This article explains the historical background behind the loss of the pronunciation of the the God of the Bible YHWH (JHVH).
God (YHWH) is the source of our life, so everyone should know His name, but its exact pronunciation has been lost and even those who believe in Him do not know its exact pronunciation. This is to be expected in a Satan's world that denies God, but let's look back at how it happened.
For about 1,800 years, from the creation of Adam, through the flood in the days of Noah, to the building of the Tower of Babel by Nimrod, the first ruler of the earth, people spoke Hebrew. Since God frustrated the construction of the Tower of Babel by language confusion, there are approximately 7,000 different languages on earth.
Even languages in the same family have different words and pronunciations for the same thing, depending on the time period, region, and people.
Even proper nouns, such as a person's name, have many variations in the way they are pronounced.
Due to differences in languages, there are some sounds that you cannot hear or pronounce unless you are accustomed to them.
There are variations and opinions regarding the pronunciation of God's name, YHWH, written in Hebrew consonants.
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- Ancient people used the divine name YHWH on a daily basis.
- Apostate Israel blots out the name of God under the influence of pagan mysticism.
- Manifestation of the Influence of the Oral Law (Talmud)
- An attempt to guide the paleo Hebrew language to pronunce YHWH as Yahuah
- Is accurate pronunciation of YHWH necessary for salvation?
Ancient people used the divine name YHWH on a daily basis.
The first place in the Bible where YHWH appears is in Genesis 2:4.
Ge 2:4
4 This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day that YHWH God made earth and heaven.
And the name of God, YHWH, appears nearly 7,000 times in the Bible.
Moses, who wrote Genesis, and those before him knew how to pronounce God's name and used it daily.
- When Eve gave birth to Cain, she said, "I have produced a man with the aid of YHWH." (Ge 4:1)
- In the time of Enosh son of Seth, people began to call on the name of YHWH. (Ge 4:26)
- Noah praised God by His name, YHWH. (Ge 9:26)
- Nimrod was known as a hunter hostile to YHWH. (Ge 10:8)
- Abraham built an altar and called upon the name of YHWH. (Ge 12:8)
- Abraham swore by the name of YHWH. (Ge 14:22)
- Abraham prays to God using the name of YHWH.(Ge 15:2)
- Sarah used the name of YHWH to accuse her husband Abraham regarding Ha′gar. (Ge 16:5)
- Abraham uses the name of YHWH to call on God's angel. (Ge18:3)
- Abraham asks God using YHWH's name. (Ge 18:27,30,31,32)
- Lot uses YHWH's name to ask God for help. (Ge 19:18)
- Abimelech, king of Gerar, calls on God in the name of YHWH. (Ge 20:4)
- Abraham swore in the name of YHWH. (Ge 24:3)
- Abraham uses YHWH's name to speak of God's dealings with him. (Ge 24:7)
People used God's name in everyday life, and the pronunciation of His name was not unknown.
However, this situation changed because of Israel's apostasy.
2269 BC
Languages get confused in Babel and a multilingual world begins.
1943 BC
Abraham crosses the Euphrates River on the 14th of Nisan and enters into a covenant with God (the Abrahamic Covenant).
1513 BC
The Israelites in Egypt celebrates the Passover on the 14th of Nisan, leave Egypt, and enter into the Law covenant at Mount Sinai in Arabia.
1473 BC
The Israelites cross the Jordan River and enter the land of Canaan.
1077 BC
David becomes king in Hebron in Judah.
1027 BC
Completion of Solomon's temple. Solomon apostatized in his later years.
Apostate Israel blots out the name of God under the influence of pagan mysticism.
997 BCThe kingdom is divided into a north and a south. The north is the 10 tribes of Israel with their capital in Samaria, and the south is the 2 tribes of Judah and Manasseh with their capital in Jerusalem.
7th–6th centuries BC
The ten tribes of Israel begin to worship foreign gods instead of YHWH, and forget how to pronounce and worship YHWH in the land of pagan gods. In pagan Assyria and Babylon, scribes influenced by mysticism and superstition produced an oral law that they called a more detailed explanation of the Law of Moses (the Torah). The Oral Law was passed down orally as a Jewish tradition, but was compiled into a book known as the Babylonian Talmud around the end of the 2nd century AD.
