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Alexander Gleason
In his book, Is the Bible From Heaven? Is the Earth a Globe?, Gleason professes his religious beliefs as a Seventh-day Adventist and rejects the idea of a spherical Earth and the heliocentric model due to a lack of evidence and contradictions with the teachings of the Bible.
His beliefs were clearly aligned with Samuel Birley Rowbotham's Zetetic Astronomy, and Flat Earth.
Interestingly, since the US military's Antarctic exploration, the UN logo has adopted the Gleason map projection, with the North Pole in the centre and the earth surrounded by laurel leaves instead of Antarctica. As the Gleason map and the United Nations logo show, Antarctica is a wall of ice on the edge of a vast flat Earth, with the continents and oceans kept inside. What lies beyond the wall of ice is unknown, and no one knows its area.
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How to use the Gleason map
The North Pole is located at the center of the Earth, which spreads out in a disk shape.The great circle of the earth is divided into 24 parts of longitude by an arc of 15°. (24 x 15 = 360°)
So, 15° of arc represents 1 hour (the sun goes around the earth once in 24 hours).
Latitude is divided into 12 sections, from the equator at 0° to 90° north and south at 15° spans. The total latitude from the North Pole to the South Pole is 180°.
Measuring the size of the earth
One degree of longitude on the equator is 60 nautical miles.The length of the equator is 360° x 60 nm = 21,600 nm
21,600 nautical miles is 40,003 km. Nautical Miles to Kilometers Converter
The circumference of Antarctica is twice that of the equator.
Measuring the altitude of the sun
Once we know the length of the equator, we can find the radius of the equatorial circumference from 2πr = circumference.From 2πr = 40,003 km (21,600 nm) , r = 6,367 km (3,437.7 nm)
Since the distance from the equator at latitude 0° to the North Pole at latitude 90° is 90°, the length of 1 degree of latitude is 6,367 km (3,437.7 nm) x 1/90 = 70.74 km (38.19 nm).
One division of latitude is 15°, so 70.74 (38.19 nm) x 15 = 1061.2 km (572.9 nm)
Next, the sun on the Gleason map is drawn on the 45° latitude line. All the triangles drawn in yellow are similar, and they are right angle isosceles triangles with the 45° angle at the two corners of the base.
The height of the Sun above the Earth's surface is the length of one side of an isosceles triangle formed when the Sun is on the equator. Its length is the length of the radius of the equatorial circumference, which is 6,367 km (3,437.7 nm).
It can also be calculated as follows:
(90° + 45°) x 70.74 km (38.19 nm) = 9,549.9 km (5,155.6 nm),
9,549 (5,155.6 nm) ÷ √2 = 6,752.7 km (3,645.5 nm)
The daily movement of the sun revolves over the flat earth in 24 hours. The intervals between meridians are 15°, dividing 360° into 24, so there are 60 minutes (1 hour) between meridians. The time is the same on the same meridian. Also, by looking at the meridian offset, you can see how many hours the time difference is in different parts of the world. The time is the same on the same longitude line. Also, by looking at the longitude line gap, you can see how many hours the time difference is in different parts of the world.
The sun's annual movement circles over the flat earth, moving between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Tropic of Cancer 23°26'22" N
Tropic of Capricorn 23°26'22" S
About the Noon Sun Angle
The south-central altitude (Noon altitude) is the angle between the sun and the ground at noon.■ Vernal and autumnal equinox solar noon altitude
The vernal equinox occurs around March 21st, and the autumnal equinox occurs around September 22nd, when the sun is on the equator (latitude 0°).
Arctic region (90° N), 90° - 90° = 0° 0° from the south, on the southern horizon |
Tokyo (35° N), 90° - 35° = 55° 55° from the south |
At the equator (0° latitude), it is 90°, going straight up. | |
Sydney (34° S), 90° + 34° = 124° 124° from the south |
Antarctic region (90° N), 90° + 90° = 180° 180° from the south, on the northern horizon |
When the sun is on the equator (latitude 0°), sunrise and sunset in the Antarctic Circle occur like the sun rolls over the horizon from northeast to northwest.
When the sun is on the Tropic of Capricorn (23° S), the Antarctic Circle is in summer, when the sun is closest to the Antarctic Circle, and the sun rises from the northeastern horizon, moves in an arc across the sky, and sets in the northwest. There is no midnight sun, and the story that the sun does not set for 24 hours is false. The whole world is being deceived by the fake astronomy created by the Freemasons. Anyone can see the truth by going to the Antarctic summer from December to January and staying there for a month to observe.
