Lord's Supper

2017/04/05 0

Christ's Memorial

X f W T in

Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.

In 1513 BCE 3,530 years ago, around this time of the year an act of saving by God was performed. God delivered Israelites from the slavery to Egyptian Pharaoh a mighty illuminati world ruler at that time.

This God's act of deliverance written in the Bible is true history, and the Israelites are the living witnesses of that event.

The new year of Israel begins with the month when that deliverance occurred.
It happened on Nisan 14 in 1513 BCE.

Egypt, the illuminati world power at that time was judged and humiliated along with their pagan false gods by the true God YHWH so that Egyptians threw Israelites out from their land.

God passed over the houses of Israelites when he struck down the first born of every living being from beasts to men in Egypt. In this manner YHWH God smashed the worship of Egyptian false gods to pieces.

Right after this final plague form YHWH, the illuminati authority Pharaoh immediately released the Israelites from their slavery.

It happened at midnight on Nisan 14.
And on that day, the moonlight of the full moon illuminated the land of Egypt. The Israelites stayed in their houses until morning for the Passover meal, and then they left the land of Egypt.

Israelites were ordered to remember the saving act of God and the rules and regulations of how to celebrate the Passover were given in the Mosaic Law.

From that time onward the Passover has continued down to this day.

First, let us recall some informative points about the event from the Exodus' account.

Ex 12:1-51
1 YHWH now said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt: 2 "This month will be the start of the months for YOU. It will be the first (1st) of the months of the year for YOU. 3 Speak to the entire assembly of Israel, saying, 'On the tenth (10th) day of this month they are to take for themselves each one a sheep for the ancestral house, a sheep to a house. 4 But if the household proves to be too small for the sheep, then he and his neighbor close by must take it into his house according to the number of souls; YOU should compute each one proportionate to his eating as regards the sheep. 5 The sheep should prove to be sound, a male, a year old, for YOU. YOU may pick from the young rams or from the goats. 6 And it must continue under safeguard by YOU until the fourteenth (14th) day of this month, and the whole congregation of the assembly of Israel must slaughter it between the two evenings. 7 And they must take some of the blood and splash it upon the two doorposts and the upper part of the doorway belonging to the houses in which they will eat it.

8 "'And they must eat the flesh on this night. They should eat it roasted with fire and with unfermented cakes along with bitter greens. 9 Do not eat any of it raw or boiled, cooked in water, but roast with fire, its head together with its shanks and its interior parts. 10 And YOU must not leave any of it over till morning, but what is left over of it till morning YOU should burn with fire. 11 And in this way YOU should eat it, with YOUR hips girded, sandals on YOUR feet and YOUR staff in YOUR hand; and YOU must eat it in haste. It is YHWH's passover. 12 And I must pass through the land of Egypt on this night and strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I shall execute judgments. I am YHWH. 13 And the blood must serve as YOUR sign upon the houses where YOU are; and I must see the blood and pass over YOU, and the plague will not come on YOU as a ruination when I strike at the land of Egypt.

14 "'And this day must serve as a memorial for YOU, and YOU must celebrate it as a festival to YHWH throughout YOUR generations. As a statute to time indefinite YOU should celebrate it. 15 Seven (7) days YOU are to eat unfermented cakes. Yes, on the first day YOU are to take away sourdough from YOUR houses, because anyone eating what is leavened, from the first day down to the seventh, that soul must be cut off from Israel. 16 And on the first (1st) day there is to take place for YOU a holy convention, and on the seventh (7th) day a holy convention. No work is to be done on them. Only what every soul needs to eat, that alone may be done for YOU.

17 "'And YOU must keep the festival of unfermented cakes, because on this very day I must bring YOUR armies out from the land of Egypt. And YOU must keep this day throughout YOUR generations as a statute to time indefinite. 18 In the first (1st) month, on the fourteenth (14th) day of the month, in the evening YOU are to eat unfermented cakes down till the twenty-first (21st) day of the month in the evening. 19 Seven (7) days no sourdough is to be found in YOUR houses, because anyone tasting what is leavened, whether he is an alien resident or a native of the land, that soul must be cut off from the assembly of Israel. 20 Nothing leavened are YOU to eat. In all YOUR dwellings YOU are to eat unfermented cakes.'"

21 Promptly Moses called all the older men of Israel and said to them: "Draw out and take for yourselves small cattle according to YOUR families, and slaughter the passover victim. 22 And YOU must take a bunch of hyssop and dip it into the blood in a basin and strike upon the upper part of the doorway and upon the two doorposts some of the blood that is in the basin; and none of YOU should go out of the entrance of his house until morning. 23 Then when YHWH does pass through to plague the Egyptians and does see the blood upon the upper part of the doorway and upon the two doorposts, YHWH will certainly pass over the entrance, and he will not allow the ruination to enter into YOUR houses to plague YOU.