Rabbinc Judaism was developed by the interpretation of the law by scribes, religious leaders, and teachers, called rabbis, and Rabbinc Judaism by the rabbis of the Pharisees began.
Rabbinic Judaism becomes Orthodox Judaism.
The Sadducees were mainly Levitical priests and Levites, who were the authorities on temple rituals, while the Pharisees were jurists, and the two sects were at odds over their different interpretations of the law.
After the fall of the Jewish Temple, the Pharisees became the mainstream of Judaism.
740 BC
The destruction of Samaria, the capital of the 10 tribes of Israel. The 10 apostate tribes of Israel are taken captive to Assyria.
The Assyrian empire migrated Gentiles from all over the region to Samaria, and mixed children with local Israelites became Samaritans.
Iraqi Jews have been documented since the Babylonian captivity around 586 B.C. Iraqi Jews constitute one of the oldest and most historically significant Jewish communities in the world. Sura was a city in the southern part of the region called Babylonia in ancient Jewish sources, located east of the Euphrates River and known for its agricultural products such as grapes, wheat, and barley. It was also a major center of jurisprudence (legal learning) and home to the important Sura Academy, which produced the Babylonian Talmud.
587 BC
Solomon's temple in Jerusalem is destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, and the apostate Jews are taken captive to Babylon.
Because of the Babylonian captivity, most Jews did not live in the land of Palestine. For those born in Babylon, Hebrew was no longer their native language.
4th century BC
In 336 BC, Alexander the Great ascendes to the throne as king of Macedonia, and rapidly gains world dominance thereafter. The Greek Empire began the Hellenization of the world, Hellenistic culture spread, and Koine (common) Greek became the common language of the world.
In the Hellenistic culture, Koine Greek enabled people to converse freely regardless of their origin.
By the 3rd century BCE, a Greek-speaking Jewish community had formed in Alexandria, Egypt, which was under the control of the Greek Empire.
3rd-2nd centuries BC
The Greek Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Koine Greek, is published.
The divine name YHWH is recorded in fragments of the ancient Septuagint.
The emphasis on wording and spelling details, which may have been the origin of the later Masoretic Text, was already used as a basis for argument among the Pharisees.
The biblical text of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947, especially the text found in Masada, is very similar to the Masoretic Text, suggesting that the ancestors of the Masoretic Text did indeed exist in the second century BCE.
30 AD
Ancient Rome destroys Ptolemaic Egypt and the Roman Empire era begins.
70 AD
The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans
This destruction was God's judgment on the Jews because they rejected and killed God's Messiah, and it brought an end to the Law covenant and the Jewish system. Most of the Hebrew Scripture manuscripts and genealogies in Jerusalem were lost, and the 90,000 or so Jews who survived the destruction of Jerusalem were scattered throughout the land and merged into the Jewish communities that already existed in North Africa, the Mediterranean coast, and the Caucasus (Khazar).
■ Karaite Judaism
Similar to the Sadducees who rejected rabbinic authority and Oral Law (Talmud)
Many modern-day Karaite Jews emerged from the Karaite revival of the late 20th century. The World Karaite Movement was founded in the early 1990s by Nehemia Gordon and Hakham Meir Rekhavi.
Nehemiah Gordon says that the pronunciation of YHWH is Yehovah, based on the phonetic signs (dagesh) in the Masoretic Text. Most Jews use Yehovah to pronounce God's name. Perhaps because of the Japanese-Jewish connection, the Japanese also use Yehovah.
■ Rabbinc Judaism is the Judaism of the Pharisees.
It relies on the legal rulings of the Sanhedrin (the tradition of the scribes) as codified in the Midrash, Talmud, and other sources to show the true meaning of the Torah.
The Talmud and the Karaite manuscripts mention that the standard manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible were kept in the Temple courtyard in Jerusalem for the scribes.
The majority of the Christian Greek Scriptures were written in Koine Greek, and the quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures therein come from the Septuagint, which was also written in Koine Greek.
The Greek Septuagint helped many Jews and Jewish proselytes in many places to become Christians.
The rabbis, followers of the Jewish oral law (Talmud), wanted to create a rabbinic Greek Scripture to replace the Greek Septuagint in order to preserve Jewish tradition.
Manifestation of the Influence of the Oral Law (Talmud)
2nd century ADRabbinic scribes begin translating the Rabbinic Scriptures into Greek for the replacement of the Septuagint, in order to more closely conform to rabbinic views and interpretations of the Talmud.
