An amazing reality

2014/01/27 0


X f W T in
The truth has been suppressed in this Satan's world as always.
Here is an example of microorganism.

Life cycle and reverse life cycle of jellyfish

If some type of jellyfish is put under stress like starvation, reverse life cycle will occur to endure hardship by returning primordial cell. It is a natural wonder, which is rare for the state school system to teach.

Scientists claiming Pleomorphism

Microorganisms come out of somatic cells and are like subdivisions of cells. The microorganisms themselves are further subdivided into smaller organisms.

Antoine Bechamp

Antoine Bechamp
French chemist and biologist in 19the century discovered amazing reality.
from wiki
Béchamp believed that living entities called "microzymes" created bacteria in response to host and environmental factors; he did not believe that bacteria could invade a healthy host and create disease on their own.

Pleomorphism (microbiology)
from wiki
In the first decades of the 20th century, the term "pleomorphism" was used to refer to the idea that bacteria changed shape dramatically or existed in a number of extreme morphological forms. This claim was controversial among microbiologists of the time, and split them into two schools: the monomorphists, who opposed the claim, and the pleomorphists (such as Antoine Béchamp, Günther Enderlein, Albert Calmette and Poyal Rife).

Pleomorphism, Its Discovery and Suppression
He (Bechamp) identified a fundamental unit of microbiological life, named the ‘microzyma’, which he said was critical in supporting the life of cells, but could be triggered into pathogenic states, depending on specific changes in the state of the internal (particularly the blood) environment. Therefore, the bacteria and other micro-organisms; viruses and fungi, that were being blamed as the cause of disease, were viewed by Bechamp as being part of Nature’s ‘clean-up crew’, breaking down sick tissue and ultimately decomposing a no-longer-occupied body. Bechamp also viewed these micro-organisms as ‘changing forms’ (pleomorphic): from seed to bacterial, viral and fungal states, rather than being seen as discrete species unto themselves.

Royal Rife

Royal Rife
With the creation of Rife's Universal Microscope in the 1930’s, Rife was able to observe and prove the reality of pleomorphism. He was able to do this partly because of his advancements with optics, but also because he used light frequencies to highlight his samples rather than chemical dyes. Using dyes kills the specimen, so tissues cannot be viewed in the natural living state. Studying dead samples is a dumb as studying cadavers to understand living processes. Further, Rife was able to isolate the particular viral form involved in all forms of Cancer, and discover a frequency signal that would neutralize it.

Maurice Fishbein, representing the AMA at the time, wanted to ‘buy into’ Rife’s discovery for personal gain. As Rife said ‘no’ to his offer, the once-supportive AMA establishment henceforth vilified him in print and his discoveries were driven underground. Government goon squads attempted to physically destroy all the evidence of Rife’s work. There are a handful of Rife’s Universal Microscopes in existence, but none of them complete and functional. Instead, mainstream science uses the Electron Microscope, which kills the sample with radiation in the process of viewing the sample.

Pleomorphism, Its Discovery and Suppression
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40,407-414, 1997

Life story



All human government is under Satan's control, so they are children of lie, which we can't trust for reliable info., they have criminal records of terrorism, deceptive scientific theory, deceptive history, deceptive extraterrestrial being, deceptive UFO, fake moon landing, and so forth.

Sitting duck is easily fooled by the statement of the governments or any big institution whether it is religious, scientific, educational, commercial, etc.

The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element
The Cancer Cure That Worked!
The Cancer Cure That Worked, Fifty Years of Suppression

Kikuo Chishima

Kikuo Chishima
Dr. Kikuo Chishima, October 10, 1899 - October 23, 1978) was a Japanese medical researcher who promoted a variant of the Soviet medical biologist Olga Lepeshinskaya's pseudoscientific cellular theories, known as neo-Haematology, now largely discredited.

Dr. Kikuo Chishima, Professor of the Nagoya Commercial University, Japan, and author of a nine volume collection of his research and scientific studies called “Revolution of Biology and Medicine: A New Theory on the Life Science and Its Practical Application to Health & Disease,” is best known for his studies demonstrating that the origin of red blood corpuscles is not the bone marrow but the intestinal villus, and that red blood corpuscles differentiate into all kinds of somatic cells and germ cells in accordance with their cellular resonant environmental conditions.

He theorized that the intestinal villi act like small antennae that absorb both nutrients as well as energetic or frequency information from the food we eat. These red blood cells or erythrocytes respond to specific biophoton oscillations and aggregate, fuse, synthesize DNA and differentiate into lymphocyte or mesenchymal cells.

Revolution of Biology & Medicine
Studies on the Origin of Cancer Cell

a scientific fraud

The fake moon landing

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About Me

I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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