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The authority of the WTS
The authority that the WTS has is not from God.First, consider the governing body.
They claim that they were appointed in 1919 by the invisible Christ who has been present since 1914.
But there is no tangible evidence of this.
There is only their writing about this statement in their magazines and publications.
They point out their expanding world wide preaching activity as the evidence of their appointment.
They have succeeded to get 7 million believers around the world.
The WTS has become world wide international organization.
The WTS is incorporated in this world as a business organization dealing with printing, publishing and real estate, construction, and investment.
There are shareholders of the WTS inc.
Their self-claiming appointment is based upon their faulty argument on Greek word "Parousia."
They interpret "Parousia" as "presence."
But more accurately it should be interpreted as "coming," or "arriving," in harmony with the volume of the truth about Jesus' promise of coming back.
The adverse effects of wrong teaching
They succeeded to indoctrinate JWs to believe that the WTS or the governing body would never make serious mistake, since they are the one that represents God and Christ on earth today.
For this reason all JWs are expected to be "yes-man" to the WTS and its governing body.
They are expected to reason that even there is a mistake in the WTS's direction, obey anyway, then God and Christ would guide you through their mistake.
Is it sound reasoning?
Is it not true that the governing body members are also imperfect human like us with the same weaknesses?
If it is true, what is their mental attitude always insisting that they have been chosen and righteous for others' salvation?
It is perfectly identical with the religious leaders in Jesus's times, isn't it?
It is said that they sat on the seat of Moses.
Mt 23:1-2
1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: 2 "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses.
But ironically Pharisees' authority came from Satan.
Joh 8:44
44 YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father.
elders in the congregation
They are the ones who are dancing with the flute of the governing body.Their appointment is said "by the holy spirit."
But actual appointing power is held by the WTS, as you know.
Recently they gave the power of appointment to the circuit overseer.
Elders authority is from the WTS, a world wide business corporation.
WTS is deceiving JWs by misapplying Scriptures, just as Satan tried to deceive Jesus by misapplying Scriptures.
The harmful effects of misuse of scriptures
Some samples of misapplication of scriptures."appointment by the holy spirit"
"waiting for Jehovah"
"by two or three witnesses"
JWs reason that they should obey elders' decision though they are imperfect, and if an elder is so bad in God's eyes, Gad will remove him in his due time and his due means, so wait and see attitude is common among JWs.
Due to the spell of "appointment of the holy spirit," and "waiting for Jehovah," JWs tend to be innocent bystander, or onlooker doing nothing practical to solve the problem.
During that period, the problem would become worse than before, producing some victims.
In addition to that elders are expected to act as judge among JWs, despite they are not capable for such a job. It tends to create more problems.
Elders are also expected to grade JWs by their obedience of WTS' form of worship such as time spent for the field ministry, submitting field service report, regularity of meeting attendance, and so on.
The sexual misconducts by elders recently becoming public in the western world is an rotten fruit, due to the misapplication of scriptures.
In case of Mark Sewell, 53 years old JWs elder in Wales in Britain
Jehovah's Witness elders were 'spiritually corrupt and morally bankrupt', court told Mark Sewell, 53, has denied 12 sex charges against girls and women across a 10-year period, at Merthyr Crown Court.This elder has sexually abused a number of women for 10 years. He was able to carry on this folly because of spelling of misapplying the scriptures such as "appointment by the holy spirit," "two or three witnesses" and "waiting for Jehovah."
The rotten fruits of the WTS' teaching is issuing forth bad smell among the community.
Mt 7:18-20
18 a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men].
JWs tend to leave the problems without doing anything practically to remedy the situation, increasing the number of the victims, because of their wrong teachings and the Pharisee like authority structure.
Mt 16:11-12
11 How is it YOU do not discern that I did not talk to YOU about loaves? But watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." 12 Then they grasped that he said to watch out, not for the leaven of the loaves, but for the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Eph 5:10-11
10 Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord; 11 and quit sharing with [them] in the unfruitful works that belong to the darkness , but, rather, even be reproving [them],
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