The Greek rabbinical Bible was created by Aquila, a Jewish convert and disciple of the Jewish rabbi Akiba.
Emphasis on details of words and spelling had already been used as a basis of argument among the Pharisees, and Rabbi Akiba (d. 135 AD) was its prominent scribe. The idea of a complete, consonant-based, sanctified text quickly spread throughout the Jewish community in Jewish thought, which was dominated by Halakha (religious law, customs, practices) and Aggadah (oral law, tradition). And with it came increasingly strict restrictions that made the scroll of the Law invalid with even a single letter deviation.
The Rabbinic Judaism Bible, compiled by the scribes, was more heavily influenced by the Jewish Talmud and developed into Masoretic Texts written by Jewish scholars (rabbi) and scribes known as Masoretes.
The Masoretic Text is the authoritative Hebrew and Aramaic text of the 24 volumes of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) of Rabbinic Judaism. The Masoretic Text defines the Jewish canon and its exact written text, the pronunciation and accent of which is known as the Masorah. With regard to the Masoretic text, the Masora refers specifically to brief marginal notes in manuscripts (and later printings) of the Tanakh that provide diacritics in the Jewish scriptural text and details of the text, usually the exact spelling of words.
End of the 2nd century AD
Judah ha-Nasi, who was the head of the Jewish community in Israel at that time, convened several rabbis and began the task of systematically writing down the oral law in book form. The resulting collection of Torah interpretations is called the Mishnah, and the collection of Mishnaic texts that compiled the oral law is called the Talmud (meaning "study"). Originally, the Jewish interpretation of the Torah was passed down orally, from generation to generation. It is said that the Oral Law, which was supposed to have been passed down orally, was compiled into a book (Talmud) because of the sense of crisis over the survival of Judaism after the destruction of the Temple twice, in 537 BC and 70 AD.
5th century AD
Babylonian Talmud was compiled by the Babylonian Jews Rabbis Ashi and Ravina II, who re-established the Sura Academy in ancient Babylon.
The Jerusalem Talmud is a collection of 2nd century rabbinic commentaries on the Jewish oral tradition known as the Mishnah.
6th century AD
As detailed commentaries are added to the Mishnah, two completely different Talmuds come into existence, called the Jerusalem Talmud (or Palestinian Talmud) and the Babylonian Talmud, depending on the location of the Torah school that compiled them. What we recognize today as the Talmud is the latter Babylonian Talmud, which is thought to have taken its present form around the 6th century AD.
The claim that "The Talmud is the holy scripture of orthodox Judaism" is an assertion of the authority of the Pharisaic rabbis (teachers) who created the Talmud, and there are sects such as Karaite Judaism that do not recognize that authority. While each sect of Judaism has different interpretations, they also share common traditions. Even today, the religious environment of Judaism is the same as it was in the time of Jesus.
Protection (concealment) of YHWH by Masoretic Text
7th-10th century ADThe Masoretic Text is copied, edited, and distributed by a group of Jews known as the Masoretes. The oldest known complete copy, the Leningrad Codex, was published in the early 11th century AD. The 10th century Aleppo Codex was once the oldest known complete manuscript, but was largely lost after the 1947 Palestinian Civil War.
The bulk of the Masora (diacritics and other writings) ended in the 10th century due to a dispute between the leading Masoretes of the time, Ben Asher and Ben Naphtali, and there have been very few Masoretic additions to Bible manuscripts by Masoretes since then.
The religious environment after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was such that the Jews replaced God's name YHWH with Lord (Adonai) and God (Elohim) through the Talmud (oral law) and Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), erasing its pronunciation, and Christians were prohibited from reading or possessing the Latin Bible by the state religion, the Roman Catholic Church, and were subject to dictatorship by the clergy (religious authorities) without knowing the name of God.
16th century
Martin Luther's Reformation
The 95 Theses are nailed to the door of the All Saints' Church in Wittenberg. It is the moment of separation from the Roman Catholic Church and the birth of Protestantism. By Protestantism, the Latin Bible, which had been monopolized by religious authorities was translated into a language that could be read by the general public and distributed.