If people were to go to Antarctica to observe, their lies would be exposed, so countries have come together to make it politically impossible for this to happen.
As Brazilian geophysicist and seismologist Afonso Vasconcelos (PhD) points out:
Sunrise and sunset in the Antarctic
Polar Tour Agency Description
According to a 30-year career veteran staff member, on an Arctic tour in June-July, when the sun is on the Tropic of Cancer, you can experience the midnight sun and see the sun above the horizon travel 360° without setting for 24 hours. However, in the Antarctic, the situation is different. Even in December-January, when it is midsummer in the Antarctic Circle (the sun is on the Tropic of Capricorn), you cannot experience the midnight sun. Therefore, there are no midnight sun tours in the Antarctic Circle. This is the reality.
■ In the Arctic, the sun, which is located on the Tropic of Cancer, revolves around the Arctic Circle, so you can see the midnight sun, where the sun does not set for 24 hours and travels 360° near the horizon.
■ In the Antarctic Circle, the Earth is not a sphere, and the Antarctic Circle is the circumference of a vast circle centered on the North Pole, so the Sun cannot go around the Antarctic Circle. Therefore, the Sun on the Tropic of Capricorn is closest to the Antarctic Circle, but it approaches the observation point from the northeast and moves away in a northwesterly direction.
During the Antarctic Circle tour in December-January, midsummer, you can see the sun rising and setting, as well as penguins and whales. There are no midnight suns.
Travel Agent: "There's No 24 Hour Sun in Antarctica!"
Explanation of the Antarctic base personnel
It's 9am May 29 and I wanna show you another peculiaity here in Antarctica for you. Can you see that? It's dark.
It's still night here, it is still night! Look, to the north it daytime is approaching, but the sun will only come out at 10am.
This phenomena is call middle winter, and when it right in the middle of the winter, around June, close to July the sun arises at around 11 am and sets at around 4pm and then it becomes night, you see?
It's another peculiarity here in Antarctica, in the winter the days are shorter and the nights are longer so it's something I wanted to show you from this wonderful continent that must be preserved. Big Hugs!
■ The Antarctic sun rises in the northeast in winter and moves northwestward parallel to the horizon without gaining much altitude. This shows that the sun's rays shine on the polar regions for about five hours, from 11:00am to 4:00pm. During winter in the Antarctic Circle, the sun moves from the vernal equinox, through the summer solstice, to the autumnal equinox, so it travels from the equator to the Tropic of Cancer and back to the equator. Therefore, in winter in the Antarctic, the sun's altitude is around 180°, near the horizon. During the summer solstice, when the sun is over the Tropic of Cancer, it does not rise above the horizon, so the Antarctic receives indirect sunlight for about two hours.
June 21st 2017 Summer solstice
Hello! June 21st 2017, first day of winter in Brazil, and here in Antarctica where we only have two seasons Summer from October to April, and winter from May to September.
So today in Antarctica we're right in the middle of winter.
We also celebrate the Antarctican Day dedicated to every human being who had the privilege to step foot here, celebrate this opportunity.
Consequently, today is the darkest day of the year here in Antarctica.
The forecast had the sunrise at 11am and sunset at 1pm, but as you can see, today is -14 degree C, lost of wind and snow.
It feels like -30 degree C, the sun didn't even show up.
Today is a typical day in Antarctica a beautiful day, a day to cerebrate, and I just wanted to show you another peculiarity of this wonderful continent.
I hope you like it, a big hug, God bless you!
■ On the summer solstice on June 21st, the Sun will be on the Tropic of Cancer and farthest from Antarctica. However, the sun's rays will still shine on Antarctica for about two hours, from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The sun is below the horizon, so I think you're seeing indirect light in the Antarctic. In the middle of winter in the Antarctic there is only indirect lighting for two hours a day, after which pitch darkness sets in until 11:00am the next day.
In May, May 21st 2017 at 1pm
A peculiarity here in Antarctica, is that the sun rises in the East normally, like elsewhere and sets in the West.
But here due to our geographic position we're in the south, you can observe the sun will rise there (NE) and will run and will set behind the mountains (NW).
This is because it's not like there in Brazil when it's noon the sun goes above our heads.
Here it's different it goes parallel to the horizon and we can see it.
It's just another Antarctic peculiarity and it's nice to show you guys who might not have this opportunity but, it's very interesting!
Ok, a big hug!
■ You can see that at the beginning of Antarctic winter, the sun rises in the northeast and then sets in the northwest, parallel to the horizon, without rising high in the sky.
Brazilian Navy Commander Flavio Cruz
Hello my friends, we're here and it's exactly midnight on January 17 2019, and there is the midnight sun which is setting and it will rise again, the sun here in Antarctica.
