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The Christian congregation is not an earthly arrangement.
God used to have a visible organisation on earth, but no longer because He has forsaken the nation of Israel. Such a system of human organization on earth has become useless.1Co 5:17
17 Consequently if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away, look! new things have come into existence.
The new system, initiated by Christ, differs from the old Jewish system in that it does not have a physically visible temple or capital.
The sons of the kingdom themselves are called temple, and their capital is said to be in heaven. Therefore, you can not find true Christian congregation in any visible religious organization or church system on this earth.
Since Christ's resurrection, he has reigned as King, and Christians walk by faith, not by sight.
Visible things such as meeting places, branches, and headquarters, as well as physical prosperity such as the number of believers and the amount of material assets, have nothing to do with a Christian's faith.
2Co 5:7
7 for we are walking by faith, not by sight.
Those who are looking for something visible about the true Christian congregation, need to examine their faith.
Christ has received all authority in heaven and on earth.
Mt 28:18-2018 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in my name, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."
True Christian congregations are made up of the sons of the kingdom living in their own time and place. They are scattered all over the earth where Bibles have been available since the first century.
We can only identify them by the truth of the Bible, because they are united in the same mind, the same faith and the same hope, by the Bible truth.
The sons of the kingdom worship Father with spirit and truth in any age and wherever they live.
Joh 4:21, 23-24
21 Jesus said to her: "Believe me, woman, The hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will YOU people worship the Father.
23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth."
So it is in vain to look for the congregation of the sons of the kingdom in visible religious organization on earth. They are placed under heavenly system. They are directly led and protected from heaven, not from earthly institutions.
Col 1:13
13 He delivered us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of his love,
Php 3:20
20 As for us, our citizenship exists in the heavens, from which place also we are eagerly waiting for a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Joh 17:14
14 . . . because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.
What can we learn from Jesus' activities while He was on earth? Did he build a meeting place like the Kingdom Hall or a Jewish synagogue for Sunday meetings? Did he establish a state-registered religious corporation to spread Christianity?
The answer is No.
The kingdom of Christ and the congregation of the sons of the kingdom are not of that sort.
So, any religious corporation that benefits from the state in exchange for state registration is a counterfeit and a vessel of Satan.
All state registered religious organizations are the branches of the Babylon the Great who sits upon the wild beast.
The common understanding of the Bible truth is the only means to unite the sons of the kingdom scattered around the world. They worship Father with spirit and truth regardless of where they live or what language they speak.
We should find out such Christians, the true sons of the kingdom.
Joh 10:27
27 My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
2Ti 2:19
19 For all that, the solid foundation of God stays standing, having this seal: "The Lord knows those who belong to him,"
Christianity was hijacked from its beginning.
Mt 13:24-30, 31-3324 Another illustration he set before them, saying: "The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man that sowed fine seed in his field. 25 While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat, and left. 26 When the blade sprouted and produced fruit, then the weeds appeared also. 27 So the slaves of the householder came up and said to him, 'Master, did you not sow fine seed in your field? How, then, does it come to have weeds?' 28 He said to them, 'An enemy, a man, did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us, then, to go out and collect them?' 29 He said, 'No; that by no chance, while collecting the weeds, YOU uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the harvest season I will tell the reapers, First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up, then go to gathering the wheat into my storehouse.'"
31 Another illustration he set before them, saying: "The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain, which a man took and planted in his field; 32 which is, in fact, the tiniest of all the seeds, but ➡ when it has grown it is the largest of the vegetables and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches." 33 Another illustration he spoke to them: "The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three large measures of flour, until ➡ the whole mass was fermented."
What do these illustrations teach us?
They tell us that the counterfeit Kingdom of Heaven will flourish on earth and obliterate the true Kingdom of Heaven.
The true sons of the kingdom are among the weeds, the false Christians. The distinction between the two will become clear at the time of harvest. Until that time, no one will know who are the true ones. Therefore, we cannot expect to find religious organizations or groups composed entirely of wheat.
During the harvest season, there will be a call to God's people, the sons of the kingdom, who are being held captive in Babylon the Great, so as to escape from there.
Re 18:4
4 And I heard another voice out of heaven say: "Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues.
The sons of the kingdom will leave the Babylon the Great, the fake kingdom of heaven, responding to the call.
Then after that the Babylon the Great will be destroyed as illustrated that "First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up."
Then the wheat will be gathered into heaven by the angels, and they will join Christ to restore the blessing Adam's family lost.
Mt 13:37-43
37 In response he said: "The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man; 38 the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, 39 and the enemy that sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels. 40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. 41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness, 42 and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be. 43 At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let him that has ears listen.
Did you get the sense of it?
If did, you can understand the following illustrations.
Mt 13:44-46
44 "The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and for the joy he has he goes and sells what things he has and buys that field. 45 "Again the kingdom of the heavens is like a traveling merchant seeking fine pearls. 46 Upon finding one pearl of high value, away he went and promptly sold all the things he had and bought it.
It does not mean something like the thoughtless encouragement appearing in 1/15/2015 wt magazine which says that "sell your assets and come and work for the WT new headquarter."
The heart of the the sons of the kingdom is not upon the treasures on earth, whether they posse it in great amount or not.
They are willing to share what they have with those in need. They are not dependent on earthly treasures or physical buildings.
Their eyes are fixed precisely on their role in God's grand purpose and their place in the plight of Adam's family.
The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in the field, and a pearl of high value for the sons of the kingdom, indeed.
If you understand the meaning of these illustrations of the kingdom of heaven, it would be natural for you to get out of the Babylon the Great, the state registered organized religions of any kind.
The sons of the kingdom will listen to the Voice of their Father.