German Catholic scribe Peter Gaatin (Ashkenazi Jew, Pharisee) transliterates the Hebrew Scriptures into Latin. He translates YHWH as Jehovah. "Je" was pronounced like "Ye". The consonant "J" which didn't exist in Latin, was taken from Yiddish.
Yiddish is the language of Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars) spoken in High land Germany. High land German dialects are mixed with Slavic languages (especially Polish) and Hebrew.
In William Tyndale's translation of the Bible, the first English translation from Greek and Hebrew, YHWH is translated as Iehouah.
Establishment of Society of Jesus (Jesuit)
Led by Ignatius of Loyola, the Society of Jesus was founded by seven people, including Francisco Xavier and Pierre Fabre. Ignatius of Loyola was the first Superior General of the Society of Jesus of the Catholic Church, a Marrano (a Jew who converted to Christianity) and a Kabbalist (an occult mystic).
The Jesuits established universities in various regions and began training the elite who would become the ruling class of society. Japan's Sophia University was founded by the Jesuits in 1913. LaSalle Junior and Senior High School and St. Marist Academy Junior and Senior High School in Japan are elite educational institutions run by the Catholic Church.
List of Jesuit educational institutions
Ostensibly, the Jesuits' goal is to restore the religious power lost during the Protestant Reformation, but it is not simply about religion; it is about the restoration and expansion of the ruling power of the Holy Roman Empire. To this end, they have used bribery, deception, blackmail and murder to engineer revolutions, coups and the overthrow of governments all over the world, in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa.
The Jesuits are a secret society of apostate Jews and an occult Satanist terrorist organization of the same kind as the Freemasons. In order to colonize the New World, the Inca Empire was destroyed in South America through forced conversions and civil war. Francisco de Xavier arrived in Japan in 1549 and began his activities. Behind the scenes of Christian missionary activities, he illegally brought out large amounts of gold and engaged in slave trading (human trafficking) and arms sales.
As a result, in 1587, Toyotomi Hideyoshi issued the "Bateren (meaning missionary) Expulsion Order."
➡ Apostate Christians (Freemasons, Jesuits) come to Japan
The whole world has fallen victim to the deception, bribery, threats and violence of the Satan-worshipping apostate Jews. Those behind the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Ashkenazi Jews, the Rothschilds, Zionism, etc. are Jews who have apostatized from the worship of the true God YHWH of the Bible and been scattered throughout the earth. They are the Synagogue of Satan, led by the Talmud and Kabbala.
God (YHWH) and the Lord Jesus Christ know the evil deeds of the Satan-worshipping apostate Jews.
Re 2:9
9 ‘I know your tribulation and poverty—but you are rich—and the blasphemy by those who say they themselves are Jews, and yet they are not but are a synagogue of Satan.
The Jesuits' evil deeds are wide-ranging, and one of them is that they followed the example of the Jewish Masoretes in replacing the name of God in the Bible, YHWH, with Lord or God, and also added a "J" that did not exist in the Latin alphabet, replacing the Hebrew "Y" sound with "J" sound. As a result, in English-speaking countries, God's name became Jehovah instead of Yehova, and Yiesu became Jesus.
The Douay translation, a Catholic English Bible based on the Latin Vulgate, is published. As in the case of the Greek Septuagint, the name of God is replaced with either Lord or God.
The King James Version is published.
The first English translation of the Bible from the Hebrew Masoretic text, the Greek Septuagint, and the Latin Vulgate. 80% of it is from William Tyndale translation, most of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) has been replaced by Lord, but the divine name Jehovah is used in a few places.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered at Qumran. The Dead Sea Scrolls show that there was no unified text during the period 150 BC-75 AD. According to Menachem Cohen, the Dead Sea Scrolls show that "a Hebrew text type on which the Septuagint was based actually existed and differed significantly from the commonly accepted Masoretic Text."
The Dead Sea Scrolls show many minor spelling variations, both between later Masoretic texts and among the Dead Sea Scrolls themselves. Moreover, in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the annotations of corrections and alternatives clearly show that scribes freely chose between different readings according to their personal preferences and discretion.
In the case of the later Masoretic Text, diacritics, vowels, punctuation, spelling, line spacing, and other Masorah inserts were added, making it a rabbinic Jewish Bible (Talmudic Bible) with strictly regulated reading and meaning.