Just scratches along the horizon, and you guys will now see a phenomena that only happens at the poles of the earth, north and south poles.
And look how interesting on one side we have the day and I will turn you will see the other we have
On the other side we have the night.
What an interesting phenomena, Flat earthers love this!
It only happens at the poles, day time on one side and night at the other side.
Sorry for camera shake but it's too cold.
So that's it! It's Thursday exactly midnight Thursday, January 17th, 2019.
On one side we have the night and I will turn, so you can enjoy seeing the day on the other side the sunset, here in Antarctica the extraordinary phenomena here, the midnight sun.
It's wonderful to be able to see this, this beautiful phenomena here in Antarctica.
The midnight sun and the phenomena where it's day on one side and night on the other. We are here sailing at the Antarctica Strait on the cold continent.
■ The phenomenon of seeing the Sun and Moon at the same time occurs because the Sun and Moon revolve in the same orbit over the flat Earth. It also tells us that the Sun and Moon are close to each other. The Moon's speed is a little slower than the Sun's, so we see the Sun in the west and the Moon in the east, but when the Sun catches up with the Moon, we see the Moon in the west and the Sun in the east.
Sun over the Tropic of Cancer +23° | Sun over the equator 0° | Sun over the Tropic of Capricorn -23° |
During the Antarctic midwinter, the sun is below the horizon and the Antarctic region is lit by indirect light. On the summer solstice, daylight lasts for two hours, from 11:00am to 1:00pm. | In Antarctic winter and summer, the sun rises in the northeast and sets in the northweast, parallel to the horizon, without rising high in the sky. | In midsummer in Antarctica, the sun rises in the northeast, moves in an arc across the sky, and sets in the northwest. You can see the setting sun and the moon chasing it at the same time. |
Antarctica Time lapse: A Year on Ice
This is a time-lapse video showing a year in Antarctica, filmed in 2005 around McMurdo Station and Scott Station in Antarctica. Every year, for four months in winter, the sun hides below the horizon, so Antarctica is illuminated by indirect lighting. During four summer months, the sun rises above the horizon and can be seen directly. During the transition months between summer and winter, the sun rises above the horizon, rolls over it, and then sets.
Video of the Antarctic midnight sun explained by Mr. Kubota, a commentator of Japanese テレ東BIZ.
In the video, he explains the indirect lighting from the Antarctic winter sun and how the sun at the equator rolls over the horizon, and also uses footage of the midnight sun shot with a fisheye lens, chanting the Earth mantra. The NASA footage and the footage of the midnight sun in Antarctica are both CGI images. There are no midnight sun in Antarctica. It is in Japanese, so please watch it with English subtitles.
Sun-Moon Orbits on the Flat Earth
The Sun and Moon travel in the same orbit, with the Sun completing one revolution over the flat earth in 24 hours, while the Moon completes one revolution a little slower, in 24h50'28".
In its 360 orbits over the flat earth in one year, it travels from the Tropic of Cancer at 23° north latitude, through the equator at 0° latitude, to the Tropic of Capricorn at 23° south latitude and back. The Tropic of Cancer is the smaller circle on the side of the Arctic, and the Tropic of Capricorn is the larger circle on the side of the Antarctic. The seasons are caused by the sun moving back and forth between the north and south.
The summer solstice is on the Tropic of Cancer, the spring and autumn equinoxes are on the equator, and the winter solstice is on the Tropic of Capricorn.
Tropic of Cancer | 23°26'22" N | Summer solstice (June 21 or 22) |
Equator | Latitude 0° | Vernal equinox (March 20th or 21st) Autumnal equinox (September 22nd or 23rd) |
Tropic of Capricorn | 23°26′22″ S | Winter Solstice (December 22) |
The sun and moon move slower towards the north where the inner circle is smaller, and faster towards the south where the outer circle is larger. This means that the cruising speed of the Sun and Moon will be slower in the north direction and faster in the south direction. In the north, the sun moves slower in summer and faster toward winter. The circle at 23° north latitude is 16,079.9 nm (29,780 km), at 0° at the equator it is 21,599.8 nm (40,003 km), and at 23° south latitude it is 27,119.8 nm (50,226 km). The speed at which the Sun orbits the Earth in 24 hours is slower in the north and faster in the south.
Due to the movement and changing speed of the sun, the analemma of the annual path of the sun's orbit at the same time each day forms a figure eight.
This means that at the same time of day in the analemma (i.e. at the same elapsed time), the sun's position in the west is longer and faster than that in the east.From mid-February to mid-May, the sun slows down as it moves north, shortening its cruising distance, but at the same time its position is in the west because its cruising distance is shorter even though it is slowing down.
