A timeline from the beginning of the bogus corona scamdemic, compiled from the video testimony of Dr. Poornima Wagh.
2019/8/7The mysterious death of Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technology and 1993 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry.
In the 1980s, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Robert Gallo of the NIH (National Institutes of Health) hired Dr. Kary Maris to identify the AIDS virus using PCR technology.
Dr. Maris realized it was all fake because he discovered that there was no "genuine AIDS virus primer DNA sequence" to amplify with PCR.
The AIDS virus had not been isolated from patients, and no isolation studies papers existed. It turns out that the AIDS virus does not exist and that the NIH hired Dr. Maris to make up a fictitious virus.
Dr. Maris did not align himself with the NIH's nefarious conspiracies, distancing himself from Anthony Fauci and Robert Gallo and exposing their misdeeds.
Anthony Fauci and Robert Gallo of the NIH have been exposed by Dr. Maris for receiving over $20 billion dollars in phony AIDS research funds and killing 100,000 people with the highly toxic AZT as an anti-AIDS virus drug.
Anthony Fauci of the NIH, who made up the AIDS virus in the 1980's, got rid of the nasty Dr. Maris, who knew of their misdeeds, in August 2019, just ahead of making up the coronavirus in the 2020's again.
Dr. Maris was 74 years old and the cause of death was listed as pneumonia.
Dr. Kary Mullis - Odysee
Kary Mullis-Fauci
Event 201 in New York City
Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a scientifically plausible pandemic through a series of scenario-based moderated discussions. Fifteen global business, government, and public health leaders participated in the simulation exercise. The event was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and Johns Hopkins University.
The first outbreak of a "(bogus) new virus" from a single patient tested is believed to have occurred in Wuhan, China. Wuhan had 130,000 5G towers installed by October 2019, and automated driving experiments had begun, among other things.
198 people are reported to have fallen ill with pneumonia-like symptoms at a seafood market in Wuhan. It is from only one patient that lung fluid was obtained for testing. To confirm a disease by taking a pathogen sample from only one person is completely unscientific and, frankly, fishy and dubious.
The Wuhan hospital sequenced the genome of a small 40 base pair RNA strand extracted from a patient's body fluid, increased the genome sequence from 40 base pairs to 40,000 base pairs using a PC algorithm, created a new virus that has never been seen before and does not exist in reality. And then the "in silico" aligned (computer aligned) 40,000 base pair DeNovo genomic sequence was uploaded to Blast P, a worldwide scientific database.
Pathogens called viruses are created by the process of creating genome sequences with PC algorithms that are not based on reality. The term "bioinformatics" refers to the process of analyzing and explaining biological activities by simulating them on a PC.
If the PC's algorithm is not based on reality, is inadequate, flawed, or intentionally incorporates errors, the results can be outrageously phony and extremely damaging.
Suddenly there are tons of strange YouTube videos of Chinese people dying in the streets, bleeding from the mouth, shaking, having seizures, etc. This was followed by strange YouTube videos of people dying on the streets of Tehran, Iran, bleeding from the mouth, etc.
We can speculate that these videos are fake videos intended to scare people.
WHO requests German virologists Christian Drosten and Victor Corman to create primer sequences for PCR tests, as Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) did in the 1980s when he identified the AIDS virus by PCR testing.
Drosten wrote in his research paper that they created the coronavirus primer sequences used in the RT-PCR test for COVID-19 in silico (by computer) from literature sources, rather than from actual coronaviruses isolated from patients. The viral primer sequences used for PCR are not made from actual isolated and purified coronaviruses.
It also notes that the primer sequences for the coronavirus were designed before the coronavirus emerged in 2019, indicating that the coronavirus pandemic was planned in advance and carried out with careful preparation.
"We used known SARS and SARS-related coronaviruses (bat viruses from our own studies as well as literature sources) to generate a non-redundant alignment (excerpts shown in Annex).
We designed candidate diagnostic RT-PCR assays before release of the first sequence of 2019-nCoV. Upon sequence release, the following assays were selected based on their matching to 2019-nCoV as per inspection of the sequence alignment and initial evolution."
He says, "We used known SARS and SARS-related coronaviruses (bat viruses from our own research and literature sources) to create non-redundant alignments, and designed candidate diagnostic RT-PCR criteria before the first sequence of 2019-nCoV was published."
Everyone in Dr. Wagh's lab was stunned when they learned from The Corman-Drosten Paper that they had designed the RT-PCR before the actual coronavirus (SARS COV 2) genome sequence was published.