24 "And YOU must keep this thing as a regulation for you and your sons to time indefinite. 25 And it must occur that when YOU come into the land that YHWH will give YOU, just as he has stated, then YOU must keep this service. 26 And it must occur that when YOUR sons say to YOU, 'What does this service mean to YOU?' 27 then YOU must say, 'It is the sacrifice of the passover to YHWH, who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt when he plagued the Egyptians, but he delivered our houses.'"

Then the people bowed low and prostrated themselves. 28 Subsequently the sons of Israel went and did just as YHWH had commanded Moses and Aaron. They did just so.

29 And it came about that at midnight YHWH struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Phar′aoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison hole, and every firstborn of beast. 30 Then Phar′aoh got up at night, he and all his servants and all [other] Egyptians; and there began arising a great outcry among the Egyptians, because there was not a house where there was not one dead. 31 At once he called Moses and Aaron by night and said: "Get up, get out from the midst of my people, both YOU and the [other] sons of Israel, and go, serve YHWH, just as YOU have stated. 32 Take both YOUR flocks and YOUR herds, just as YOU have stated, and go. Also, YOU must bless me besides."

33 And the Egyptians began to urge the people in order to send them away quickly out of the land, "because," they said, "we are all as good as dead!" 34 Consequently the people carried their flour dough before it was leavened, with their kneading troughs wrapped up in their mantles upon their shoulder. 35 And the sons of Israel did according to the word of Moses in that they went asking from the Egyptians articles of silver and articles of gold and mantles. 36 And YHWH gave the people favor in the eyes of the Egyptians, so that these granted them what was asked; and they stripped the Egyptians.

37 And the sons of Israel proceeded to depart from Ram′e·ses for Suc′coth, to the number of six hundred thousand (600,000)able-bodied men on foot, besides little ones. 38 And a vast mixed company also went up with them, as well as flocks and herds, a very numerous stock of animals. 39 And they began to bake the flour dough that they had brought out from Egypt into round cakes, unfermented cakes, because it had not leavened, for they had been driven out of Egypt and had not been able to linger and too they had not prepared any provisions for themselves.

40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty (430) years. 41 And it came about at the end of the four hundred and thirty (430) years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of YHWH went out of the land of Egypt. 42 It is a night for observance with regard to YHWH for bringing them out of the land of Egypt. With regard to YHWH this night is one for observance on the part of all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.

43 And YHWH went on to say to Moses and Aaron:
"This is the statute of the passover: No foreigner may eat of it. 44 But where there is any slave man purchased with money, you must circumcise him. Then first he may share in eating it. 45 A settler and a hired laborer may not eat of it. 46 In one house it is to be eaten. You must not take any of the flesh out of the house to some place outside. And YOU must not break a bone in it. 47 All the assembly of Israel are to celebrate it. 48 And in case an alien resident resides as an alien with you and he will actually celebrate the passover to YHWH, let there be a circumcising of every male of his. First then he may come near to celebrate it; and he must become like a native of the land. But no uncircumcised man may eat of it. 49 One law is to exist for the native and for the alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst."

50 So all the sons of Israel did just as YHWH had commanded Moses and Aaron. They did just so. 51 And it came about on this very day that YHWH brought the sons of Israel together with their armies out of the land of Egypt.

Notice the following points.
The each family of Israelites slaughtered a Passover lamb and splashed its blood upon the two doorposts and the upper part of the doorway of one's own house, then ate it in the house.

The Passover was performed by each individual family.
They didn't need to gather together to escape from the plague of God.
God's angels passed over each individual house with the blood of the Passover lamb.
The blood of the Passover lamb was the sign of passing over.

The Passover ritual is a religious ritual performed by family by nature, rather than by large group of people.

Of course it is okay for several families to get together for the Passover.
It is also no problem for individual family to do the Passover by themselves alone.

It is a religious ritual for those believing God's saving act.

So, there is no reason nor demand to invite unbelievers to the Passover.

Each family of Israelites performed the Passover at one's own house, and Egyptians who believe God's saving act joined sons of Israel and were protected in the Israelites' house.

Since then, the natural Israelites have celebrated the Passover without knowing the significance of the event that the Christ is the reality of the Passover lamb.

Jesus Christ the lamb of God

Joh 1:29
29 The next day he beheld Jesus coming toward him, and he said: "See, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!

The reality of the Passover lamb, Jesus Christ was slaughtered on Nisan 14 in 33 CE 1,546 years later from 1513 BCE, and it is also 1,984 years ago from now.