From June to July, the sun is on the Tropic of Cancer, which is the shortest cruising distance. At the same time, the sun is high in the sky and slows down as it moves eastward until August, when it leaves the Tropic of Cancer. Passing August, the sun picks up speed and heads south, where it has a longer cruising distance. So, the sun's position in the analemma continues to move westward until November.
As it enters the Tropic of Capricorn, its greatest cruising distance, the position of the sun at the same time of day shifts eastward until February, when it leaves the Tropic of Capricorn, so we can see that it is slowing down.
The speed will be slower when ascending from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer, but the cruising distance will also be shorter. Conversely, the speed will be faster when traveling down from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn, and the cruising distance will also be longer. As a result, the position of the sun on the southbound downhill line moves to the westernmost point.
A scheme to thwart the Flat Earth Global Awakening
If you search on YouTube for "antarctica 24 hour sun time lapse", you will find a fake video of the Antarctic 24 hour sun using CGI (computer generated imagery) from around 2016, when flat earth became globally recognized and people began to awaken, to present day 2025.Starting in 2020, Google Search and YouTube began blocking flat earth related sites, so that when people search for flat earth, they are only shown sites that deny flat earth, and are no longer directed to sites that affirm flat earth.
10 years ago, when CGI technology was still immature, the early fake videos were made by cutting and pasting video frames together, and fake time-lapse videos of the Antarctic sun that didn't sink for 24 hours were uploaded. However, before long, the era of fake videos using copy-paste CGI instead of cutting and pasting video frames came into being, and now fake CGI videos shot in huge green screen studios are available.
Below is a sample of an early fake video. Since it is impossible to film a 360° rotating shadow in the Antarctica, where there is no midnight sun, they removed flags, or skipped parts to make it look like a 24-hour video.
Advances in LED technology, holograms, laser beams, and other cinematographic techniques have allowed them to fool people with Hollywood-quality fakery. The whole world has been fooled by NASA, Disney, Hollywood as to space, astronauts, and the 24-hour sun in Antarctica.
But the reality is that the Earth is not a sphere, the universe does not exist, and the midnight sun (24h unsetting sun) in the Antarctica does not exist. In reality, there is only heaven where God and spirit beings reside, and the earth on which we live. The earth is a vast flat plane, its circumference surrounded by a wall of ice, and the sun and moon cruise above this flat earth from east to west.
The Final Experiment
At the end of last year (2024), a live broadcast program titled "The Final Experiment" was planned and carried out by Flat Earth believers and spherical Earth believers to see if it would be possible to observe a sun that does not set for 24 hours in Antarctica during the winter solstice.If the sun appearing for 24 hours without setting in the Antarctica on the winter solstice, the earth is spherical; otherwise, it is circumstantial evidence that the earth is flat.
The person who organized the experiment was Will Duffy, a pastor of a small church outside Denver, Colorado. The participants from the Flat Earthers and Globe Earthers who accepted to take part in the experiment did so at their own expense, brought live broadcasting equipment, and broadcast the so-called evidence footage to the whole world.
The footage of Antarctica that was streamed showed the bright 24-hour sun rotating 360° across a clear sky.
But the problem is that the footage was a fake, created using high-tech studio and CGI.
Nevertheless, the YouTube Flat Earthers who participated in this project all started insisting that the 24-hour sun in Antarctica was real.
This is fracturing tactics of the seeds of the serpent which have been cunningly prepared for years to create confusion and extra burden for counterargument among Flat Earth believers.
■ What is noteworthy about this whole story is that there exist among those spreading Flat Earth beliefs, information manipulators and opinion leaders known as Gatekeepers, who are working to suddenly shake and destroy the faith that they built in people's minds. And when the Serpent's Seed moves, his true identity will be revealed.
Rev. Will Duffy,
Jeran Campanella of Jeranism,
Austin Whitsitt of Witsit Gets It,
Lisbeth Acosta of FlatEarth GANG,
became known to be the seed of the serpent.
Sites exposing the fake "final experiment"
Eric Dubay
Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil
They Live Truth
Since 2015, the fake universe invented by the Seeds of the Serpent has been exposed all over the world, and many people around the world have awakened. Up until now in 2025, a lot of fakeries have continued to be exposed, and every bit of evidence presented by the Seeds of the Serpent has been exposed as a fabrication.
- Earth's curvature hoax
- Limitations of visual acuity due to angular resolution and the effect of perspective on object visibility
- Effect of acceleration of rotating bodies
- Phony distance to the sun
- The moon, sun, and stars are plasma emitters and cannot be landed on.
