerous. People undergoing gene therapy are guinea pigs. Gene therapy carries the same dangers as the genetic engineering being done by Monsanto, including artificial genetic modification. Medicine does not function to help people; it is a business that pursues profit through patent rights and the alteration of life forms through human experimentation.

2003 4/25 the U.S. CDC filed a patent application for a coronavirus that infects humans. According to 35 U.S.C. ァ 101 "subject matter eligibility," nature is not patentable. In other words, wild flowers, wild food, and things found in nature cannot be the subject of a patent.

Patented viruses such as CDC and NIH are artificial synthetic DNA and artificial synthetic proteins and do not exist in nature. Therefore, these man-made viruses can be bioweapons. Moreover, it can be injected into the human body with a vaccine. So, viral pandemics and vaccines are business models using patented artifacts. The coronary pandemic is a man-made viral infection epidemic business model.

The state's "viral business" will stimulate the medical industry and create a flow of funds. Beyond mere economic benefits, even population reduction through vaccines can be socially justified and implemented in the name of the "public good. Countries all over the world are participating in this evil state business.

Governments around the world are financially bankrupt and unable to pay people's pensions, so the death of these pensioners will lighten the financial burden. Not merely such immediate gains, but also more nefarious schemes exist.

Bertrand Russell, "Illuminati, presidential advisor, author, and guru of population extermination," in his book "The Impact of Science on Society," 1953, wrote

Today, the world's population continues to grow . . . War has so far had no significant effect on this increase. I do not intend to argue that birth control is the only way to prevent population growth. There are other ways. . . If the Black Death were to spread throughout the world once a generation, the survivors would be free to procreate and the world would not be overpopulated. The situation may be somewhat unpleasant, but so what? Truly high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially the suffering of others.

2009 Swine flu (H1N1) pandemic, spreading worldwide for nearly 20 months. The mild flu started in Mexico City, but the WHO changed its criteria and declared a pandemic, and the mandatory vaccine business that had been prepared between countries and pharmaceutical companies became operational. The situation was exposed by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician and former member of the German parliament, and illuminati globalists scheme was vanished.

In 2009 U.S. Vice President Al Gore launched a global warming campaign with a documentary film titled "An Inconvenient Truth," and led the introduction of a carbon dioxide tax and carbon dioxide trading, but due to Internet exposure, the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP15) held in Copenhagen failed to reach agreement. Since then, the "UN global warming scam" has been exposed by sane scientists around the world. Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, has also exposed the global warming scam.

The Illuminati globalists are using the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and other organizations to stage "phony global warming" and "phony pandemics," and are planning to regulate people's freedom for the "public good.

2010-2022 Corona pandemic fraud

2010 Rockefeller Foundation Corona Pandemic Scenario "Operation Lockstep." This is the current corona pandemic scenario.

2012 At the opening ceremony of the London Olympics, the Rothschilds, who run the world from the City of London, had the Corona pandemic play out beginning in 2020.

2017 1/16 Virus Trial: German Supreme Court rules in favor of Dr. Stefan Lanka (Dr. Lanka). It exposed that the virus did not exist and that modern medicine could not prove its existence.

2019 October: "Event 201" in New York City, a pandemic simulation right before the Corona pandemic (sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security). In November of that year, the self-induced Corona hoax began and the whole world went into phony emergency mode.

In order to make asymptomatic people infected, the "PCR test" is abused to create a large number of positive infected people and begin to force the vaccine on them.

WHO changes its definition of a pandemic and declares a pandemic due to asymptomatic infection.

There are no real viral infections, and the "PCR test" multiplier adjustment is used to increase the number of infected people, declare a pandemic of asymptomatic infectious diseases, and strengthen control under the Emergency Law. World powers are enforcing the "Great Reset" that the Davos Forum has set forth.

The world is moving inexorably toward the "One World Government" of the Illuminati globalists and the "New World Order."

What you can do for your health

If you want to be healthy, you should break away from the allopathic medicine and the phony pharmaceutical business (snake oil business) started by the globalist Rockefellers.

Drink unpolluted, natural water and eat crops from natural, fertile soil, not chemical fertilizers, and meat grown from those crops. As long as the food is real, a small amount is sufficient.

Avoid food additives. Avoid Teflon-coated pans and other cookware using fluorine.Use natural underwear and sanitary products. Choose natural ingredients for cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, and other daily necessities.

Do not put harmful things into your body, such as vaccines or pharmaceutical company drugs.

If you are sick, the cause is contaminated water, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, GMOs, food additives, vaccines, drugs, etc.

If you are indifferent to them, your disease will never get better.

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About Me

I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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