On that night Jesus set the memorial celebration of his death in the replacement of the Passover for his disciples to commemorate until his return.

■ The Lord's supper or Lord's evening meal is the memorial celebration of Christ's sinless death. It is the commemoration of the reality of the Passover lamb.

By means of the Christ's sinless death, all mankind has been saved from sin and death and Satan's rule. It is the bases for the Judgment of the world.

Our bright future prospect is guaranteed.
We will restore every blessing that Adam lost.
Satan's illuminati rule will end when Christ returns.
At that time the judgment will be executed upon this world just as it was upon the ancient illuminati world power Egypt.

Those who belong to Christ will be rescued from Satan's domination when Christ returns with his heavenly armies.

There is no future for Satan and his seeds and his world.

Until that time comes those who believe in Christ remember the salvation accomplished by Christ by commemorating Lord's supper. It is an occasion to demonstrate our thanks for God and Christ.

In ancient Israel the Passover was celebrated annually. The Law covenant put Israelites under many rules and regulations over the Passover, like when, how, for whom, and the like.

But, all such requirements were removed when the Law covenant ended by Christ's sinless death. So the Passover ritual became obsolete when the reality came and fulfilled its meanings.

Instead of religious ritual belonging to the shadow, Christians are ordered to remember the sinless death of Christ by the Lord's supper.

And there is no rules and regulations of when, and where to celebrate the Lord's supper in the Christian Greek scriptures.

So, each Christian can determine when and where to commemorate Lord's death according to biblical precedents and ones' circumstances.
No one can judge other's decision in this matter.

We can commemorate the Lord's supper as a group, as well as an individual.
We can commemorate Christ's sinless death any time, since we are encouraged to contemplate on the example set by Christ.

Heb 3:1, 12:2
1 Consequently, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest whom we confess-Jesus.

2 as we look intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, Jesus. For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Indeed, consider closely the one who has endured such contrary talk by sinners against their own interests, that YOU may not get tired and give out in YOUR souls.

Jesus used emblems which were unfermented bread and wine as an aid to remember his sinless death.

The unfermented bread can be made easily with hard flour.
The wine without preservative can be obtained from local store.

The WTS' Pharisees like view

They mind an tiny amount of antioxidant in the win bottle.
Generally win on the market is added sulfite at around 10 ppm (0.001%)

How do you view that amount of additive?

Do you mind, or not mind?

The Watchtower Society minds.
That's fine, but the problem is that they impose their view upon others.

They can't do so nor should do that.

Mt 15:1-2, 10-11, 15-20
1 Then there came to Jesus from Jerusalem Pharisees and scribes, saying: 2 "Why is it your disciples overstep the tradition of the men of former times? For example, they do not wash their hands when about to eat a meal."

10 With that he called the crowd near and said to them: "Listen and get the sense of it: 11 Not what enters into [his] mouth defiles a man; but it is what proceeds out of [his] mouth that defiles a man."

15 By way of response Peter said to him: "Make the illustration plain to us." 16 At this he said: "Are YOU also yet without understanding? 17 Are YOU not aware that everything entering into the mouth passes along into the intestines and is discharged into the sewer? 18 However, the things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man. 19 For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies. 20 These are the things defiling a man; but to take a meal with unwashed hands does not defile a man."

The Watchtower Society is exacting beyond reasonableness for the purity of wine, on the other hand, they discourage people to partake the emblems which represent Christ's ransom provision for the eternal life.

Mt 23:24
24 Blind guides, who strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel!

You who strain out the gnat that fell into the wine and disqualify such a wine.

Ex-JWs who were conditioned by the Watchtower's way of Lord's supper which lacks biblical bases may mind Nisan 14, additive-free natural wine, inviting unbelievers to the memorial, and attending the memorial of Christ at the local kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses.

But actually you don't need to mind such things.

You can commemorate Christ's sinless death any time with available emblems.
Each Christian lives with appreciation for the salvation accomplished by Christ's sinless death.
In time, Christ will return and Satan's illuminati rule will end.

Related scriptures of Lord's Supper

Mt 16:21
21 From that time forward Jesus Christ commenced showing his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the older men and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised up.

Mt 26:1-2, 17-19, 26-30
1 Now when Jesus had finished all these sayings, he said to his disciples: 2 "YOU know that two days from now the passover occurs, and the Son of man is to be delivered up to be impaled."

17 On the first day of the unfermented cakes the disciples came up to Jesus, saying: "Where do you want us to prepare for you to eat the passover?" 18 He said: "Go into the city to So-and-so and say to him, The Teacher says, 'My appointed time is near; I will celebrate the passover with my disciples at your home.'" 19 And the disciples did as Jesus ordered them, and they got things ready for the passover.