- Freemason Isaac Newton's Gravity Hoax
- Jewish mystic Albert Einstein's space curvature hoax
- About 100 km above the earth, there is a plasma layer called the Van Allen belt, so no one can travel into imaginary fantasy universe.
- A poor performance by NASA and Freemason astronauts from various countries trying to show the gravity-free universe
- In addition, the Freemason's universe model became known to be thoroughly bogus from physics, chemistry, optics, electromagnetism, and so on.
Over the past decade, YouTube has been overwhelmingly releasing educational exposé videos that have shattered the Seeds of the Serpent's fake universe and Earth fantasy.
The last stronghold left for the Seeds of the Serpent is now the Antarctica only. It has been designated an outsider-exclusion zone by the Seed of the Serpent forces across the earth, and is the only place where truth seekers cannot go gathering evidence to expose the fraud.
That's why they're making a big fuss about it, calling it the "final experiment" and claiming that "the sun was visible for 24 hours" in Antarctica.
The earth is not a sphere, it is a circle. There is no "24 hour sun" in Antarctica. It is a Masonic NASA, Disney, Hollywood green screen studio and CGI spectacle. The director is incompetent and the actors are terrible. That's why many people around the world are making pungent comments about the "Final Experiment" video, exposing it as a fake.
The fact that they have only been able to fake the 24-hour sun (midnight sun) in Antarctica every time since 2015 is one of the strongest circumstantial evidences that the Earth is flat and not spherical. There is no chance for the seeds of the serpent to win. Everything is exposed. So Google, YouTube are directing people to Flat Earth defeat videos created with CGI and green screen.
Search for "The final experiment in Antarctica is a hoax" and see the results. You won't find a single video exposing and explaining the "final experiment" by Flat Earthers.
Is 40:21-23
21 Do YOU people not know? Do YOU not hear? Has it not been told to YOU from the outset? Have YOU not applied understanding from the foundations of the earth? 22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell, 23 the One who is reducing high officials to nothing, who has made the very judges of the earth as a mere unreality.
Christ's Return and the Great Sign of Deception
Once one finds the truth in the Serpent's world run by the Serpent's seed, and is able to fully understand and defend what he is convinced of, he will not be swayed by the Serpent's seed's deceptive teachings and high-tech deception, as written in Ephesians 4:14.
Eph 4:14
14 in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error.
The Serpent's Seed has access to high technology such as holograms, laser beams, and electromagnetic waves, allowing them to deceive the world with great signs. They can fabricate abnormal weather, create two artificial suns, and other celestial phenomena. The seed of the serpent, who fabricated the moon landing and the corona pandemic, will also fabricate the return of Christ. That is why the Bible warns us about the great signs that modern-day magicians will produce at the time of Christ's return.
Mt 24:23-26
23 "Then if anyone says to YOU, 'Look! Here is the Christ (Anointed),' or, 'There!' do not believe it. 24 For false Christs (anotinted ones) and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones.
25 Look! I have forewarned YOU. 26 Therefore, if people say to YOU, 'Look! He is in the wilderness,' do not go out; 'Look! He is in the inner chambers,' do not believe it.
The serpent world moving towards the New World Order uses high technology to deceive and intimidate people into submission. The Seeds of the Serpent wants to prevent people from awakening through the Flat Earth and seeking salvation from the God of the Bible. Because the more people who know the truth and turn to God for salvation, the more people will not succumb to lies and threats.
In order to deceive the whole world, you need a sign that looks real. Today, nearly 2,000 years after the first coming of Christ, the Serpent's seed has access to video and other high technology that allows them to create counterfeits that are indistinguishable from the real thing. So you need to take everything you hear with a pinch of salt and think about whether it might be a scam, just like you would with phishing emails or fake websites.
Re 13:11-18
11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed. 13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. 15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.
16 And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
Now in 2025, as lies continue to be exposed in all areas, people are beginning to split into sheep and goats. In other words, people's inner temperament and inclinations have begun to be revealed by their words and actions as to if they prefer the truth or lies.
Those who will be saved when Christ returns are said to be a great multitude which no one can number. But at the same time, there is also a great multitude of those who are perishing.
Think about how many people make their living from high-tech, and how many use that technology not to benefit people, but to deceive, terrorize, and kill. The world of the Seed of the Serpent, which tries to control people using high technology, does not deserve to exist. Therefore, it will end with judgment by Christ. Before long! The lies, exploitation and violence can no longer continue.
So live righteously through these last days of this crazy seed of the serpent with hope.
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