Joh 8:47
47 He that is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is why YOU do not listen, because YOU are not from God."
The sons of the kingdom will leave the Babylon the Great, before its destruction.
Those who still remain in it are not the sons of the kingdom.
If such ones are merciful, they will be shown mercy on the days of judgment wherever they are. So we don't need to worry about those remaining in the Babylon the Great. Our merciful Father, if they are merciful, will make sure that they are saved.
Mt 5:7
7 "Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.
Jas 2:13
13 For the one that does not practice mercy will have [his] judgment without mercy. Mercy exults triumphantly over judgment.
Ro 2:7-11, 14-16
7 everlasting life to those who are seeking glory and honor and incorruptibleness by endurance in work that is good; 8 however, for those who are contentious and who disobey the truth but obey unrighteousness there will be wrath and anger, 9 tribulation and distress, upon the soul of every man who works what is injurious, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; 10 but glory and honor and peace for everyone who works what is good, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 11 For there is no partiality with God.
14 For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused. 16 This will be in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.
A great crowd no one can number will come out of the great tribulation. They are not the sons of the kingdom. They are merciful people in all nations regardless of their background who will be shown mercy from our heavenly Father.
Re 7:9, 14
9 After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,
14 . . . "These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation,
Christian Congregation in our days
According to the Revelation's account, Christ directly gives instructions and counsels to each congregation in the Lord's Day. He doesn't use a central governing body as a representative of his authority.Since Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them," the number of people is not an important factor in discerning a true Christian congregation.
So we can expect that the true Christians scattered around the world would be acting wisely according to the counsels given by the Christ not by anybody else to the congregations.
These counsels are directly coming from Christ through the Bible that each Christian possesses, not from human representative like the governing body.
Christ didn't appoint a visible institution on earth which represents His authority. It can't be proven from the Bible the existence of the leading central governing body which bundles up Christian congregations around the world.
Mt 23:10
10 Neither be called 'leaders,' for YOUR Leader is one, the Christ.
Rather than setting up a central governing body, Christ gave each congregation "gifts in men" to build up the congregation. These "gifts in men" are used directly by Christ for the benefit of each local congregation.
And for the sake of the unity of faith of all believers in the world, each believer is required to follow the truth of the Bible.
We are told that Christ knows the works of each congregation, so there is no need for a report by human eyes like a circuit overseer.
Re 2:2
2 I know your deeds,
(This phrase is used in the introduction of Christ's counsels for the 7 congregations in the Revelation's account.)
"Gifts in men" placed in each congregation
Ro 12:3-83 For through the undeserved kindness given to me I tell everyone there among YOU not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think; but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has distributed to him a measure of faith. 4 For just as we have in one body many members, but the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, although many, are one body in union with Christ, but members belonging individually to one another. 6 Since, then, we have gifts differing according to the undeserved kindness given to us, whether prophecy, [let us prophesy] according to the faith proportioned [to us]; 7 or a ministry, [let us be] at this ministry; or he that teaches, [let him be] at his teaching; 8 or he that exhorts, [let him be] at his exhortation; he that distributes, [let him do it] with liberality; he that presides, [let him do it] in real earnest; he that shows mercy, [let him do it] with cheerfulness.
1C 12:4-11
4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but there is the same spirit; 5 and there are varieties of ministries, and yet there is the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of operations, and yet it is the same God who performs all the operations in all persons. 7 But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for a beneficial purpose. 8 For example, to one there is given through the spirit speech of wisdom, to another speech of knowledge according to the same spirit, 9 to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by that one spirit, 10 to yet another operations of powerful works, to another prophesying, to another discernment of inspired utterances, to another different tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues. 11 But all these operations the one and the same spirit performs, making a distribution to each one respectively just as it wills.
Eph 4:7-8, 11-16
7 Now to each one of us undeserved kindness was given according to how the Christ measured out the free gift. 8 Wherefore he says: "When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts [in] men."
11 And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ, 13 until we all attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ; 14 in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error. 15 But speaking the truth, let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head, Christ. 16 From him all the body, by being harmoniously joined together and being made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed, according to the functioning of each respective member in due measure, makes for the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
Each Christian is only expected to obey the truths of the Bible in order to receive Christ's direction and protection. There is no visible institution between us and Christ. Is there any reason to doubt that?
Church building, Kingdom Hall, State registered corporation, the arrangement of the preaching work, and other man made rules for the self imposed form of worship are not necessary.
In time people will come and start to form a local congregation. What we can do is only to follow the instruction written in the Bible for the congregation management according to the number of people being gathered. No need to create burdensome rules for everybody. It won't be so difficult to gather together for the mutual encouragement by each one's faith. We should appreciate the fact that Christ provides the gifts in men for the benefit of each congregation.
If we view brothers and sisters as the gifts in men from Christ, we understand that the each local congregation is under Christ's direct guidance and protection.
Christ himself provides gifts in men for the congregation, it is not a visible institution like WTS to do so by appointing elders, graduates of MTS, special pioneers and the like to the congregation.
Each congregation has to answer to Christ only, not to any self-appointed visible institution. Such a central governing class is to bring the pyramid structure of Satan's system into Christian brotherhood. It is the fake kingdom system, and breaks the Christian brotherhood and spoils the Christian freedom.
Any organization in Satan's world has the pyramid structure for the control. Central control system consists of the central governing body in the headquarter, branch offices, and representatives.
We can't look for such a structure in the Christian congregation of the sons of the kingdom.
Mt 23:8-10
8 But YOU, do not YOU be called Rabbi, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all YOU are brothers. 9 Moreover, do not call anyone YOUR father on earth, for one is YOUR Father, the heavenly One. 10 Neither be called 'leaders,' for YOUR Leader is one, the Christ.
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