(attention These are differences in diacritic, orthography, traditional interpretations, etc., and not differences in the content of the Bible itself. In terms of content, no significant differences have been found during 1,300 years or so between the 2nd - 3rd century BC when the Septuagint was written, and the 10th century AD when the Masoretic Text was written. So the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 provides evidence that the contents of the Bible have been accurately transmitted to future generations.)
The Masoretic text contains the "Corrections of the Scribes" (Tikkune Soferim).
Early rabbinic sources from around 200 AD refer to several passages in the Bible and they conclude that ancient readings must have been different from those of the modern text. The 3rd-century Rabbi Simon ben Pazzi called these readings "corrections of the scribes" (tikkune Soferim; Midrash Genesis Rabbah xlix. 7) and posits that the lawyers did in fact make the changes.
There are four general types of possible fixes
- Removal of inappropriate phrases used in reference to God. For example, replacing ("curse") with ("bless") in certain passages.
- Protection of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH). For example, in some places "Elohim" or "Adonai" is used instead of "YHWH".
- Removal of the use of names of pagan deities. For example, change the name "Ishbaal" to "Ishbosheth".
- Preserving the unity of divine worship in Jerusalem。
From the 2nd century AD onwards, the divine name Tetragrammaton (YHWH) was replaced with Elohim (God) and Adonai (Lord). So we see that the name of God was in daily use until the first century AD, when Jesus was active on earth.
Poisoned by Jewish mysticism and occult superstition, apostate Israelites have stopped using God's name since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
Attempts to supplement the consonants YHWH with vowels have been made in the Roman Catholic Church (the apostate Christian state religion), the Protestant Church, and Judaism, and there are several variations in the pronunciation of God's name.
First, the pronunciation of modern Israelis- There are differences between the ancient Hebrew alphabet and the alphabet Israelites use today.
- The ancient Hebrew W is now V, and the consonants of God's name are spelled YHVH.
- The vowel marks (nekuda) in the Masoretic text are e, o, a.
- YeHoVaH is the pronunciation of God's name.
- It is the same as the Japanese word Yehovah, but the intonation is different.
- Japanese pronunciation is monotonous, but Israelis raise the end of Yehovah "vah" up.
Vowel signs used in Masoretic texts
Sheva e(Ye)
Chowlem o(Ho)
Qamets a(Vah)
e o a + YHVH ⇒ YeHoVaH
However, Jews pronounce YHVH as Yehovah despite Masoretic regulation.
The Y in the Hebrew alphabet becomes "I" in Greek where there is no Y or J. In Latin, it becomes "I" until the 6th century AD and "J" thereafter, and YHVH is pronounced as Iehovah, or Jehovah.
Since the 6th century, Jehovah has been the name of the God of the Bible in the English-speaking world.
The reason is that Israelite names contain the pronunciation of Yehovah (Jehovah).
Scholars who support Yehovah (Jehovah) point out that the Hebrew name Yeho is the name for YHVH (Yehovah) and is often placed at the beginning of a person's name.
strong's concordance
Yehoshaphat | Jehovah is Judge | strong 3092 |
Yehoyakin | Jehoiachin, Jehovah has firmly established | strong 3078 |
Yehoiaqim | Jehoiakim, Jehovah Raises Up | strong 3079 |
Yehotsadaq | Jehozadak, Jehovah pronounces righteous | strong 3087 |
Yehonadab | Jehonadab, Jehovah is noble | strong 3082 |
Yehonathan | Jehonathan, Jehovah has given | strong 3083 |
Yonathan | Jonathan, Jehovah has given | strong 3129, 3083 |
Yehoram | Jehoram, Jehovah is high | strong 3088 |
Yehozabad | Jehozabad, Jehovah Has Endowed | strong 3075 |
Yehoyada | Jehoiada, Jehovah knows | strong 3077 |
Yehochanan | Jehohanan, Jehovah Has Shown Favor | strong 3076 |
Yehoachaz | Jehoahaz, Jehovah has grasped | strong 3059 |
The name Jesus (Gr. Iesous) corresponds to the Hebrew name Joshua (or, more fully, Yehoshua) and means “Jehovah Is Salvation.”
