The Crazy Decades of the Watchtower society

2015/10/09 0

JW WT society

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The following is the shameful footsteps of the WTS, a fake God's house from its golden age.

1965-1975 Armageddon Fever: The Decade of the JW Surge

Ray Franz entered into the writing department of the Brooklyn headquarter after 20 years of missionary service in Caribbean islands. He was assigned to a project of Bible encyclopedia called "Aid to Bible Understanding" with some other staffs including Ed Dunlop who was an instructor of the Gilead Missionary School.

Through the research for the project, it was found that the WTS's way of managing of the organization is not in harmony with the biblical way, and the 607 BC, the year of destruction of Jerusalem which the WTS claimed was also unable to be established by the archeological evidences.

These discoveries induced the WTS to reconsider their authority structure and their interpretation of Bible prophecy.

As a result, the transition of authority from the president of WT corporation to a group of people in Jehovah's Witnesses religion was proceeding with emotional battle in 70's. And reconsideration of the prophecy of the last days started individually among Jehovah's Witnesses.

Unfortunately, WTS's organizational reform was not able to restore Christian brotherhood which we ought to have, but rather the WTS came to take much authoritarian leadership imposing submission to the Governing Body on JWs and suppressing Bible study apart from the organizational arrangements, worse yet, they view people who have different views as an object of disfellowship for the apostasy.

Life Everlasting in Freedom of The Sons of God was issued. It was written by Fred Franz and pointed that it has been 6000 years in 1975 from the time of Adam's creation. The Armageddon fever of 1975 begun.

Aid to Bible Understanding was issued.

Ray Franz and three others became members of the Governing Body.

The WTS incites JWs with an idea that 6000 years of human history will end in September in 1975, so that the Armageddon could happen. Many JWs sold their houses and jobs to become pioneer, full time preacher.

In prospect of Armageddon, the Bible study course was arranged to be six months.
Lloyd Barry, the overseer of Japanese branch became the member of the GB.

Unprogressive Bible study within six months is terminated.

A Decade Since 1976 A Decade of Purge of Christians with Different Opinions

Cosmetic organizational reform was done.
Separation between corporate governance and religious leadership was made with emotional battle.

N.H. Knorr, the president of the corporation who was struggled for the power died of cancer at age 72. Fred Franz became the president of the corporation.

After the organizational reform a free atmosphere was seen for a short time in the headquarter. Individual Bible study groups were formed, but by the end of the year, differing opinions from the society's teachings and those dissenting from the WTS became to be stifled or suppressed.

A purge was carried out.
Ray Franz was removed from the GB and was dismissed from the headquarter in May. Ed Dunlop was disfellowshiped. And many other headquarter staffs were treated the same. The situations at that time are revealed in detail in the "Crisis of Conscience," a book written by Ray Franz.

In March Peter Gregerson, an elder resigned JW after enough research.
Individual Bible study group in addition to the society's arrangements was banned (w 8/15 p28-29)
The way of dealing with disassociated person was changed in w 9/15 in order to disfellowship Ray Franz.
11/25 Ray Franz was disfellowshiped for a lunch with Peter Gregerson.

Carl Olof Jonsson, an elder in Sweden was disfellowshiped for pointing out the error of the year 1914.

Carl Olof Jonsson published "The Gentile Times Reconsidered."
Ray Franz published "Crisis of the Conscience."

Baptismal question was changed as follows.
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? (w June 1, 1985 pg. 30 par. 3, 4)

In June apostates hunting occurred at Hiroshima congregation in Hokkaido Japan.

1990s: A decade of diffused voices of JW insiders

On June 22 WTS files amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief with US Supreme Court in TV evangelist Jimmy Swaggart case. He lost the case. As a result, products sold by religious organization became subjected to taxation.

The complete donation basis presentation goes into effect.

Ray Franz published "In Search of Christian Freedom."
Lloyd Barry wrote his name on UN NGO agreement paper for the WTS to be a member of UN NGO.
10 years later, Guardian UK revealed the relationship and many JWs protested against the WTS.

12/22 Fred Franz died at age 99.

Proclaimer book was published to mute the effect of Ray Franz's writing and others'.
WTS acknowledged the first time the actual origin of the 2520 year calculation by Johon Aquila Brown made in 1823, 50 years before Russell appeared on the scene (p134)
William Henry Conley was the first president of WTS (p576)
These info had been public knowledge already through the Internet.

