God's Organization on earth?

2013/09/04 0

WT society

X f W T in

The WTS always stresses obedience to the organizational direction.

November 15, 2013 Watchtower magazine page 20, par. 17

  1. The most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of "the Assyrian" is that of strengthening our faith in God and helping our brothers to do the same.
  2. When "the Assyrian" attacks, the elders must be absolutely convinced that Jehovah will deliver us.
  3. At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah's organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.
  4. Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith.”

The info. necessary for the salvation is already in the Bible and it is available to anybody through the Bible.

So the organizational direction seems to protect the organization itself and for the organizational convenience, not for the sheeple who belong to the organization.

Take some organizational directions into consideration.


To shun completely those who don't agree with the organization's interpretation of the Bible or God's given authority they claim.

If some JW was disfellowshiped because of his view about the scriptural truth or demanding a reformation from the organization, the organization doesn't want the one's view to make an adverse effect on sheeple's trust in the organization, so that the organization makes the authoritarian info. control by demanding sheeple not to make any contact with such a disfellowshiped person.

This direction is for the organization's convenience, is it not?
They don't want to weaken their imaginary authority over their sheeple.

They would make directions to prevent weakening their authority continuously, like not to read or watch news about JWs' scandal, nor to bring up such a topic in the congregation.

A direction to have sheeple to say that they are following the Bible, however actually they are following the organization, and it's interpretation of the Bible in virtually everything.

There are many organizational rules and distinctive teachings.

It is sheeple that are responsible for the consequence of obeying these, not the organization which promotes these, since the sheeple claim that they are following the Bible out of their own judgment, not being compelled by the organization.

But the fact of the matter is, if they don't obey the organizational direction, they will be disfellowshiped.
Funny, isn't it?

A direction by increasing light

The WTS has published their interpretations of prophecies and application of scriptures assigning God's given authority to their statements.

However many times they have been compelled to change their views due to the discrepancy between their theory and the reality.

In order to protect the organization's so called God's given authority from the embarrassment of ignorance or having no discreetness, they direct sheeple to think that it is because light becomes brighter and brighter.

They even claim that God directs his people by means of allowing some mistakes by His chosen organization.

This is to protect organization's authority as God's chosen channel, is it not?
They don't care how the sheeple's life are swayed by their altered views.

They always stress the danger of independent thinking, because they want you to totally depend on them for direction.

Is it sound?
Isn't it true that the Pharisees and the kings of the nation also do the same thing?

Mt 23:2, 6-7
2 “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses.
6 They like the most prominent place at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues, 7 and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called Rabbi by men.

Lu 22:25
25 But he said to them: “The kings of the nations lord it over them, and those having authority over them are called Benefactors.

The authorities tend to make people dependent on themselves.
This is a formula of rule.

God no longer uses earthly organizations.

YHWH God used to have an earthly nation not by his will, but by the faithless people's demand.

When the Israelites asked for a king for themselves, God warned them the negative effects of the earthly authority which is victimized by the inborn human imperfections.

As God foretold, the organized authority structure by imperfect human created needless sufferings for the people under their authority.

People became totally dependent on the authority, so that they couldn't judge what is righteous for themselves.

They became incapable to recognize God's Christ or confess their belief because of dependency on the religious leaders who rejected Jesus as the Messiah.

Joh 7:13
13 No one, of course, would speak about him publicly because of the fear of the Jews.

Joh 9:22
22 His parents said these things because they were in fear of the Jews, for the Jews had already come to an agreement that, if anyone confessed him as Christ, he should get expelled from the synagogue.

Joh 12:42
42 All the same, many even of the rulers actually put faith in him, but because of the Pharisees they would not confess [him], in order not to be expelled from the synagogue;

Joh 16:2
2 Men will expel YOU from the synagogue. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone that kills YOU will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God.

This is a negative effect of peer pressure from the authority.
So Jesus asked the indecisive people "Why do YOU not judge also for yourselves what is righteous?" (Lu 12:57)

The earthly authority structures, that is earthly kingdoms have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient in people's benefit.

For this reason, God ceased to use earthly organization any more.

It is impossible for imperfect human to guide themselves by means of organization, even they claim that they obey God's direction.

So God stopped directing his people through earthly organization in the first century.

Heb 8:9
9 . . . because they did not continue in my covenant, so that I stopped caring for them,’ says YHWH.”

Mt 23:38
38 . . . Look! YOUR house is abandoned to YOU.

Christian Congregation

Instead of using an earthly organization, God begins to guide Christian congregations.

The authority structure of the Christian congregations is different from that of earthly kingdoms.

