Noah's flood

2013/09/11 0

Noah's flood

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Ark on the Mt. Ararat

Noah's Ark
Global Flood in the days of Noah.

Ark on the Mt. Ararat (Video)

Remnants Of Noah's Ark

inside of the ark (Video)

Were did the water came from?

Ge 7:11 (NWT)
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep (tĕhowm) were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep (tĕhowm) broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

תְּהוֹם (tĕhowm)

1) deep, depths, deep places, abyss, the deep, sea

a) deep (of subterranean waters)
b) deep, sea, abysses (of sea)
c) primeval ocean, deep
d) deep, depth (of river)
e) abyss, the grave

Hydroplate Theory

Evidence of the Worldwide Flood in geology

10A Fish fossils show rapid fossilization from Mark Turner

Chinese Word for Boat

A picture summary of Noah's flood
Mount Ararat Photo Album
1969-1987 Elfred Lee

George Hagopian

George Hagopian is an Armenian that claimed to have seen Noah's Ark two times when he was a little boy around 1900 and 1905. It took Hagopian and his uncle eight days to reach the high grazing areas and glacier of Mt. Ararat from the city of Van. The primary reason to travel to Ararat was a four-year drought owing to which sheep were dying in the Lake Van area. With a prolonged absence of precipitations the Ark was completely uncovered. They reached it and Hagopian, helped by his uncle, climbed an artificial small staircase up to the roof of Ark.

Russian Expedition

Ed Davis

Ed Davis in 1943, was a young Sergent in the Army Corps of Engineers in Hamadan. He befriended a group of Moslems, a family named Abas. He did some favors for this family and they felt vey indebted to him. So they decided to bring Davis to the sacred Ark on Mt. Ararat. Elfred Lee has interviewed Ed Davis for days, about 15 years after he had interviewed Hagopian. Ed Davis’ account was also reliable and the path to the Ark corresponded exactly to that described by Hagopian. Both arrived from the same direction passing through the same places, namely Abas-Abas village, Jacob's Well, etc.

Also Ed Davis was submitted to the lie detector test as well and resulted of his testimony were also accurate.

Davis mentioned Domsday Rock and Camel’s Back. Ahmet Arslan that probably knows Mt. Ararat better than any others known explorer…, says that Doomsday Peak is at the end of Camel’s Back trail, wich he claimed Hagopian used on one of his trip, on the western wall of the Ahora Gorge. Davis said also that climbed steeply several kms to see the broken pieces of the Ark in a Canyon after going around Doomsday Rock.

Ed Belhing

Ed Belhing in 1973
In 1973 Ed Behling a soldier 23 years old of the U.S. Navy, operated next the Turkey and Iranian border and he became friend of a Kurdish soldier named Mustafà. After five months of friendship, Mustafà talked to Behling about his uncle that knew where the Ark was. Mustafà rarely brought the same Kurdish to the Ark, and they respected him. According to Behling, the elderly ones of the village knew the place of the Ark but the young people did not go without their permission. In that long scaling, Behling suffered the cold and the pains afoot. He was exhauste and hoped that his friend's uncle returned back. Behling was tired, incredulous and perhaps depressed when his dear friend Mustafà pointed out to him a point with his hand. This gesture pushed him to a last effort. He looked down toward the canyon and only around twenty meters down, he saw a kind of enormous black structure. It was broken with a parallelepiped shape, not round as the keel of a ship, but square…

Ark's location

Kanji reflects the story of the Bible

A Chinese character for CREATE specifically pictures Adam. The words WALK and TALK are employed to designate CREATE. However, the word TALK breaks down further, being a combination of LIFE, DUST and MAN.

The Chinese character for GARDEN pictures an ENCLOSURE with two PEOPLE of DUST in whom is the BREATH of life. Notice that the second person in the image for GARDEN is rotated 90°, and is protruding from the side of the first person!

NOAH is comprised of the words SECOND and PROMISE. The first promise given in Scripture is recorded in Genesis 3:15, as God reveals that the seed of woman will conquer the seed of the serpent. The second promise appears in Genesis 5:29, in the naming of Noah, the son of Lamech. In this child, there was an expectation that the curse of the weeds would be taken away.

Ship EIGHT PEOPLE in a BOAT! That is clearly a reference to Noah, his three sons, his wife, and their wives (Genesis 7:13)!

Turkey's capital city derived from Anchor. (an anchor of a ship)

Ark Dimensions

Ark Dimensions

The ark in the Genesis book is measured in cubits. A linear measure roughly corresponding to the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. (De 3:11) Infact cubit derives from the Latin cubitu(m) namely elbow. The Bible points out two lengths of the cubit, a shorter one of 44.5 cm, and a longer one of 51.8 cm which hand-breadth longer than the shorter, and appears in the measures of the temple of the Ezekiel vision. (Ez 40:5) Perhaps a third measure the shortest was also used, measured by the elbow to the knuckles of the closed hand of around 38 cm (Jg 3:16) It seems from the eyewitnesses that with the ark the longer cubit has been used. Insofar the measures would correspond to the sketch below. It is esteemed that nowadays they are about 17,000 kinds of mammalian, amphibians, reptiles and birds, calculating that the middle measure of such animals is comparable to sheep, there would be not only space in the ark for two of every kind but a thousand of its kind.

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I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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