Yehoshua | Jehovah is salvation | strong 3091 |
Joshua | Jehovah is salvation | strong 3091 |
yeho* Names beginning with Yeho
The 11th century CE Masoretic Leningrad Codex B-19A instructs in the vowel points that the Tetragrammaton should be read as Yehwah, Yehwih, or Yehowah. Ginsburg’s edition of the Masoretic vowel point out that the divine name is read as “Yehowah” (Ge 3:14).
Non-rabbinic Hebrew scholars generally favor Yahweh as the most likely pronunciation.They point out that the abbreviation of God's name is Yah in Psalm 89:8 (Yah, Latinized Jah ), and the Yah in Hallelujah (Ha-lelu-Yah, Praise Yah!). (Ps 104:35、150:1、6)
There is no consensus among scholars on this issue, with some favoring other pronunciations such as Yahuwah, Yahuah, and Yehuah.
Vowel to be inserted in YHWHQamets a
Kubutz u
Qamets a
a u a + YHWH ⇒ YaHuWaH
Scholars who support YaHuWaH point out that the Hebrew name Yahu is the name for YHWH Yahuwah, and is often placed at the end of a person's name.
Jeremiah | Yirmeyahu, Yah loosens | strong 3414 |
Isaiah | Yeshayahu, salvation of Yah | strong 3470b |
Adonijah | Adoniyyahu, my Lord is Yah | strong 138 |
Uzziah | Uzziyyahu, my strength is Yah | strong 5818 |
Shemaiah | Shemayahu, Yah hears | strong 8098 |
Josiah | Yoshiyyahu, Yah supports | strong 2977 |
Tobijah | Tobiyyahu, Yah is my good | strong 2900 |
Nethaniah | Nethanyahu, given of Yah | strong 5148 |
Netanyahu (Yah/God has given)
*yahu Names ending in Yahoo!
An attempt to guide the paleo Hebrew language to pronunce YHWH as Yahuah
Yah is used alone 45 times in the Bible as a short form of YHWH, but in YHWH YH can also be pronounced Yeh. The name YHWH is used in the Israelite names in the shortened forms yah, yahu, and yeho.■ Paleo-Hebrew does not have the consonants "J and V," so Jehovah and Yehovah are not the ancient pronunciation used by Adam, Moses and Jesus.
The four letters of YHWH are known to be vowel consonants according to Hebrew grammar. This means that the letters Y,H,W,H each provide a pronounceable vowel.YHWH
Hebrew alphabet | English alphabet | Consonants, Vowels |
Yad | Y | y, ee |
Hey | H | h, ah |
Waw | W | w, o, u |
Hey | H | h, ah |
Consonants | Spelling variations | ||||||
YH | yah | yah | yeh | yeh | |||
YHW | yahu | yahu | yehu | yehu | |||
YHWH | yahuah | yahuWah | yehuah | yehWah | |||
pronunciation | Yahuah | YahuWah | Yehuah | YehuWah |
You can increase pronunciation variation by adding consonants, vowels, and spelling variants. For example, the consonant W is added to the basic spelling Yahuah, making it YahuWah.
➡ The 11th century CE Masoretic Leningrad Codex B-19A, Yehowah
Ancient Hebrew allows you to pronounce Hebrew words without the Masoretes' vowel marks.
It provides a more direct approach to the pronunciation of God's name than relying on a system tainted by Jewish mysticism and superstition of the Israelites who apostatized from the worship of YHWH.
Although people pronounce YHWH differently, they all have in mind the same God of the Bible, Creator of heaven and earth.
It is good to be fully convinced in one's own mind, based on the background of the loss of the pronunciation of YHWH.
Knowing and spreading the correct pronunciation of Hebrew is a good thing, but forcing it would be going too far.
Using the ancient Hebrew alphabet, anyone can easily recover the Hebrew pronunciation of YHWH as Yahuah and Jesus as Yahusha, accuracy aside.
People recognize God and Jesus by the names popularized by the Masoretes and Christendom, so it is impractical to ask people to change them to the Hebrew pronunciation. You can correct errors and create your own Bible, or explain the Hebrew pronunciation of YHWH when necessary, but when sharing the gospel, it is more practical to use names and concepts that people have already accepted, as the Apostle Paul did, because you can communicate about God and His means of salvation from a common standpoint.
When the Apostle Paul preached about God and Christ at the Areopagus in Greece, he did not use the name YHWH or the name of Jesus, but rather used common concepts to make his argument.