In the Christian congregation, there is no visible representative of invisible Christ, nor a higher authority over all the local congregations, unlike the ancient nation of Israel and the WTS.

Mt 20:25-26
25 But Jesus, calling them to him, said: “YOU know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them and the great men wield authority over them. 26 This is not the way among YOU; but whoever wants to become great among YOU must be YOUR minister,

Mr 10:42-43
42 But Jesus, after calling them to him, said to them: “YOU know that those who appear to be ruling the nations lord it over them and their great ones wield authority over them. 43 This is not the way among YOU; but whoever wants to become great among YOU must be YOUR minister,

Lu 22:25-26
25 But he said to them: “The kings of the nations lord it over them, and those having authority over them are called Benefactors. 26 YOU, though, are not to be that way. But let him that is the greatest among YOU become as the youngest, and the one acting as chief as the one ministering.

Mt 23:6-11
6 They like the most prominent place at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues, 7 and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called Rabbi by men. 8 But YOU, do not YOU be called Rabbi, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all YOU are brothers. 9 Moreover, do not call anyone YOUR father on earth, for one is YOUR Father, the heavenly One. 10 Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for YOUR Leader is one, the Christ. 11 But the greatest one among YOU must be YOUR minister.

Notice what Jesus said. "all You are brothers."

The authority structure of Christian congregation is totally different from earthly human organization whether it is government, religious organization, business organization or any kind of human organization.

Joh 18:36
36 Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.”

For this reason we can't expect the same authority structure of this world from the Christian congregation.

What kind of authority structure can you see in the WTS?

I see it is the same one in the world.

Although Christ liberate his disciples from an earthly organization, which is the nation of Israel, the WTS adapted the way of the ancient nation of Israel to rule over believers.

They subtly bring in the legalism and the abolished arrangements of Mosaic Law covenant.
They arrange three conventions in a year according to the Mosaic Law.
They arrange pioneer service according to the Nazrite life.

They make many arrangements like yearly assemblies, weekly meetings, field service, circuit overseer's visit, Regional Building Committee, Hospital Liaison Committee schools, seminars, etc.

These arrangements are all made by the top-echelon of the organization, then being imposed on lower classes.

The way of making arrangements is not for the Christian brotherhood.

Any arrangement for Christian congregation has to be by mutual consent or agreement among brothers who involved.
An arrangement would be made by all concerned for peace and due order.
It is an arrangement for Christian brotherhood for upbuilding, not for class distinction nor for personnel evaluation.

However, the WTS tends to measure people by one's support of their organizational imposed arrangements.

1Co 14:26-33, 40
26 What is to be done, then, brothers? When YOU come together, one has a psalm, another has a teaching, another has a revelation, another has a tongue, another has an interpretation. Let all things take place for upbuilding. 27 And if someone speaks in a tongue, let it be limited to two or three at the most, and in turns; and let someone translate. 28 But if there be no translator, let him keep silent in the congregation and speak to himself and to God. 29 Further, let two or three prophets speak, and let the others discern the meaning. 30 But if there is a revelation to another one while sitting there, let the first one keep silent. 31 For YOU can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all be encouraged. 32 And [gifts of] the spirit of the prophets are to be controlled by the prophets. 33 For God is [a God], not of disorder, but of peace.
40 But let all things take place decently and by arrangement.

So the way of the WTS is the way of the world.
The WTS is a corporation in the world, so that they employ the same way and method of the corporations in the world to operate itself. There is no difference at all between the WTS and the corporations in general in this world. It can't be true Christian congregation.

It is unthinkable that all the wheat are gathered into one state like organization before the angles reap them into heaven.

Mt 13:28-30, 37-39
28 He said to them, ‘An enemy, a man, did this.’ They said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go out and collect them?’ 29 He said, ‘No; that by no chance, while collecting the weeds, YOU uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest;

37 In response he said: “The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man; 38 the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, 39 and the enemy that sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels.

There is no organization in the world that can rightly claim that we are the wheat organization. It is not human to gather the wheat, but angles to reap the wheat from the world, not from one organization.

Happy are those who are not fooled by the play of words by the WTS.

Re 18:4
4 And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues.

Get out of the WTS.

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I became a Christian being baptized in 1972. Since then, I was a Jehovah's Witnesses for about 40 years.

When I was an elder, I was removed from the eldership of the congregation because I took a position that differed from the policy of the Watchtower Society.

Many years of life as a Jehovah's Witnesses I have experienced a discord between the style of worship of the Watch Tower Society and the teachings of Christ. So, using the Internet I began investigating the Watchtower Society from its beginning.


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