However, the pressure to drive their lies by authorities such as WHO and NIH is so strong that few people dare to expose the fraud. People simply turn a blind eye to inconvenient realities and give priority to protecting their own lives.
The paper by Corman, and Drosten is flawed and the RT-PCR test they came up with has proven to have at least 10 major flaws. The bogus PCR test are used to increase the number of asymptomatic corona patients and to carry out a pandemic scam, causing many false positives.
The PCR test compiled by Drosten and Corman was programmed with human RNA from a patient in Wuhan, China, rather than viral RNA, hence the 97% false positive PCR rate.
In addition, a higher threshold cycle of 50 instead of the common 25-30 threshold cycles is employed to mass produce those who test positive.
False positives occur frequently because RT-PCR amplifies this human-derived RNA sequence rather than the actual virus-derived RNA sequence. In the first place, pathogenic viruses do not exist.
2020Dr. Tom Cowan,
Dr. Andrew Kaufman,
Dr. Stefan Lanka,
Dr. Sam & Mark Balley,
Dr. Lee Merritt,
Dr. Lorraine Day,
Many other doctors, chemists, and journalists began exposing the phony coronavirus. Not only the coronaviruses, but all viruses were exposed as fictitious pathogens made up by scientists.
Suddenly, Lombardy in Northern Italy became the center of the corona (Covid 19) outbreak and went on lockdown. (First area in Europe with corona outbreak, 5G service introduced in 2019.)
2020/early Feb
A paper published by a group of Indian scientists shows that the public genome that China sent to scientists around the world bears a striking resemblance to the AIDS virus (HIV). The new "novel" virus cannot be similar to HIV.
It closely resembles the AIDS virus because it was created on a computer called "in silico" by a process called sequencing (alignment) of several genomes from multiple bacteria and viruses, including AIDS, that had previously been created. Simply, the entire virus is a fiction. These Indian scientists were forced to retract their published paper.
2020/Jan, Mar
The euthanasia drugs midazolam and morphine are found to cause Covid 19 symptoms. Deaths from these drugs are labeled Gove and are considered coronal deaths. This will be exposed as having been done in the UK in order to deliberately make up a corona pandemic.
3/11 WHO declares Corona (Covid 19) a global pandemic.
3/13 President Trump declares a national emergency. He said he would "flatten the curve (calm the pandemic) in two weeks."
Lockdown in Canada's largest city Toronto from 23rd.
2021/JanAttorney Dr. Rainer Hjelmich begins preparing a grand jury to bring to justice a worldwide body that committed the Corona scam. Began interviewing insiders from international organizations, nations, historians, and pharmaceutical companies.
What is a Grand Jury?
A corporation composed of members of the public that decides whether there is sufficient evidence to bring criminal charges to trial. During the grand jury process, the prosecutor presents the charges and supporting evidence to the grand jury. The grand jury then decides whether the prosecutor can proceed with a criminal trial.
Dr. Reiner Frumig is working with doctors, scientists, politicians, and entrepreneurs who support the existence of the virus.
Dr. David E. Martin,
Robert Kenndy Jr.,
Dr. Robert Malone,
Dr. Richard M. Fleming,
Del Bigtree of The Highwire,
Dr. Judy Mikovits,
Dr. Peter Andrew McCullough,
Those who expose the corona scamdemic, are divided into two groups: those who deny the existence of the virus entirely and those who affirm its existence.
The group's argument that the virus does not exist is straightforward and powerful, freeing people from fear. This is the power of truth.
On the other hand, the arguments of the groups that are explaining on the premise of its existence continue to fuel people's fears with burdensome information, such as that the virus mutations are being developed artificially in laboratories, that we must be vigilant for the next infectious and powerful virus, or that vaccines are safe if used correctly. This would be the power of a phony.
The global scam involving all nations that began at the end of 2019 means that the rulers of the world have come full manifestation of their evil true color that they have been hiding since the beginning of human history.
People are faced with the choice of either aligning themselves with evil authority or sticking firmly to the truth.
2021/late June
Sydney, Australia, has started a lockdown because tens of thousands of people are infected with the Delta strain, which is more contagious than the conventional strain.
Protests against the lockdown throughout Australia
2022/FebCanadian truckers protest against mandatory vaccines. Ottawa declares state of emergency. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will use emergency powers to crush demonstrations by truck drivers and others.
2022/Jul, Aug
Strong coronavirus exposure by active chemist Dr. Poornima Wagh.
I hope that doctors, scientists, and others will appear also in Japan and publicly expose the fraud of the virus.
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