Humans Co-Existing With Dinosaurs

2013/09/15 0

Noah's flood

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Dinosaurs coexisted with humans.

Anasazi Indians' petroglyph around 1300s.
In Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah, a very interesting petroglyph that resembles a sauropod (long-neck dinosaur) has raised eyebrows and questions. The petroglyph is attributed to the Anasazi Indians who lived in that area during the 1300s A.D.

from the Valley of Acambaro over 4000 years ago
Another amazing discovery was made in 1925 by the German archeologist Waldenar Julsrud, when he discovered numerous dinosaur figurines buried at the foot of El Toro Mountain, in the Valley of Acambaro, about 180 miles North of Mexico City. This was positive proof that the ancient civilizations of people who lived in these areas over four thousand years ago, had intimate first hand knowledge of what these dinosaurs looked like. These dinosaur figurines are authentic proof that these monsters still inhabited the jungles of South America during the times of the Inca’s. In this collection of ancient dinosaur figures are all different sizes, some as big as 5 foot long.

Ica Stones in 500-1500 AD

There was even more evidence found in pictures carved into the stones by the Incas dating back to 500 A.D to 1500 A.D. These stones depicted dinosaurs attacking men, and the people are shown hunting or struggling with a variety of monsters that resemble BRONTOSAURS, TRICERATOPS, STEGOSAURS, AND PTERODACTYLS, indicating that the ancient Peruvians had seen, hunted, and lived with these dinosaurs. These stones were first mentioned in the 1500's by Spanish explorers as noted by the Indian chronicler Juan de Santa Cruz Pachachuti Llamgui, who wrote that: At the time of the Peru-tomb Pachachuti many carved stones were found in the Kingdom of Chperu-tomb. Many of the life-like depictions of dinosaurs were taken back to Spain and described in the writings of a Jesuit Spanish Priest Father Simon in 1525, as unusual engraved stones with strange animals on them. He accompanied Francisco Pizarro the sixteenth-century European explorer and conqueror of the Inca Empire. In 1562 the Spanish conquistadors were exploring what is now Ica, Peru when they found rocks with strange creatures carved on them. They had never seen animals like this so they sent some to the King of Spain. He also had never seen such creatures.

In the 1500s, a European scientific book, Historia Animalium, listed several animals that we would call dinosaurs, as still alive. If man actually saw live dinosaurs, then there is something radically wrong with the succession of life as taught by the Evolutionists.

Ica Stones

Secret of the Incas.
Stones Collection of Dr Javier Cabrera, Peru.

Painting of the plesiosaur-like creature, 'Yarru', by the Kuku Yalanji tribespeople of North Queensland, Australia.

The Yarru painting was done c.1990 by an aboriginal artist who had no knowledge of plesiosaurs or dinosaurs. The picture is based on memories of a past event when a marine reptile swallowed a tribesperson. The Yarru picture looks like the Zuiyo Maru creature.

On the morning of April 25, 1977, about 50 km. east of Christchurch, New Zealand, the Japanese fishing boat Zuiyo Maru brought up a large animal from a depth of about 300 meters.

Photograph of the front of the carcass. Taken by Michihiko Yano, April 25, 1977. One of the paired upper fins is visible just above the front flipper (arrows are pointing at the upper fin's edges).

Mysterious World: Sea Monster

Egyptian long necked dragons

A slate palette from Heirakonpolis, shows triumph of King Nar-mer (first Pharaoh of a united Egypt)

Dinosaurs are still alive today.

When the pygmies in those regions are asked to describe mokele-mbembe, they drew an outline in the sand of a brachiosaurus.

42 year veteran missionary, Eugene Thomas had two pygmies in his mission in Congo, Africa that claimed to have killed a Mokele-Mbembe in 1959.

"My examination of the monster was quite thorough... It had no teeth. Its head is large and its neck is 20 feet (6m) long. The body is weak and the tail is only three feet in length from the end of the backbone... with a bill like it possesses, it must have lived on herbage and undoubtable inhabited a swamp. I would call it a type of plesiosaurus."
-E.L. Wallace, President of the Natural History Society of British Columbia's 1925 eye-witness analyzation of the creature, quoted by Skin Diver Magazine, November, 1989


The Pterosauria which many people witness. American Indian calls it Thunderbird. It is witnessed routinely in the African backward region.

Behemoth & Leviathan

Job 40:15-19 (behemoth)
15 Here, now, is Be・he'moth that I have made as well as you. Green grass it eats just as a bull does. 16 Here, now, its power is in its hips, And its dynamic energy in the tendons of its belly. 17 It bends down its tail like a cedar; The sinews of its thighs are interwoven. 18 Its bones are tubes of copper; Its strong bones are like wrought-iron rods. 19 It is the beginning of the ways of God; Its Maker can bring near his sword.

Tail of hippopotamus & dinosaurs
Behemoth is not hippopotamus but dinosaurs (brachiosaurus).
The dinosaurs are grass and plant eater as intended first by God.
The sharp tusk is originally intended to crush the fiber of a hard tree and nuts.

Leviathan (Job 41:1-34, Ps 104:26) is not crocodile but Plesiosaurs.

Reptiles continue to grow as long as they live, so living longer is bigger.
Fossil records show creatures before the flood of Noah was huge compared to the now.

Current education system is based on the theory of evolution, so that it can't fit in the fossil records crating mysteries to delight the public.

The truth of the biblical record will become more apparent if the correct inference is made according to the evidence of fossils and reality.


Forbidden History Dinosaurs and the Bible

Dinosaurs And The Bible- Part 3 : Kent Hovind : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Did Men and Dinosaurs live at the same time?

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I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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