Counted JW Great Crowd

2014/11/23 0

great crowd

X f W T in

Hi all,

I'm going to disable the WTS's Enochian magical powers.

In 1935, the WTS explained the "great crowd" in the Revelation, and the historic convention was held at the Washington Auditorium from May 30 to June 3, 1935.

At that convention J.F. Rutherford introduced the "great crowd" in impressive manner.

He asked around 20,000 audience,
“Will all those who have the hope of living forever on the earth please stand.”
Over half the audience stood up.

Rutherford declared “Behold! The great multitude!”
“There was at first a hush, then a gladsome cry, and the cheering was loud and long.”

Impressive, indeed isn't it?

If I were there, I would be excited about, being influenced by the Enochian magick of the WTS.

Well, I'm going to disable the Enochian magical powers by the scripture.

Re 7:9
9 . . . look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number

Here it says that "no man was able to number."

The attendants counted the attendees and those who were baptized at the convention.

840 were baptized.

Since then, the WTS has been counting the great crowd and publicizing the number yearly in their year book.

Now it is around 8 million.
And the number is declining because of being exposed as a false prophet.

Funny isn't it?  

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About Me

I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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