Ac 17:24-31
24 The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples, 25 neither is he attended to by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all [persons] life and breath and all things. 26 And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men], 27 for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. 28 For by him we have life and move and exist, even as certain ones of the poets among YOU have said, ‘For we are also his progeny.’
29 “Seeing, therefore, that we are the progeny of God, we ought not to imagine that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man. 30 True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent. 31 Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.”
If the people of Christendom use the name of Jesus, then we can use Jesus to talk to them, and if Jehovah's Witnesses use Jehovah, then we can use Jehovah to preach the good news to them. If you argue about the pronunciation of YHWH from the beginning, you will confuse the message of salvation and close people's ears.
2Ti 2:14
14 Keep reminding them of these things, charging them before God as witness, not to fight about words, a thing of no usefulness at all because it overturns those listening.
Is accurate pronunciation of YHWH necessary for salvation?
Some people claim as if knowing the exact pronunciation of YHWH is a condition for salvation, but they are wrong. The condition for salvation is not the correct pronunciation of God's name, which no one has ever heard, or any other accurate knowledge, but whether or not a person is merciful.
It's okay to correct your mistakes once you realize them (when you are fully convinced).
Billions of people have died without knowing God's name, but the resurrection will help them to know His exact name and the means of His salvation.
There are also billions of people who do not know God, atheists, and those who use the wrong pronunciation due to the influence of the Pharisees. Would God ask them to pronounce the exact name of God, YHWH, which no one has ever heard?
Jesus' parable teaches us that God is more concerned with mercy shown by people than with knowing His name exactly.
Both priests and Levites would have known the exact pronunciation of God's name. The Samaritans, on the other hand, would have pronounced YHWH differently than the Jews, since they were of mixed Gentile heritage.
Records indicate that Samaritans pronounced YHWH as Yahve. Later biblical scholars popularized the pronunciation of Yahwey as the pronunciation of God's name based on the Samaritan pronunciation。Today, people pronounce the God of the Bible as Yahwey, Yehovah, Jehovah, Yahuwah, Yahuah, etc. in their own language.
Learn how God sees things from Jesus' parables.
Lu 10:30-37
30 In reply Jesus said: “A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jer′i‧cho and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted blows, and went off, leaving him half-dead. 31 Now, by coincidence, a certain priest was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side. 32 Likewise, a Levite also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by on the opposite side. 33 But a certain Sa‧mar′i‧tan traveling the road came upon him and, at seeing him, he was moved with pity. 34 So he approached him and bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine upon them. Then he mounted him upon his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two de‧nar′i‧i, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I come back here.’ 36 Who of these three seems to you to have made himself neighbor to the man that fell among the robbers?” 37 He said: “The one that acted mercifully toward him.” Jesus then said to him: “Go your way and be doing the same yourself.”
Mt 5:7
7 “Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.
Jas 2:13
13 For the one that does not practice mercy will have [his] judgment without mercy. Mercy exults triumphantly over judgment.
In the Book of Revelation, in a world that is moving toward beast worship, not using God's name the angels call for the worship of God to the multilingual world. Because there is no need to use God's name which no one knows. The angel is calling for the worship of the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.
Re 14:7
7 saying in a loud voice: “FEAR God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”
The sons of the Kingdom lead people not to "religious organizations" or "truth recovery movements," but to "the One who made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters."
Adam's family, including Adam, is not saved by accurate knowledge. After saved, people will know exactly about the God who gave them salvation.
1Ti 2:4
4 whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
Salvation comes first and then people saved come to an accurate knowledge of the truth.
Even those who know God's name may not pronounce it correctly. There may also be other things they don't know or believe incorrectly. Nevertheless, God, who sees the heart, does not withhold salvation from those seeking Him.
God does not dismiss those seeking Him.
Mt 7:7-11
7 “Keep on asking, and it will be given YOU; keep on seeking, and YOU will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to YOU. 8 For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. 9 Indeed, who is the man among YOU whom his son asks for bread—he will not hand him a stone, will he? 10 Or, perhaps, he will ask for a fish—he will not hand him a serpent, will he? 11 Therefore, if YOU, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more so will YOUR Father who is in the heavens give good things to those asking him?
Jesus also, like YHWH, does not dismiss those seeking Him.
Joh 6:37
37 Everything the Father gives me will come to me, and the one that comes to me I will by no means drive away;
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