26 As they continued eating, Jesus took a loaf and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he said: "TAKE, eat. This means my body." 27 Also, he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: "Drink out of it, all of YOU; 28 for this means my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. 29 But I tell YOU, I will by no means drink henceforth any of this product of the vine until that day when I drink it new with YOU in the kingdom of my Father." 30 Finally, after singing praises, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

Mr 14:12-16, 22-26
12 Now on the first day of unfermented cakes, when they customarily sacrificed the passover [victim], his disciples said to him: "Where do you want us to go and prepare for you to eat the passover?" 13 With that he sent forth two of his disciples and said to them: "Go into the city, and a man carrying an earthenware vessel of water will encounter YOU. Follow him, 14 and wherever he goes inside say to the householder, 'The Teacher says: "Where is the guest room for me where I may eat the passover with my disciples?"' 15 And he will show YOU a large upper room, furnished in preparation; and there prepare for us." 16 So the disciples went out, and they entered the city and found it just as he said to them; and they prepared for the passover.

22 And as they continued eating, he took a loaf, said a blessing, broke it and gave it to them, and said: "Take it, this means my body." 23 And taking a cup, he offered thanks and gave it to them, and they all drank out of it. 24 And he said to them: "This means my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. 25 Truly I say to YOU, I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God." 26 Finally, after singing praises, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

Lu 22:7-20
7 The day of the unfermented cakes now arrived, on which the passover [victim] must be sacrificed; 8 and he dispatched Peter and John, saying: "Go and get the passover ready for us to eat." 9 They said to him: "Where do you want us to get [it] ready?" 10 He said to them: "Look! When YOU enter into the city a man carrying an earthenware vessel of water will meet YOU. Follow him into the house into which he enters. 11 And YOU must say to the landlord of the house, 'The Teacher says to you: "Where is the guest room in which I may eat the passover with my disciples?"' 12 And that [man] will show YOU a large upper room furnished. Get [it] ready there." 13 So they departed and found it just as he had said to them, and they got the passover ready.

14 At length when the hour came, he reclined at the table, and the apostles with him. 15 And he said to them: "I have greatly desired to eat this passover with YOU before I suffer; 16 for I tell YOU, I will not eat it again until it becomes fulfilled in the kingdom of God." 17 And, accepting a cup, he gave thanks and said: "Take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves; 18 for I tell YOU, From now on I will not drink again from the product of the vine until the kingdom of God arrives."

19 Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: "This means my body which is to be given in YOUR behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me." 20 Also, the cup in the same way after they had the evening meal, he saying: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in YOUR behalf.

Mt 5:17
17 "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill;

Ro 10:4
4 For Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness.

The law is the shadow, Christ is the reality that fulfilled the law.

Col 2:16-17
16 Therefore let no man judge YOU in eating and drinking or in respect of festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; 17 for those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.

Joh 6:32-33, 51, 53-58, 63
32 Hence Jesus said to them: "Most truly I say to YOU, Moses did not give YOU the bread from heaven, but my Father does give YOU the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."

51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and, for a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world."

53 Accordingly Jesus said to them: "Most truly I say to YOU, Unless YOU eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, YOU have no life in yourselves. 54 He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day; 55 for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. 56 He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him.

57 Just as the living Father sent me forth and I live because of the Father, he also that feeds on me, even that one will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. It is not as when YOUR forefathers ate and yet died. He that feeds on this bread will live forever."

63 It is the spirit that is life-giving; the flesh is of no use at all. The sayings that I have spoken to YOU are spirit and are life.

The erroneous teaching of the occult Watchtower hinders people from following the sayings of Christ.

It is really serious sin and wicked plot of Satan.

Heb 2:14-18
14 Therefore, since the "young children" are sharers of blood and flesh, he also similarly partook of the same things, that through his death he might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil; 15 and [that] he might emancipate all those who for fear of death were subject to slavery all through their lives. 16 For he is really not assisting angels at all, but he is assisting Abraham's seed. 17 Consequently he was obliged to become like his "brothers" in all respects, that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, in order to offer propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the people. 18 For in that he himself has suffered when being put to the test, he is able to come to the aid of those who are being put to the test.

Heb 3:1-2
1 Consequently, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest whom we confess-Jesus. 2 He was faithful to the One that made him such, as Moses was also in all the house of that One.

14 For we actually become partakers of the Christ only if we make fast our hold on the confidence we had at the beginning firm to the end,

➡ The True Mt. Sinai
➡ Ransom
➡ Nisan 14
➡ Death and Resurrection of Christ
➡ Preach Christ impaled!
➡ as often as
➡ the firstfruits of mankind

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About Me

I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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