Lloyd Barry died at age 83 during a public talk in district convention in Hawaii.

The first decade of the 21st century, a decade in which the inappropriate treatment of JW pedophiles was exposed.

GB resigned WTS's directors by corporate reorganization in October.
7 new directors are not member of the GB.
Don Alden Adams became president of WTS.

Bill Bowen (William H. Bowen), a JW elder started exposing the WTS about pedophile, launching the web site "Silentlambs."

5/28 the issue of the pedophile in the WTS was broadcasted by Dateline NBC. Barbara Anderson witnessed the matter in the program.
In expectation of her action, the WTS disfellowshiped her on 5/19 a week in advance.

NBC DATELINE - Jehovah's Witnesses - Watchtower
- Child Sexual Abuse Settlement

Two months later, BBC Panorama broadcasted an hour documentary of the pedophile in the WTS.

They conducted an ambush interview with Ted Jaracz right after his descending from the stage in a convention about the "two witnesses pedophile policy." Jaracz answered "We will not go beyond the things written."

Jehovah's Witnesses Suffer the Little Children
BBC Panorama

Many other similar broadcasts have been following around the world since then.

3/22 Milton Henschel died at age 82.

WTS corporation
Don A. Adams (President)
Robert W. Wallen, William F. Malenfant (Vice Presidents)
Richard E. Abrahamson (Secretary-Treasurer)
Danny L. Bland, Philip D. Wilcox, John N. Wischuk (Directors)

The spiritual foods are prepared by non-anointed.
The GB's role is to approve the contents.

The WTS is a publishing corporation masquerading as Christian.

Awake became monthly

The Silentlambs uploaded an article entitled "Ron's Rapists" dealing with a cover-up done by the WTS's UK branch coordinator Ronald Drage about pedophile.

UK Charity Commission begun investigating about the child protection policy of the WTS seven years ago.
In their August 2007 report of Michael Porter who was close friend of Ronald Drage and Mill Hill congregation, the WTS's trustees were given a warning to provide a practical child protection policy.
Because it tuned out to be that they did nothing despite they were instructed to do so seven years ago.

In December an Australian brother Steven Unthank disassociated from the WTS so as to sue the WTS for their negligence of child protection. 

In January Johnny an active Bethelite in Brooklyn started leaking inside info. in Sixscreens web conference call program. 

6/2 Ray Franz died at age 88, Raymond Franz Original Archives
6/9 Ted Jaracz died at age 85
12/4 Jack Barr died at age 97

A Decade of Litigation from 2010 to Now

4/19 Steven Unthnak sued the WTS for them to comply with Australian child protection law.
10/11 The Australian branch office sent a letter to all the congregations to encourage JWs to comply with the Australian child protection law.

In June Candace Conti sued the WTS for their two witnesses policy in child sexual abuse case.
Many law suits in English speaking countries against the WTS increased thereafter.

A leading figure in UK branch who was involved in child sexual abuse was removed.
UK Charity commission started investigation as to the qualification of the WTS as a charitable institution.

The WTS appealed to the court against UK Charity commission's investigation of their child protection policy hiring an expensive prestigious law farm. However the court turned down their appeal twice.

In July Candace Conti's law suit was settled with $1.5-2million penalty.
7/27-8/14 Australian Loyal Commission's investigation of the WTS's child protection policy.

Geoffrey Jackson a member of the GB and other responsible persons Australian branch were found that they were not true shepherd who protect and feed Jesus' little sheep. They are not faithful, nor discreet at all in practical application of the Bible principles, their policy harmed many.
See ➡ Two witnesses rule. Despite receiving warning and advice from fellow believers around the world and the higher authority for more than 20 years, they did nothing in protecting children from pedophiles.

In UK Charity Commission started the similar investigation of many institutions including the WTS.

Thanks to the media broadcasts many people came to realize the WTS's child protection policy is really harmful, and many active JWs are awaking to the reality of the WTS, a fake Christian congregation placed and manipulated by Satan.

2Th 2:9-12
9 But the lawless one's presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

Watchtower and Awake magazines came to issue every other month.
Theocratic ministry school discontinued.

The attitude of the WTS is really arrogant, is it not?
There must be illuminati power behind the WTS which is able to stand up to the judicial power.

What the WTS is now hopping is World War like WWI in 1914.
They want to turn people's mind from their scandals to phony Bible prophecy again so as to deceive them.

The world seems to be heading toward WWIII.

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About Me

I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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